A Vision for New Rochelle - Columbia University...1 A Vision for New Rochelle Plan for Revitalizing the City Park Neighborhood Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation - [PDF Document] (2024)

A Vision for New Rochelle - Columbia University...1 A Vision for New Rochelle Plan for Revitalizing the City Park Neighborhood Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation - [PDF Document] (1)


A Vision for New RochellePlan for Revitalizing the City Park Neighborhood

Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and PreservationColumbia University

May 2001

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1. Contents 22. Executive Summary 43. Introduction 64. Acknowledgements 85. Background Information and Existing Conditions 9

5.1Westchester Background5.1.1 History of Westchester 95.1.2 Business, Industry and Land Use 11

5.2 New Rochelle Background5.2.1 History of New Rochelle 145.2.2 Socioeconomic and Demographic Profilbe 165.2.3 New Rochelle: Business, Revenues, and Revenue Constraints 195.2.4 Economic Development 225.2.5 Land Use 245.2.6 Housing 255.2.7 Schools 26

5.3 City Park Background5.3.1 History of City Park 275.3.2 Neighborhood Character 315.3.3 Land Use and Zoning 335.3.4 Business and Industry 365.3.5 MacLeay Apartments 375.3.6 Environmental Assessment 38

5.4 IKEA 435.4.1 Big Box Retail 47

6. Findings and Recommendations6.1 Argument for Light Industry 48

6.1.1 Social Capital 496.1.2 State and Federal Aid 506.1.3 Locational Advantages 506.1.4 Demand for Industrial Space in Westchester 506.1.5 Industry Foci 526.1.6 Long Range Impact of Reinforcing Light Industry : 53

Input-Output Analysis of Development Impacts on Study Area6.2 Zoning and Infrastructure Recommendation 57

6.2.1 Infrastructure Improvements 576.2.2 Zoning and Design Recommendations 62

6.3 Local Development Corporation6.3.1 Mission, Goals and Function 65

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6.3.2 Details about Formation 656.3.3 Potential Funding Sources 676.3.4 Land Acquisition 686.3.5 Benefits of the Local Development Corporation 68

7. Related Issues7.1 Downtown 697.2 Waterfront 747.3 Public Schools 807.4 Housing 82

8. Spring 2001 Studio Participants 889. Appendix 1: Businesses Identified in Study Area 8910. Appendix 2: Businesses for which Employment Data were Obtained 9111. Sources 93

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The Fifth Avenue or City Park area of New Rochelle became the subject of national atten-tion earlier this year when community residents organized to stop the demolition of thismixed-use neighborhood and subsequent construction of a 308,000 square foot IKEAfurniture store. A local group, the New Rochelle Citizens’ Committee, enlisted the exper-tise of Columbia University to assess the proposed store’s impact and produce alternativedevelopment plans for the neighborhood if big-box was found not to be the best solution.Two weeks into the project, IKEA announced it would not build a store in New Rochelle.Although the company cited the prohibitive costs of necessary traffic infrastructure, it islikely that strong community opposition was also a consideration.

The Studio’s proposal for the future of City Park expanded the initial study area to encom-pass a larger area within both New Rochelle and Mamaroneck. This change incorporatedadjacent areas that lie within the natural boundaries of the neighborhood. A study ofexisting conditions included planning history, neighborhood character, demographics, landuse, building conditions, political conditions, housing issues, and an in-depth look at theindustrial and manufacturing base of the area. A participatory planning model was used tosurvey residents and businesses and engage their participation in the plans for theirneighborhood. Neighborhood meetings were held periodically to assess the progress of thestudio. Included in the dialogue were the residents of the MacLeay Apartments, a subsi-dized, three-building apartment complex on Fifth Avenue.

The proposal also contains an assessment of the tax structure of New Rochelle and itsimpact on planning and development. New Rochelle’s budget has been suffering from theeffects of a cap on property tax assessments imposed by the New York State legislature inexchange for an increase in the sales tax rate. The City then began to focus on generatingrevenue from new sales tax sources. The proposed IKEA store would have generated asubstantial new revenue stream for the city of New Rochelle. The costs to the City Parkneighborhood and the region, however, would have been significant, including a loss ofhundreds of high paying industrial jobs, and a decrease in the quality of life for surround-ing residential neighborhoods.

The Studio has concluded that the preservation and reinforcement of the neighborhood’sindustrial base is the most desirable goal for any development plan at City Park. Thestudio has analyzed the City Park area in the context of the trends in manufacturing andlight industrial activities in New York City, Westchester County and the State of New York,including spatial resource issues, wages and multiplier effects.

The proposal includes the exploration of many tools to encourage strong industrial growth,including the formation of a non-profit Local Development Corporation led by neighborhoodbusinesses and residents. Other tools include marketing, and the adoption of a coopera-tive planning and development approach with surrounding municipalities.

In addition to industrial enhancement, the proposal highlights several other areas forimprovement at City Park. Traffic mitigation and infrastructure changes are necessary forsafety and increased accessibility. Re-zoning will manage future growth and permit theexpansion of the industrial base. The proposed zoning will also allow for small retail estab-lishments along the Fifth Avenue streetfront, primarily for local use.

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Finally, the proposal seeks to encourage New Rochelle’s recent efforts to recreate a strongretail base in downtown New Rochelle by recommending design guidelines and new initia-tives, including the creation of a historic district. The proposal also includes a frameworkfor a possible redesign of Echo Bay, now the site of the city’s maintenance yard.

The Studio maintains a website with reports, studies, graphs, charts, analyses, mapsand related materials about the New Rochelle Project at:www.columbia.edu/itc/architecture/bass/newrochelle/index.html

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This report is the product of a one-semester studio class of twelve first-year graduatestudents pursuing Master of Science degrees in urban planning at Columbia University’sGraduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. The studio, which began inJanuary 2001 and was led by Richard Bass of Herrick, Feinstein LLP, set out to evaluate aproposal for building an IKEA furniture store in the City Park neighborhood of New Roch-elle in Westchester County, New York. Our goal at the outset was to either approve IKEA’splan, improve the plan, or propose an alternative. Three weeks into our studio, IKEA’swithdrawal of its proposal moved use straight to the latter option.

In formulating a vision to replace that of a 308,000 square foot furniture store, we inter-viewed neighborhood residents and business owners as well as city, county, and stateofficials; performed land use and business surveys of the area; examined social, economic,and demographic data at the city and county level; and analyzed the economic impacts ofretail and industrial land uses on the region’s economy.

In our analyses, we expanded our study area from IKEA’s proposed redevelopment area,which was roughly bounded by Fifth Avenue on the north, I-95 (the Thruway) on thesouth, Portman Avenue on the west, and the Mamaroneck town line on the east. Thebroader region we chose to study, encompassing the organic boundaries of the neighbor-hood, was defined by the northern boundary of City Park and the MacLeay Apartmentsproperty on the north, I-95 on the south, Potter Avenue on the west, and Madison Avenuein the Town of Mamaroneck on the east. At Madison Avenue, Fifth Avenue ends, and theCity Park area’s main through route bends to approach downtown Larchmont and theneighborhood’s only Thruway entrance (see map on opposite page

Our study area represents the neighborhood as it is defined organically by related usesand “edges” such as the Thruway. The area is zoned M-1 and consists primarily of lightindustrial uses, though residences coexist comfortably with industrial businesses. Justnorth of the industrial section of the study area are City Park and the MacLeay Apart-ments, a residential complex constructed as public housing in 1949. Although MacLeay isnow privately owned, many of its tenants receive government rent subsidies.

We found that the needs of the community and the region as a whole can best be met bythe reinforcement of light industrial activity in this area. Not only will this retain andcreate relatively high-paying jobs for residents of New Rochelle and the City Park neighbor-hood, but it will also help to meet a strong demand for light industrial space inWestchester County.

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Aerial Photograph of Expanded Study Area

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Andretta ConstructionRichard Bass, Adjunct Professor, MS Urban Planning Program, Columbia University and Senior Analyst, Herrick, Feinstein, LLP (Chief Guru)Larry Bortoluzzi, US Dept. of Housing and Urban DevelopmentNanette Bourne, Allee, King, Rosen and Fleming, Inc.Noam Bramson, City Council Member, District #5Ed Burroughs, Planning Department, Westchester CountyCity Park ResidentsElcan IndustriesAnderson Fils-Aime, member of New Rochelle Citizens CommitteeFradan IndustriesAdam Friedman, Executive Director, New York Industrial Retention NetworkMindy Fullilove, School of Public Health, Columbia UniversityDavid Gallagher, Long Island City Business Development CorporationJim Gdula, President of IKEA Urban General PartnersMayor Timothy Idoni, City of New RochelleGeorge Kruse, Forest City DalyMarble AmericaMacLeay Apartment ResidentsPhil Marwill, Burson-MarstellerRashmi Mehta, Department of Public Works, City of New RochelleMontesano BrothersMichael Monxhwedey, Management Information Systems, City of New RochelleNorth Star ElectricValerie O’Keeffe, Director of Planning for the Town of MarmaroneckOrtho-Rite ProductsAna Puszkin-Chevlin, Assistant Director, MS Urban Planning Program, Columbia University GSAP and New Rochelle ResidentHoward Rattner, City of New Rochelle, Director of FinanceRenzo Auto SpringsMike Ritchie, Commissioner of Development for the City of New RochelleElliott Sclar, Director, MS Urban Planning Program, Columbia University GSAP and Larchmont ResidentSouthern NY Bus SalesAssemblyman Ronald C. TocciVan Waters & RogersVernon DevicesTeri Waivada, the director of the Westchester County IDAWilco EnergyWoodraska RoofingWRAIN: John Verney, Diane Stawly, Adrian Arback, TJ Russo, Laura Brett, Tom & Colette McMahon, Josephine MacManon, Dominic & Virginia Gattaletto, Sean Comp, Dave Newmark, MaryBeth Jordan, Jerry Newmark, Susan Goldberger, Albert JonesJeff Zilkin, Platzner Realty

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New Rochelle’s location on Westchester’s LongIsland Sound shore places it within one of thestate’s wealthiest counties. According to 1995estimates from the United States CensusBureau, Westchester has New York’s fourth-highest median income, at $53,043. OnlyPutnam, Nassau, and Rockland, also New YorkCity suburbs, and all much smaller in size thanWestchester’s 443 square miles, has a greatermedian income.


As shown in the map at left, WestchesterCounty borders, on its south, the New YorkCity borough of the Bronx. According tohistorian Frank E. Sanchis, this location at NewYork City’s doorstep has “always put it in the

center of activityrelative to thebalance of thenation.” Indeed, Westchester’s development hashistorically been fueled by its proximity to what has been,since 1820, America’s largest city. Before the days ofrailroads or highways, Westchester had the trade routes ofthe Hudson River and Long Island Sound. In the 18thcentury, the primitive post roads to Albany and Bostonwere cut through Westchester’s rolling, wooded hills.

When New York City’s population boomed after the 1825completion of the Erie Canal, Westchester furnished many

of the city’s raw and finished goods. Iron foundries were located throughout the county,and Westchester’s numerous brickyards and marble quarries provided the materials for thethousands of row houses and monumental new institutional buildings spreading acrossManhattan. When Newgate Prison in Greenwich Village was no longer adequate, it wasreplaced in 1828 by Sing Sing, “up the river” in Westchester County. When a reliable andclean source of drinking water was needed, New Yorkers looked to Westchester, where theCroton Dam was completed in 1842. Today, as the map on page 10 shows, the county isstill a vital link in the New York City water supply system, even as development pressureshave threatened water purity.

In the 1840s, the railroads came. In 1844, the New York and Harlem Railroad reachedWhite Plains; the New York and Hudson River line was completed to Peekskill in 1849.

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That year, the New York and New Havenopened its line through eastern Westchester.Soon thereafter, population began to shiftfrom the northern half of Westchester to thesouth, clustering around railroad stations. Allthree railroads, which now originate fromManhattan’s Grand Central Terminal, areoperated by the Metropolitan TransportationAuthority, and are heavily used bycommuters. The map below shows today’sroutes in Westchester.

The railroads’ effectiveness at stimulatingdevelopment was seen in the establishment ofMount Vernon, which is located between NewRochelle and Yonkers and, like the other two,borders the Bronx on its south. Unlike

Yonkers or New Rochelle, which date back as communities to the 17th century, MountVernon, according to Sanchis, “was a new idea – a community of people who wereeconomically dependent on [New York City], and who would be traveling back and forthevery day – a commuter suburb.” Together, in 1851, a group of skilled tradesmen affiliatedwith “Mechanics Mutual Protection No. 11” in New York City purchased five farms totaling369 acres, and subdivided them according to a grid plan. The leader of the group, JohnStevens, saw the endeavor as a means of improvingthe condition of New York’s working class by freeing itfrom rent payments and enabling it to enter the classof property owners. Mount Vernon was incorporatedas a village in 1852, and rapidly grew to become a city40 years later.

Between 1865 and 1920, Westchester’s populationboomed, multiplying from about 100,000 to almost350,000. During the 1920s, the county beganchanneling its growth along the routes of its newautomobile parkways, which comprised, by the 1930s,the finest highway system in America. Following the1925 completion of the Bronx River Parkway – theworld’s first limited-access public motor-route –Westchester built a highway system that was secondto none in design and engineering, much of it fundedby projected increases in real estate valuations.Development, largely consisting of single-family homesalong the parkways’ edges, boomed. The Saw Mill,Hutchinson River and Cross County Parkways, along with the Taconic Parkway (originallycalled the Bronx Parkway Extension), were begun during a period of intense parkwaybuilding before World War II, and although no longer aesthetically outstanding, theycontinue to funnel automobile drivers in and out of New York City.

Linked by the new highways was an equally impressive system of golf courses and lush

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county parks. Among these was New Rochelle’sGlen Island, taken over in 1925 by WestchesterCounty, and famous in the 1930s for the appearanceof prominent big bands at its Casino; and Playland, amodel amusem*nt park completed by WestchesterCounty in 1927. Playland, now on the NationalRegister of Historic Places, is still operated bycounty government. Amenities such as theseearned Westchester a reputation as the nation’smost desirable suburb.

Westchester’s prosperity was underscored by thedecision of many New York department stores toopen branches in the county beginning in the1930s. B. Altman opened its White Plains store in1934; Arnold Constable followed, in New Rochelle, in1937. Lord & Taylor completed its Eastchester storein 1949, the same year that Macy’s opened in White

Plains. In 1953, General Foods started what came to be known in the 1980s as the “EdgeCity” trend when it became the first of many corporations to leave behind its Manhattanheadquarters for a new suburban campus, in White Plains, seen at right. The section ofWestchester Avenue near White Plains, a major headquarters location, has since becomeknown as the “Platinum Mile.” This desirability as a headquarters location was fueled byfour major interstate highways constructed after World War II: I-87, the New YorkThruway’s main route; I-287, the main east-west expressway, which bypasses WhitePlains; I-95, the New England Thruway, whichparallels the New Haven train line; and I-684, anorth-south route along the eastern edge ofthe county.

Westchester has enjoyed the benefits of havingan affluent, largely white-collar population.School drop-out rates in the county are a scant1.5%, and 80% to 90% of students continuetheir educations past high school. Althoughpopulation grew slowly from 1980 to 2000, from866,599 to 871,894, the county is becomingmore diverse. Between 1980 and 1990, theAfrican-American population grew by 15%, andthe Asian population, by 113%. The county’saffluence has not inured it from suffering itsshare of urban problems. After World War IIand the decline of mass transit systems, the downtowns of Yonkers, Mount Vernon, NewRochelle, Peekskill, and White Plains declined substantially, following the national urbantrend.

5.1.2 WESTCHESTER COUNTY: BUSINESS, INDUSTRY, AND LAND USENew York State helped usher in America’s industrial age and was home to over one millionmanufacturing jobs by 1906. However, recent decades have not been so kind to New

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York’s manufacturing sector. In the 1960s and 70s, factory employment decreased asproduction moved overseas. Despite a brief recovery in the late 1970s, the trendcontinued downward. Between 1989 and 1994, New York State lost an average of 42,820manufacturing jobs annually. This 4% loss each year was particularly dismaying, as thenational average was only 1%.

The situation began to turn around in 1994, when job joss slowed to 16,000 jobs (1.7% oftotal manufacturing jobs) per year. Forward momentum was gained in 1995 and 1996 asthe state government cut taxes and loosened regulations on manufacturing. Net changewas zero in 1997 and 1998, and projections suggest that they employment will climb in thefuture. This is indicated in part by a 33% increase in capital expenditures in 1995-1996compared with the previous two years’.

New York State has traditionally been a strong exporter of industrial goods. While overallindustrial employment declined by 100,000 between 1992 and 1996, export-relatedmanufacturing jobs rose by 14,500 (primarily in the production of electrical and electronicequipment, industrial equipment, and the computer, fabricated metal, and chemicalsectors). However, this growth was still slower than the national average.

One illusion that has hampered New York State’s recovery in manufacturing is itsperceived high labor costs. This is in part due to the high wages that must be provided tothe non-production managerial classes, who make up 42% of manufacturing jobs in NewYork State (compared to 35% nationally). This is due to the high concentration ofcorporate headquarters in the state, especially New York City. When wages are brokendown, however, the actual manufacturing payroll per employee is only 9% higher than thenational average.

New York State’s largest manufacturing sub-sectors are:· Printing and publishing· Instruments and related products· Food and kindred products· Industrial machinery· Electronic and other equipment· Chemicals and allied products· Transportation equipment

Sectors that added new jobs in 1995 and 1996 are: fabricated metal products; stone, clay,and glass products; furniture and fixtures; industrial machinery and equipment; electronicand other equipment; and transportation equipment. Industrial sites representing all ofthese sectors (except printing and publishing) can be found in the Study Area.

Westchester County has an industrial profile that varies in significant ways from that ofthe state as a whole. Of Westchester County residents, only 10.6% of the workforce heldmanufacturing jobs in 1998. This number is only slightly below the state average of11.6%, but notably lower than the national average, 15.4%. Westchester and RocklandCounties recently came out of the slump in manufacturing jobs, erasing job loss rates of3.1% with level growth in 1997 and 1998.

In 1999, Westchester had 976 manufacturing establishments employing 36,150 people.The major categories of manufacturing in the state are as follows:

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Category No. of EstablishmentsFood and Kindred Products 70Fabricated Metal Products 65Lumber and Wood Products 36Transportation Equipment 22Stone, Clay and Glass Products 18Furniture and Fixtures 17(Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor)

There were major employment losses in Westchester County during the recession of theearly 1990s due to corporate downsizing and relocations, from 460,000 in 1989 to 415,000in 1993. The employment level was slow to recover, but by 1999 it reached the 1988 levelof 432,000 jobs. However, the county has experienced a shift in the type of employmentavailable, with significant growth in the service sector, information technology, the healthsector, and professional and business services. Forecasts for occupational growth includea 36% increase in computer- and mathematical-based positions and a 20% increase inengineering and health services jobs. In recent years, manufacturing has seen the largestdecline in employment share, falling from 16% in 1988 to 9.8% in 1998. Service sectoremployment is projected to be responsible for nearly all of the growth in employment overthe 1998 to 2003 period.

In the near future, no growth is expected in administrative support or manufacturingoccupations. Although manufacturing jobs declined nearly 5.5% between 1997 and 1999,the county has seen dramatic increases in industrial sectors outside of manufacturing.The construction industry as a whole posted growth of 7.92% in 1997 and 12.93% in1998. Special trade contractors such as electricians, masons, and plumbers, enjoyed year-on-year job increases of 8.13% in 1998 and 11.11% in 1999. Jobs in agriculture, forestryand fishing, which include landscaping, climbed 1.34% from 1997 to 1998 and 3.87% into1999. The number of jobs in retail trade increased by only 0.70% in 1997 and 0.95% in1998.

Overall, the employment growth forecast for Westchester between 1998 and 2004 is1.38%, which is a faster growth rate than New York City and the State of New York. Theunemployment rate for the county in 1998 was 3.2% (NYC had a 5.6% rate) and theforecasted rate for 2004 is 3.5%.

Westchester County has 39 million square feet of industrial space, or 3.3 percent of theregion’s entire inventory. Many of the newer industrial space is re located along Interstate287 between Port Chester and Tarrytown.

Patterns for WestchesterThe Westchester County Planning Board published Patterns for Westchester: The Land andIts People in 1996. The document identified land uses and transportation corridors in thecounty and offered broad policy recommendations to municipal governments to plan forcontinued development. New Rochelle was identified as one of four major urban centers inthe county, the redevelopment of established urban centers was viewed as critical, and I-95 is identified as a major corridor with capacity for economic development.

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According to the report, the three elements of land use review used by the CountyPlanning Board are density of development, relationship to surrounding development, andvisual impact. Patterns implores city governments to recognize these three elements whenwriting zoning regulations. The Board also expects (but is not required) to review majordevelopment proposals—over 50,000 square feet of commercial floor area or 25 housingunits of residential development, taking into consideration the regional implications ofproposed development in terms of the three land use elements.

Important land use conditions in the county, according to Patterns, include:· The highest concentrations of density are in the older urban centers—Yonkers, Mt.

Vernon, New Rochelle, White Plains, Port Chester, and Peekskill.· White Plains has a central location and excellent transportation facilities.· Outside these urban centers, several other intermediate and local centers and

corridors have the infrastructure capacity for additional development.· Many corridors have long-range critical problems, although adjacent land does have

the potential for sensitive development.· Because of the New York City Watershed, development in northern Westchester is

limited.· Much of the open space in the county is due to extensive privately-owned lands.

Among the report’s recommendations were:· An FAR range for Urban Renewal Areas of 0.2 - 0.8, equating to 130,000 to 520,000

square feet on a 14.9 acre site.· Residential density of six to 26 dwelling units per acre.· Development strategies focusing on redevelopment of obsolete and underutilized

areas. Growth centers include non-city centers and corridors with infill possibility.

Patterns also noted the regional difficulties created by scarce land in Southern and CentralWestchester: “Land use decisions that benefit one community’s economy . . . mayadversely affect . . . neighboring municipalities.”


The City of New Rochelle, one of New York State’s oldest communities, is located inWestchester County, New York, on Long Island Sound. With its southern border less thanone mile from the borough of the Bronx, and with Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminalonly a 35-minute train ride away, New Rochelle has been a commuter haven for more thana century. Unlike other well-known New York bedroom communities such as Scarsdale,Pelham, and Larchmont, all of which border New Rochelle, the city is economically andethnically diverse and decidedly urban, enjoying many historic and cultural resources, butalso facing challenges common to many older Northeastern cities.


New Rochelle’s history begins with Thomas Pell’s purchase of the Pelham Manor tract, ofwhich the city would become part, from the Siwanoy Indians in 1654. Thirty-four yearslater, thousands of Huguenots – French Protestants who left France following Louis XIV’srevocation of the Edict of Nantes, which had protected them from religiouspersecution – began settling the area. Their new home was named after La Rochelle,

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the port from which they had departed France. Through the 18th century, NewRochelle, with a 1790 population of 692 residents, remained a modest village. Itretained an abundance of agricultural land, 300 acres of which was awarded in 1784to the patriot Thomas Paine by New York State for his service to the cause ofindependence.

In the first years of the 19th century, New Rochelle’s industrialization andurbanization began in earnest. A four-story flourmill, said to be the country’s largestat the time, was constructed in 1801; the next year, a tollhouse was built on theWestchester Turnpike (now Main Street), and the thoroughfare became the village’scommercial heart, home to a concentration of taverns, stores, and homes. NewRochelle’s urbanization accelerated following the 1848 completion of the New Yorkand New Haven Railroad, which, today known as Metro-North’s New Haven line, stillconnects New Rochelle with both cities and is a vital commuter link. By 1857, thepopulation of the Town of New Rochelle approached 3,000.

The growth and increasing complexityof New Rochelle in the late 19th

century expressed itself in theestablishment of a number ofimportant institutions. The city’s firstsignificant newspaper, the Pioneer,began publication in 1860; the nextyear its first volunteer fire companywas formed. New Rochelle’s easyaccessibility to New York City bysteamboat led to the 1879 creation ofthe Glen Island fun park, whichfeatured a zoo, natural historymuseum, bathing beach, Chinesepagoda, and German beer garden. Thecity board of health was created in1881 in response to a smallpoxepidemic, and horse car lines wereestablished in 1886, improvingtransportation within the city. TheNew Rochelle Public Library wasestablished in 1892.

The 1890s saw intense development. During the decade, New Rochelle’s populationincreased from 9,057 residents to 14,720. Perhaps more significantly, during thefirst decade of the 20th century, New Rochelle blossomed as a suburb. In 1902,Beechmont Lake was developed as the focal point of an attractive residential area;four years later, New Rochelle’s advantages as a commuter haven were advertised tothousands through “Forty-five Minutes from Broadway,” a George M. Cohan show inwhich it was featured. The city, which retained its reputation as an up-and-comingsuburb for decades, is still remembered by many across the country as the sitcomhome of the star of the “Dick Van Dyke Show” and his TV wife, played by Mary TylerMoore, from 1961 to 1966. Today, New Rochelle remains the home of well-knownartists and performers including Andrea McArdle, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, andRobert Merrill.

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The 1920s were, as much as any time, New Rochelle’s glory years, with intense growthencouraging a sky’s-the-limit attitude among its boosters and city fathers. In 1929, justbefore the notorious stock market crash, the Planning Board wrote in its City Plan andTwenty-Year Program of Public Improvements for New Rochelle, “We are strongly impressedwith the fact that New Rochelle is at a critical point in its history. It clearly appears to beon the eve of a new and great development. It is nearer to New York City than any othercommunity in which there is still available a large area suitable for the development ofresidential districts of a high type.” New Rochelle had problems, but they were the kindthat were nice to have: with a vibrant downtown full of entertainment and shoppingopportunities, planners had to wrestle with a severe parking shortage; with “the market forapartment houses … increasing,” the planning board had to struggle with the question,“should apartment houses be encouraged or discouraged in a suburban city?” (Theyconcluded, “the apartment house and the dwelling both have a place.”)

New Rochelle expected the good times to continue to roll. Its planners, projecting growthto 75,000 by 1940 and 90,000 by 1950, pointed to the city’s “good shops and stores …good harbor, and … good railway freight facilities,” figuring that “if anything, theprognostication for … growth is most conservative. A population of 100,000 by 1950 is notat all impossible.” In 1930, New Rochelle had 54,000 residents, who, in the early years ofthe 1930s, had the highest per capita income of any city residents in New York State.

New Rochelle never reached the magical 100,000 figure. In the 1980s, in the midst ofhealthy suburban growth county- and nation-wide, New Rochelle’s population fell to67,265, from 70,794 in 1980.

5.2.2 NEW ROCHELLE: SOCIOECONOMICS AND DEMOGRAPHICSIn 1990, New Rochelle was a heterogeneous place, with nonwhites making up 23.9% of thepopulation, up from 21.3% in 1980. This diversity is nothing new. In 1693, New Rochellehad 44 families, including three Dutch, one German, and one English, and 19 Haitians,presumably slaves. In 1790, New Rochelle’s 692 residents included 100 African-Americanslaves and 36 freemen. The Colored Peoples Methodist Episcopal Zion Church wasfounded in 1814; in 1820, six slaves remained among New Rochelle’s African-Americanpopulation of 150.

By 1865, 30% of the town’s population was foreign-born. Of New Rochelle’s 3,968residents, 800 were Irish and 200 were German. In 1873, several New Rochelle familiesobserved Yom Kippur, and in 1896, the town’s first synagogue, Anshe Sholom, waschartered. Today, New Rochelle has approximately 700 Orthodox Jewish families.According to a 1999 newspaper account, “New Rochelle’s Orthodox population isflourishing, having doubled in just two decades as Orthodox professionals snap up theclassic Tudor-style houses in the city’s north end. Two of the four synagogues have builtor are planning new sanctuaries, and the two restaurants share North Avenue with akosher bakery, a kosher pizza shop, and a kosher grocery.”

Indeed, diversity remains one of New Rochelle’s hallmarks. One 17-year resident, PeterAckerman, commented in a recent newspaper article that the city’s heterogeneity made it agood place to raise children. “When you’re forced into an environment where you really

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have to interact with kids from different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds,” hesaid, “you’re forced to realize that the world is a more complex place than your ownpersonal, rather insular, environment. We believe there are no losses here in NewRochelle as the result of this diverse population. It’s part of its strength.” Accordingto the New Rochelle School Superintendent, “almost half the student body isminority, representing 57 nations. We have students on welfare assistance, oneswho are recent immigrants, and wealthy students. We not only savor theirdifferences, we cherish and nurture them.”

New Rochelle’s population of Mexican-Americans has grown by leaps and bounds since thecity’s first Mexican immigrant arrived in 1954. Although less than 4% of the city’spopulation was of Mexican origin in 1990, many believe it is now closer to 15%. Today,New Rochelle’s downtown is as described in a 2000 newspaper article, “dotted withMexican restaurants and shops.”

There are also many immigrants from Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Colombia,Ecuador, and other Central and South American countries. They have become the chiefparishioners of St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church located at Division and WashingtonStreets, an elaborate blue granite building featuring Tiffany windows that was built by, asone account put it, former congregations of “socialite millionaires.” Today’s parishioners,according to the article, are people who “live in the old houses in the surroundingneighborhood, people who work long hours as busboys, gardeners, and cleaning womenand still have a hard time making ends meet, people who speak little or no English.” NewRochelle also has a sizeable Taiwanese community.

Although New Rochelle has been heterogeneous throughout almost its entire history,diversity has sometimes invited controversy and conflict. In 1961, the city’s LincolnElementary School was the focus of a landmark school desegregation battle. At the time,Lincoln was 94% black. Parents of eleven children sued the city because they wereprevented from registering their children in city schools outside their district. Attorneysfor New Rochelle argued that the city was merely promoting a “neighborhood school” policy,but the federal judge hearing the case concluded that Lincoln had been established “as anall-Negro school by the gerrymandering of district lines and by the transfer of whitechildren residing in the district to schools outside the district.” Although for two years,the school board resisted the judge’s order to desegregate, a new board in 1963 tore downthe Lincoln school and complied, integrating the system through busing. Recalling thebattle in 1987, one longtime resident said the case “gave us a bad name at the time, but itwas one of the best things to happen to the city. We don’t have segregated schools, wehave integrated neighborhoods and the climate is quite good.”

Still, that has not prevented violence from erupting in New Rochelle. Following theannouncement of the Rodney King verdict in 1992, “dozens of black teenagers and adultsroamed the downtown streets, smashing windows and looting.” One rioter said, “It wasworth it. We were just tired of being pushed around. It made me feel good to get all of myfrustration out.” The city manager at the time, Matthew Iarocci, described New Rochelle asa “League of Nations,” adding, “People do get along quite well. It gives you a moresophisticated and more tolerant perspective when you grow up with other people.”

New Rochelle and Its Neighbors

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The median household income in New Rochelle in 1990 was $43,482, below the$48,405 for Westchester County as a whole. Although New Rochelle is a relativelywealthy community, it does not come close to the incomes of its neighboring townsand villages. The neighboring Town of Mamaroneck (which includes the Villages ofLarchmont and Mamaroneck) had a median household income of $77,926, almostdouble that of New Rochelle. Pelham and Mamaroneck are also more hom*ogenousthan New Rochelle, with whites accounting for over 90% of residents. Theneighboring city of Mount Vernon, in contrast, has a majority (55.3%) blackpopulation.

As Jennifer Campion points out, the considerably different socioeconomic profiles ofPelham and Mamaroneck makes them unlikely to approve of any large development thatmight increase their traffic burden, or harm them in other ways. Her assessment helpsexplain the aggressiveness with which Mamaroneck residents attacked the IKEA proposal,including the passage of a town law to “require developers to obtain Mamaroneck’sapproval for projects just outside its borders in nearby towns.” As Campion explains,

“New Rochelle is surrounded by smaller, more affluent waterfrontcommunities. These consist of Pelham Manor to the south, and Larchmont,Mamaroneck, and Rye to the north.

“The population of each of the surrounding communities is less than one-quarter of the population of New Rochelle and the mean household income ismore than double. These municipalities are not faced with the samesocioeconomic pressures that New Rochelle is experiencing. Therefore, theyhave very different concerns regarding development. They are not concernedwith promoting growth, but protecting environment and quality of life in theircommunities. They view development as a threat to this, particularly large-scale development in a neighboring community which will have an impactwithout providing benefits to these communities.”

Underscoring her point are these data from the 1990 United States Census:

POPULATION MEAN INCOME ($)WESTCHESTER CO 874,866 69,264RYE 14,936 128,425LARCHMONT 6,181 117,048MAMARONECK 11,231 115,022NEW ROCHELLE 67,265 62,341

Income levels in the proposed redevelopment area of City Park are substantially lower thancitywide and countywide income levels. In 1990, the average per capita income in theRedevelopment Area ranged between $11,970 and $12,742, as compared to $23,745 inNew Rochelle and $25,584 in Westchester County.

Demographic Data for New Rochelle (from the 2000 U.S. Census)PERSONS 72,182

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RACE COUNTSWhite 49,001Black 13,848American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 141Asian or Pacific Islander 2,334Other race 4,535Two or more races 2,288

RACE PERCENTSWhite 69.3%Black 18.6%Asian 3.2%Hispanic 10.8%Other 5.9%


Revenue and AidThe bulk of New Rochelle’s revenue comes from sales and property taxes. In the 2001proposed budget, revenue sources are broken down as follows:

Property Tax Levy $ 30,383,762 40%Sales Tax 21,600,000 28%Federal and State Aid 7,092,045 9%Other 11,818,l916 15%Appropriated FundBalance

6,181,577 8%

TOTAL 77,076,300 100%source: Adopted Budget and Work Program 2001, City of New Rochelle

The third major source of revenue is state aid, which many New Rochelle residents andcity officials feel they do not receive their fair share of. There are four types of aiddistributed to municipalities by New York State:

· Per capita aid consists of state income tax revenues distributed by New York Stateto municipalities based on population; New Rochelle receives $4.3 million of thistype of aid.

· Supplemental municipal aid is distributed without a formula. Once called“distressed city aid,” supplemental aid is given to municipalities by discretionaccording perceived need and lobbying on the part of officials.

· Categorical aid is given to municipalities for specific projects (for example, NewRochelle’s Intermodal Center and the new soccer field in City Park)

· Recurring operational aid is allotted for continuing programs (for example, fundingday camps for kids or programs for the elderly); New Rochelle receives about $1million per year of this aid.

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It is in the category of supplemental aid where New Rochelle falls the furthest behindcompared to other New York municipalities. The following table illustrates levels ofsupplemental municipal aid to the eight largest cities in the state, excluding NewYork City:

Supplemental Aid for the 8 largest cities in New York (excluding NYC)

Rank/City Total Per Capita Aid1. Buffalo $48.6m $1482. Rochester $21m $923. Yonkers $47m $2504. Syracuse $25m $1505. Albany $600,000 $6 *6. Utica $4.7m $697. New Rochelle $465,000 $78. Mount Vernon $720,000 $11

* Note: Albany receives significant amounts of specialaid as the state capital, so this number does not reflect areal deficiency in funding for Albany.

Elsewhere in Westchester, Mount Kisco receives $22 per capita in supplemental aid.Newburgh, in Orange County, receives $57 per capita.

However, if one considers total amounts of state aid given to cities (this includes per capitaand categorical in addition to supplemental), New Rochelle does not fall as far behindcompared to other, similar cities in Westchester County. In 2000, New Rochelle received atotal of $8,631,263 in state aid, or $564.62 per capita. White Plains received $494.60 percapita and Mount Vernon, which has a significantly lower median income than NewRochelle, received $834.61. (In 1990 Mount Vernon had a median income of $34,850compared to $43,482 for New Rochelle.) It should be noted that compared to many nearbymunicipalities in Westchester, such as Larchmont and Pelham, New Rochelle facesfinancial burdens due to the economic diversity of its population and the accompanyingneed for social services. New Rochelle’s status as a diverse city rather than asocioeconomically hom*ogenous suburb justifies an elevated level of state funding.

Revenue ConstraintsNew Rochelle’s ability to generate additional revenues from taxes is hampered by aproperty tax cap. In 1993, the New York State Assembly imposed a cap prohibiting NewRochelle from increasing property taxes at a rate greater than the increase in cost of living.This condition was imposed in exchange for a one percent increase in the city’s sales taxfrom 7.25% to 8.25%. While the city expected that the sales tax increase would generatean additional $15 million per year, it has in reality created only an additional $7 million ayear since 1993.

Though the increase in sales tax generates substantial revenues from large stores, suchas Costco and Home Depot that draw people from neighboring municipalities or even

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adjacent counties, it is a burden to local businesses. Both businesses andhomeowners alike incur increased energy costs in the form of sales tax on theirelectric and gas bills, and shoppers are discouraged from patronizing local businesseswhen the sales tax rates of neighboring municipalities are more competitive.

According to a report by the Westchester County Department of Planning, Westchesterranks fourth among New York State counties in overall sales volume and number of stores.New Rochelle contributes a relatively small portion of Westchester’s retail sales, whichreached $7.5 billion in 1992. In that year, New Rochelle’s retail sales of $416 million madeup only 5.5% of the county’s total.

DowntownFrom the early 1900s to the 1970s, New Rochelle’s downtown was vibrant and prosperous,clearly the figurative center of the city, if not its literal one. The engine of Downtown’swealth was largely its strong retail environment, which earned New Rochelle a reputationas one of the New York suburbs’ most important shopping and entertainment destinations.

“This was the downtown of Westchester,” according to Marc Jerome, chairman of NewRochelle’s Business Improvement District, which was approved in 1999. “If you talked toanyone in the ’50s, New Rochelle was the place people went to. People have been piningfor the old days.”

Although Downtown during the 1950s and 1960s was a magnet for desirable stores suchas a branch of New York retailer Arnold Constable, it was being passed by by the 1970s.As one longtime resident recalled of Bloomingdale’s, which opened downtown even beforethe 1950s boom in suburban department store building, “Bloomingdale’s took over the veryold Ware’s department store on Main Street. The store was instantly a big draw and themagnet that drew people to New Rochelle. Main Street blossomed. Stores and restaurantsthrived. It was a terrific time for the city, but in 1975 Bloomingdale’s built a large, verymodern store in White Plains, and in 1976, the New Rochelle store was closed, and MainStreet slipped into a decline.” The old Bloomingdale’s on Main Street has lain vacant forthe past 25 years, and it appears to have brought down neighboring stores. Today, theBloomingdale’s block is one of the few stretches of Main Street marred by a continuousrow of vacant, dilapidated storefronts.

By 1991, the downtown retail environment had badly eroded, according to Mitchell B.Kessler, who wrote a study of the New Rochelle Mall in that year. The downtown mall,anchored by a Macy’s branch, opened in 1968 as the “centerpiece of the Cedar StreetUrban Renewal Plan,” with nearly 600,000 square feet of retail, a supermarket, and duplexcinemas. By 1991, Kessler would report, “there ha[d] been little improvement to the citysince the New Rochelle Mall opened.” He added that “the city’s tax base [was] barelytreading water,” despite the $824,340 generated by the mall for New Rochelle annually.Although there were 500,000 people living within a five-mile radius of Downtown, Kesslerargued that New Rochelle’s comparative disadvantages made it “impossible” to competewith White Plains, and that “New Rochelle’s reputation as a merchant town in the mid-60sto early ’70s, according to residents … dwindled due to fear of crime, the closing down ofmajor department stores, consistently below-average merchant mix, and stiff competitionfrom the Galleria and White Plains Mall.” After languishing for several years, Macy’s closedin 1992, taking the entire mall with it shortly thereafter.

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Another analysis of New Rochelle, written in 1995 by Jennifer M. Campion, called thecity a “victim of economic decay.” That year, 400,000 square feet of downtown retailspace sat vacant. Campion related New Rochelle’s 30% loss in tax ratables between1985 and 1995: in 1988, the city’s taxable assessment roll was at $400 million, but by1994, it had declined to less than $340 million. (New Rochelle’s adopted 2000 budgetwas $75.1 million.) School taxes doubled during this period to make up the revenueloss. In addition, declining federal and state aid, and an aging and less wealthypopulation, added to the city’s troubles.


Since the mid-’90s, city government has taken an active role in attracting retailers to thecity. This is consistent with New Rochelle’s economic development strategy, which, as laidout in the City’s 1996 Comprehensive Plan, has three main objectives:

· Stimulate the expansion of job opportunities and strengthen the tax base.· Encourage government participation and public-private partnerships in developing

new business, commercial, and light industrial opportunities.· Preserve and develop existing commercial and light industrial areas in the city.

The Comprehensive Plan calls for revitalizing Downtown as a safe, attractive, andeconomically productive shopping and working center that will draw from a larger marketarea in addition to serving local residents. Mixed-use developments with commercial,residential, cultural, entertainment, and recreational functions are encouraged by the plan.Improving the downtown retail climate would add substantially to New Rochelle’s sales taxrevenue. With the city, as described above, currently operating under a property tax ratecap, it sees increasing sales taxes through retail development as a key revenue generator.

City officials considered the attraction of a Home Depot store, which opened in 1996, as amajor success. Three years after the store opened at the western approach to Downtownfrom the New England Thruway, the New York Times reported with tempered enthusiasmthat “the city’s rebirth began in 1996 when Costco Wholesale” – which had relocated fromanother location within the city – “and Home Depot opened stores on the city’s South Side,although downtown did not benefit that much.”

New Rochelle’s downtown development efforts are currently centered on three majorprojects: New Roc City, Avalon on the Sound, and an Intermodal Center at the Metro Northtrain station. Together these represent an investment of over $265 million in the city.

New Roc CityBy far the most important project in New Rochelle in recent years has been New Roc City,an entertainment complex with a handful of sports-related stores and businesses thatopened in fall of 1999 on the former site of the New Rochelle Mall. The 500,000 square-foot development cost $190 million. Its amenities include an Imax theater with 18conventional screens, an extensive video arcade, ice skating, three restaurants, asupermarket, a Marriott Residence Inn, and a bowling center. Its roof holds “Space Shot,”a 235-foot free-fall ride. New Rochelle subsidized the project by building its $24 milliongarage, which was financed by an IDA bond. The developer, Louis Cappelli, calls theconcept “recession proof.”

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Thus far, the mixed-use development has had mixed results. The hotel is often filled,and 95% of the mall’s retail space is taken. Cappelli has decided to add, instead ofoffice space originally planned on the site, 100 luxury apartments that he has saidwill create “street presence.” Half of the apartments, which will rent for $2,500 permonth for a one-bedroom, were rented by the turn of 2001.

As of December 2000, however, New Roc’s visitor totals were lagging far behind initialprojections. Only 3.1 million people – 56% of the number expected – went to New Roc inits first year. “Meanwhile, at City Hall,” the Times reported, “elected officials havecompared the tax dollars generated with the costs of patrolling and otherwise maintainingmunicipal services, including a police substation, at the facility – not to mention their $24million investment in the center’s parking garage.” According to Mayor Timothy C. Idoni,the city’s costs to maintain New Roc’s new infrastructure exceeded income by $400 million.Four months earlier, the Times reported that “several downtown business owners said NewRoc had yet to bring them more customers.” Unfortunately, New Roc’s flawed design failsto complement existing stores: three of its four walls – including the façade facing MainStreet – are blank walls, providing no entrances to the mall. Those leaving the mall’s onlystreet entrance, on LeCount Place, face an unenticing group of meager businesses andsmall offices, including a branch bank, funeral home, and Planned Parenthood office. Ofcourse, with any untested concept like New Roc, there is always the question of whethermanagement can keep the idea fresh enough to attract a continuous flow of repeatcustomers, especially with first-year customer numbers 44% below expectations.

R.E.I., an upscale retailer of outdoor gear that has had a store on Main Street for elevenyears, announced in 2000 that it would close the location in June of 2001.

Avalon-on-the-SoundAvalon-on-the-Sound, a $100 million development on Huguenot Street in Downtown NewRochelle, will consist of 1,000 residential units, bringing market-rate apartments to NewRochelle’s downtown for the first time in more than 50 years. The first phase ofconstruction, which is expected to be completed in 2001, will create 412 apartments.Construction will begin on a second phase, located across Huguenot Street from the first,once Phase One is fully rented, bringing the total number of apartments to about 1,000.Rents range from $1,285 for a 449-square-foot studio to $3,505 for a 1,344-square-footthree bedroom apartment. Located within walking distance of the Metro North trainstation, the building will cater to commuters.

Avalon Bay Communities, the apartments’ developer, received substantial incentives fromthe city. “‘We’ve worked out a 30-year payment plan with the city for the land and taxes onthe property,” Fred Harris, Avalon’s vice president for development said in 1999. ‘Thepayments are based on our net income, and it’s no secret that it works out to be a lot lessthan if we were paying up front and were taxed at the full rate.” New Rochelle officialsbelieve the incentives are worth it, as Avalon will “attract young professionals who havebeen priced out of the New York City housing market,” spurring downtown development.

Intermodal Transportation CenterThe Intermodal Center is to be constructed on city-owned land across the street fromAvalon-on-the-Sound with over $15 million in funding from the federal, state, and county

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governments. The Center, which will replace the existing Metro-North and Amtrakstation, will include new bus and train terminals as well as taxi and limousinestands.

In addition to these projects, plans are currently underway by Cappelli to constructan office building across Huguenot Street from New Roc City. This would complementthe city’s apparent strategy of intensifying development around New Roc City, whichcity officials view as Downtown’s focal point.

As detailed elsewhere in this report, New Rochelle’s effort to increase sales tax revenueinvolved entertaining a proposal by IKEA, the Swedish furniture retailer, to build a store on14.9 acres in the Fifth Avenue/City Park neighborhood, which has 34 residences andseveral businesses, and which was deemed blighted by a 1999 study. Citing theprohibitive cost of new traffic infrastructure, and facing strong opposition from residentswithin New Rochelle and its neighboring town of Mamaroneck, including those opposed tothe use of eminent domain for retail purposes, Ikea withdrew its store proposal on January31, 2001.

5.2.5 NEW ROCHELLE: LAND USEThe city of New Rochelle adopted major land use and development studies in 1965, 1966,and 1977. The 1965 study identified about 130 acres of industrial use, mostly along therailroad and New England Thruway rights-of-way. The study noted the infill of small plotswith industrial construction. It recommended that the city conserve large tracts of land formajor industrial enterprises providing many jobs and higher tax base. Also, the studyrecommended “total elimination of slums and blight.”

The 1966 study was a follow-up to the 1965 plan. It gave vague guidelines for evaluatingneighborhood deficiencies. The study also identified issues of concern for Neighborhood 7(which encompassed the current study area): new industry was too small, the streetpattern was inadequate for industrial use, physical blight was becoming apparent, and thecommunity needed to encourage development in accordance with established goals.

The 1977 plan cited economic viability as its goal. That meant expanding New Rochelle’stax base, especially in vacant or underutilized commercial space. The area near City Parkwas identified as one of nine underutilized and developable sites.

The 1996 Comprehensive PlanThis plan, prepared by Sacardi & Schiff, Inc. and adopted by City Council in 1996, renewedNew Rochelle’s commitment to industrial development. It identified property along FifthAvenue, and other areas, as having “redevelopment potential” because of blightinginfluences. The plan recommended that underutilized parcels be combined to create largeredevelopment sites. It also identified the Fifth Avenue industrial area for improvement,citing the following problems: narrow streets, limited parking, and truck traffic congestion;small parcels of residential use in a non residential area; and poor access at the Potter andFifth Avenue intersection.

The Plan recommended that unbuilt streets be combined with underutilized plots to createlarge developable sites; for the area be used for light industry, commerce, and public

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services; and that parcels or assembled sites have adequate access and on-siteparking.

5.2.6 NEW ROCHELLE: HOUSINGBoth New Rochelle and Westchester County as a whole suffer from a lack ofaffordable housing. The median price of a one-family house in New Rochelle was$400,000 in 2000, skyrocketing from $335,000 in 1999 and $295,000 in 1995.

Upper-priced housing is selling quickly. One real estate agent said in 2000, “Even ourhigh-end buyers in the $900,000 range keep losing homes because houses are gettingmultiple bids by buyers willing to pay $50,000 to $75,000 over asking to live here inmagnificent Tudors and large, old colonials.” Fortunately, the city is considered to have arelatively varied housing stock, especially for Westchester: “This is one of the few places inWestchester where you can still find a small, starter home on a small corner or near therailroad for between $155,000 to $225,000,” according to Beryl Zawatsky of Beryl Z.Realty. Other housing options include 41 co-op complexes, eight condominiums, 268multiple-family houses, and 70 apartment buildings. A two-bedroom co-op ranges from$60,000 to $150,000, and a two-bedroom condominium from $135,000 to $255,000. A two-bedroom apartment rents for approximately $1,100 a month.

Although New Rochelle maintains public housing units, in recent years, affordable housinghas increasingly become the responsibility of the private, not-for-profit New RochelleNeighborhood Revitalization Corporation (NRNRC), which operates the MacLeay Apartmentson Fifth Avenue in the Study Area (see MacLeay Apt, section 5.3.6). Since the NRNRC’sfounding in 1979, it has built or renovated approximately 1,200 units in New Rochelle,including 180 at MacLeay. Although the NRNRC operates rental housing, includingMacLeay, according to the organization, “expanding home ownership to first-time buyers inthe City of New Rochelle has been a priority.” The needs of those unable to afford even amodestly priced home have not been as convincingly addressed, as rental housing that hasbeen recently built or is planned has been aimed primarily at senior citizens rather thanpeople of working age. Properties owned or developed by NRNRC, in addition to MacLeay,include:

· West End 2000, a $40 million project, which will have 66 single-family town housesand 100 units of senior assisted living.

· Lawn Avenue, which opened in spring, 1999, with ten two-family town houses.Families living at the complex own their homes, and rent out an apartment within toa senior citizen.

· Lincoln Avenue Townhouses, a group of 37 owner-occupied modular homes.Financial assistance for the development came from the New York State AffordableHousing Corporation, the County of Westchester Housing Implementation Fund,Federal HOME Funds, and land write-down from New Rochelle.

In January 2001, in addition, Westchester County announced that it would spend $4.8million to acquire property in downtown New Rochelle, where it would build seniorassisted-living units and single-family homes. According to the New York Times, thecounty, with the city of New Rochelle, plans to buy 16 properties in what the articledescribed as a “rundown neighborhood” and turn them over to the NRNRC. The

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Corporation will coordinate the construction of up to 20 single-family homes, as wellas a seven-story building with 102 rental units aimed at people 75 and older. Again,the emphasis is on seniors and on moving renters to home ownership: “Residentsliving in New Rochelle’s ethnically mixed low-to-moderate-income urban renewaldistrict, who are mostly renting, will have the first chance to own the new units,” thearticle said.

Although the NRNRC is independent of the city, its board members have close ties toCity Hall. NRNRC’s current president, Frank Garito, was the Mayor of New Rochellefrom 1970 to 1975. The current Mayor, Timothy Idoni, was executive vice president ofNRNRC from 1990 until he became mayor in 1991.

As elaborated upon below, many MacLeay tenants have complained bitterly about theNRNRC’s management of their complex.

New Rochelle Housing Prices (2000)

Median price of a one-family house: $400,000Taxes on median-price house: $11,000Median price in 1999: $335,000Median price five years ago: $295,000Median price of a two-bedroom co-op: $75,000Median price of a two-bedroom condominium: $160,000Midrange rent of a two-bedroom apartment: $1,100

5.2.7 NEW ROCHELLE: SCHOOLSDespite significant erosion of its tax base in the 1980s and early ’90s, New Rochelle hasmaintained an excellent public school system. The district has three magnet schools, andits high school produced semifinalists in the Intel Science Talent Search in 1997, 1999,and 2000. Several of New Rochelle’s public schools have also earned the National BlueRibbon School of Excellence by the New York State Education Department.

In 2000, 62% of the district’s 496 high school graduates were accepted to four-yearcolleges. Another 27% were accepted by two-year colleges; in total, an impressive 89% ofNew Rochelle’s high school graduates are accepted to two- or four-year colleges directly outof high school. In addition, 19% of New Rochelle students attend private schools,including parochial and Jewish schools. The city is home to three colleges: Iona, Monroe,and the College of New Rochelle. Currently, the city is expanding its public schools to easea space crunch. School officials reported in 2001 that the high school was over capacity,and 300 to 500 additional students were expected over the next few years.

In general, taxpayers in Westchester, with its 1995 average per capita income of $40,696,have been asked to shoulder more of the burden for their schools than residents of poorercounties, who receive a higher proportion of state aid. James Maisano, a county legislatorrepresenting parts of New Rochelle, Pelham Manor, and Pelham, said in 1999 that in NewRochelle, “the state’s policies were pitting parents of school-age children against theelderly.” According to New Rochelle’s school superintendent, the percentage of its budgetpaid by the state fell from 25% to 13% between 1991 and 1999, despite an enrollmentincrease of 2,000 students.

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Rural BeginningsThrough the 19th century, thearea including and adjoiningtoday’s Fifth Avenue neighborhoodwas known as Petersville. Thenorthwest corner of theneighborhood appeared on an 1846“Map of a Farm Belonging to JohnR. Peters Situated in the Town ofNew Rochelle,” at left. Today’sPortman Road, which forms thewestern boundary of the studyarea, was labeled as “Road to theMill”; the street was known asMill Road at least until 1931,although the size, age, location,and purpose of the mill it refers todo not appear to have beendocumented. Pine Brook passedunder the intersection of Portmanand what is today Fifth Avenue, which, in 1846, was labeled, east of the intersection,as a private road. The land that is now City Park was labeled as the property ofAlexander Ritchie, and the site of his house and barn. The intersection of what istoday Portman Road and Fifth Avenue is indicated by the asterisk.

In 1855, much of the study areawas in the hands of PeterKauffman and Henry Siegel.On an 1855 map, today’s FifthAvenue was labeled as“Formerly Reebers Lane,” andPine Brook passed underneathtwo bridges at the intersectionwith “Old Mill Road.” The landseast, north, and west ofKauffman’s and Siegel’sholdings were labeled as“Village of Petersville.” Today’sFifth Avenue west of the studyarea was called Peters Road.The asterisk at right indicatesthe same location as on the1846 map.

In 1856, today’s City Park

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property was still owned by Alexander Ritchie. The lands east of Ritchie’s propertyand between the study area and the mainline of the New York and New HavenRailroad had been subdivided. Therailroad, which was completed throughNew Rochelle in 1848, is seen as a heavyblack line running across the bottom ofthe map. According to the map’s title, thesubdivided properties belonged to anorganization called the PetersvilleHomestead Association. Siegel andKauffman retained the lands in thewestern portion of the study area. TheMacLeay Apartments now stand on thesite of the subdivided properties at theupper-right portion of the map. Theeastern two-thirds of the study area waslabeled “Land of Lorenz Bielm,” possiblycorrupted into “Biehn,” the name of astreet currently located within the studyarea. The jagged southern boundary ofBielm’s holdings today forms the southern boundary of the study area. Fifth Avenuewas called Morris Avenue; the asterisk indicates what is today the intersection ofFifth Avenue and Portman.

Little development took place in the study area before the early 20th century. The 1901Bromley map of the neighborhood, shown at right, indicates that no building had takenplace in the subdivided areas north and south of the study area. Siegel’s and Kauffman’sproperties had been acquired by James Burns and Fred Krause, who had erected a fewwooden buildings and auxiliary structures on their property. Pine Brook continued to rununderneath the jagged intersection of what is today Fifth Avenue, but was then known asMorris Avenue east of Mill Road and Peters Road west of Mill. The Petersville nameremained north of the study area. The asterisk indicates the same location as on the1846, 1855, and 1856 maps.

UrbanizationBy 1907, Bielm’s and Burns’s former properties were owned by Frederick Lorenzen. Amap filed that year with the Westchester County Registrar called the district “FifthAvenue Park,” possibly in anticipation of the construction of City Park across FifthAvenue from the neighborhood. The study area was neatly subdivided into lots asclose in size to 25-by-100 feet as was possible within the irregular boundaries of thesite. This lot size, the standard for developers of New York City rowhouses during the19th century, indicates that Lorenzen envisioned the neighborhood as a dense, urbandistrict. Despite the new name, the map described the area as “part of map of theVillage of Petersville.” Fifth Avenue had acquired its present name, and Pine Brookhad been redirected, apparently into a pipe, which ran underneath the neighborhoodand the intersection of Mill and Fifth.

The neighborhood underwent substantial changes around 1910. That year, the City ofNew Rochelle purchased the land that was to become City Park. According to local

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historian Herbert B. Nichols, writing in 1938, “The park contains nearly 30 acres, apart of which has been left as natural woodland. The rest, with a suitable athleticbuilding, has been conditioned into baseball diamonds, football fields, and a runningtrack.” The Municipal Recreation Building described by Nichols was completed in1923 and designed by Lawrence M. Loeb, an architect of several Westchester Countyresidences. The building, visible on the previous page at left, still stands, althoughboarded up and unused, in City Park.

Just as significantly, 1910 was the year in which the trolley was extended to thestudy area. By that time, New Rochelle had developed a sophisticated trolley systemthat had begun in 1885 with the organization of the New Rochelle and PelhamRailway Company and the New Rochelle Street Horse Railway Company. From CityPark, riders could travel down Fifth Avenue to North Avenue, where they couldtransfer to the trolley that would take them downtown. A Main Street line fromDowntown traveled to Mamaroneck; a connection to Mount Vernon made it possible toride all the way to New York City. So popular were the trolleys and so willing weretheir patrons to travel long distances that, according to Nichols, “The trolley and itsconnection with New York City had been fought by local merchants because theyfeared that shoppers would take the trolley to New York instead of shopping in NewRochelle.” By the 1940s, as throughout the country, buses began to replace manytrolley lines.

By 1910, home builders had already begun subverting Lorenzen’s orderly, densesubdivision plan. The 1910 Bromley map, at right, shows 11 wooden buildings and onewooden auxiliary structure present in the study area, all on combined lots; 146 Pleasant,for example, is tucked into the corner of what were originally three lots, and three houseson Plain Avenue share a frontage of 125 feet.

The 1915 New York State Census provided a thumbnail sketch of the neighborhood’spopulation. All of the neighborhood’s houses were single-family dwellings, and the maleheads of household were primarily laborers or other blue-collar workers. Fifth Avenue’sresidents included natives of Germany, Italy, Russia, and Poland. Plain Avenue’s residentswere from Italy, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, and England. Pleasant Street wasentirely Italian, except for a German bookbinder, his Irish wife, and their two American-

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born daughters.

Subdivision of area propertiescontinued into the 1920s. In 1925,Rosina B. Krause subdivided her landalong the east side of Mill Road nearSharot Street into 18 properties, 16 ofwhich had 25-foot frontages. Again,however, dense development did notfollow; by 1929, five of the lots werepurchased by the Sheffield FarmsDairy, which erected the milkdistribution center shown above. Thestructure, now occupied by the NewRochelle Humane Society, included,according to the 1931 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, an office, wagon storage, and feedstorage.

In 1928, the study area was not zoned as a purely residential district. Those areas thatwere residential were zoned for multiple dwellings. The entire block bounded by FifthAvenue, Mill Road, Plain Avenue, and Valley Place was zoned “O,” or “business.” Thesouth side of Plain was also zoned for businesses. Both sides of Pleasant Street werezoned “C” or “multifamily residential.” The “O” zoning accommodated modifications anduses such as those present at 71 Plain, where a store was added on to the front of a1914 Dutch Colonial Revival house typical of many built throughout the neighborhoodduring its early years.

By 1929, the neighborhood had considerably filled in. The 1929 Hopkins Atlas showedseveral masonry buildings to have been constructed, particularly along both sides ofPleasant Street and the south side of Plain Avenue between Biehn and Valley. The FifthAvenue trolley line terminated at Fifth Avenue and Mill Road. The property between thestudy area and the railroad tracks was labeled “Pelham-Port Chester Parkway,” indicatingthe proposed route of a highway running from Fairfield County, Connecticut to the Bronxalong the eastern portion of Westchester County. The lands between Mill Road and theMamaroneck town line near the eastern portion of the study area, which were never builtupon, were acquired by Westchester County in the early 1930s. Although the parkwaywas never built, this property was used as the right-of-way for the New England Thruway(the Westchester County portion of Interstate 95), which opened, in its entirety, onOctober 15, 1958. East of City, where the MacLeay Apartments were constructed in 1949,

were approximately eight buildings, all,except for one, built out of wood.

On the 1931 Sanborn Map, the studyarea is shown to be primarilyresidential, with some importantexceptions. Fifth Avenue, similar totoday, had mixed commercial andresidential uses, with dwellingsinterspersed with stores, twocontractors’ yards, storage areas, asheet-metal works, and a gas station in

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the same location as today’s Citgo station. The north side of Plain Avenue wasentirely residential, except for a factory located near Mill Road; the south side wasalso entirely residential, except for the store, previously mentioned, at 71 Plain.Pleasant Street was entirely residential. Even so, the neighborhood must have had asimilar jumbled appearance to today’s; most dwellings had auxiliary buildings, likelychicken coops or storage sheds. Moreover, the large number of open lots in theneighborhood, still present, prevented the creation of a continuous residentialstreetscape, except for the small residential enclaves on the south side of PleasantStreet and the north side of Plain.

Significant change came to the neighborhood in 1955, when it was zoned as an M-1 LightManufacturing District. Since then, residential and industrial uses have shared the studyarea. No new houses have been built in the neighborhood since the rezoning, whichprohibits residences, and several former houses, such as 53 Pleasant Street, havebeen converted to commercial use.

Buses, which took over New Rochelle’strolley routes beginning in the 1940s,proved to be a mixed blessing. Althoughthe new, air-conditioned buses initiallyelicited “applause from merchants andshoppers who crowded the curbs” to seethem in Downtown New Rochelle,inconsistent service ultimately followed,likely decreasing the Fifth Avenueneighborhood’s appeal. The FifthAvenue bus line was extended to ValleyPlace by 1973, where it looped backalong Plain Avenue, but this may havedecreased the attractiveness of theneighborhood. When bus service had

been extended through a primarily African-American neighborhood in 1967, forexample, one resident called it a “Stab in the back to Negroes,” protesting to hisCouncilman, “Is it because Negroes now own the properties along this route onLincoln Avenue and the surrounding area why you decided to give them more airpollution with the accompanying noise and litter?”

New Rochelle’s bus operators ultimately hit hard times; but 1970, the intervention of theCounty Executive was needed to prevent termination of Sunday service on some city lines,and in 1974, service cutbacks of 15% were imposed in some areas due to financialhardship. Today, the No. 61 route of the Westchester County Bee-Line bus, operated byLiberty Lines, stops at City Park approximately every half hour on weekdays on its way toDowntown New Rochelle.

5.3.2 CITY PARK: NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERMany residents of the Study Area have lived there for over 20 years. Eighty-two year-oldJosephine Notaro, of 49 Pleasant Street, was born and grew up in that house andremembers when the area behind it (now I-95) was swampland. Other residents, like Mr.and Mrs. Dominick Gataletto, of 8 Pleasant Street recall the neighborhood from around the

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time of World War II, when it was home mostly to immigrants from Italy. There was abutcher shop and a candy store where children could buy soda and snacks, and themilkman from the Sheffield Farms distribution center on Sharot Street would share his icewith local residents for their iceboxes.

After the city rezoned the City Park area M-1 in 1955, industrial uses increased andresidential property values continued to decline. Many of the business owners in thearea, however, cite the attractiveness of being in a neighborhood where industrythrives. The McMahons, who own a prepared-food distribution business on PleasantAvenue, usually begin their day around 3:30 am and try to have the trucks loadedand on the road by 5:00 am. It is a great advantage to them to be surrounded byother businesses that do not complain about the noise and early hours.

Many of the new residents of the City Park area are recent immigrants, mostly Latinos. Afew cite living in a mixed industrial/residential neighborhood as an advantage because theywork in landscaping or other agricultural services like tree trimming and are able to storeequipment and vehicles on the premises without the complaints that could be elicited if theneighborhood were entirely residential. Although the city has designated the Fifth Avenuestudy area as blighted, most of the structures are well maintained (see blight assessmentsection). Many of the houses have gardens and planters in the front, and front porcheswith chairs where people sit and visit. People know each other in the City Park area, andthere is a feeling of community among the neighbors. It is a well-integrated neighborhood,with Latino immigrants, older Italians, African-Americans, and a variety of businesses co-existing side by side. The storage yard at the corner of Valley Place on the north side ofBiehn Street is not well lit and attracts rowdy teenagers in the early hours but besidesthat, crime is almost non-existent in this neighborhood, according to residents’ andbusiness owners’ accounts.

Two churches have buildings in the Study Area. The Emanuel AME church at thecorner of Valley and Plain Avenue is home to two congregations. St. Paul’s RefugeChurch on Plain Avenue is a smaller, independent church. Emanuel AME has a veryactive African-American congregation which holds a social every first and thirdSaturday of the month. On Sunday mornings, parking can be difficult, with manypeople attending the two services.

This neighborhood is alive and active every day. Weekdays begin early and see aflurry of activity dominated by the businesses. Trucks make deliveries and pick-ups,many of them temporarily obstructing the narrow streets. Early mornings and after3:00 pm, school buses leave their storage lots on the way to pick up children all overNew Rochelle. Some of the children who live in the neighborhood also rely on schoolbuses to get to school. The businesses close at night and the entire area quietsdown.

The majority of the workers in the study area appear to be men. When asked, many saidthey live in New Rochelle, within five to ten miles of work. Until April, when it closed, therewas one eating place in the area, Rose’s Pizza Parlor, which was owned by a Braziliancouple. Between noon and 2:00 pm, the eatery was full and lively, but after about 2:30 itwas deserted. The business’ owners said they were moving it because the lunch crowddoes not provide sufficient revenue for them to stay in business. They claim that nobusiness could survive in this spot because of the lack of parking and customer base.There is one gas station on Fifth Avenue, and a convenience store and laundromat on Fifth

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Avenue between Potter and Portman. These are located at the far western end of theStudy Area, and are difficult to walk to from the eastern portion, because of the poorcondition of Fifth Avenue’s sidewalks.

Fifth Avenue is a narrow, two-lane through street leading to North Avenue, one ofNew Rochelle’s main downtown streets. It connects this area with Larchmont andthe I-95 South ramp to New York City at Chatsworth Road. Although the posted speedlimit is 25, vehicles and heavy trucks regularly speed down Fifth Avenue, posing agreat hazard to the residents, especially tenants of the MacLeay Apartments. FifthAvenue is too narrow to provide any parking, and the speeding traffic makes itextremely difficult for vehicles exiting the lots of the businesses on the street.

Across from the industrial section of the study area on Fifth Avenue is William FlowerPark, more commonly called by its original name, City Park, which is surrounded by acontinuous green chain-link fence along its Fifth Avenue frontage. A few of theneighborhood’s residents stated that they did not know that this was a public park. Onweekends, the Park is used by little leagues and two intramural soccer leagues. Parking isa big problem and people who use the park complain bitterly about being ticketed unfairly.There is a pool at William Flower Park, and a playground for the kids, a soccer field, afootball field and a baseball diamond. These amenities are not easily visible from FifthAvenue. The old Municipal Recreation Building remains padlocked and boarded up.

The Redevelopment Area includes portions of three census blocks. The area north of PlainAvenue is part of block 107; the area south of Plain Avenue between Biehn Street, PleasantStreet, and Valley Place comprises block 201; and the small section of the RedevelopmentArea to the east of Biehn Street and south of Plain Avenue lies in block 202. Thepopulation of all three of these blocks decreased by more than half from 1960 to 1990 andis expected to show further decline when then 2000 census results are available. Theseblocks are also more racially heterogeneous than New Rochelle as a whole, with nearly60% of the population being non-white.

5.3.3 CITY PARK: LAND USE AND ZONINGNew Rochelle and Adjoining AreasZoning in nearby areas of New Rochelle includes R-3B (garden apartments); R-1A and R-1B(single-family neighborhoods); and small areas of M-1, C-1 (general commercial); and R-2(two-family residences). Zoning in Mamaroneck includes SB (service businesses); R-TA(tower apartments); B-MUB (mixed use business); and B (business); most of the area,however, is zoned R-7.5 (minimum lot of 7,500 square feet). Zoning in Larchmont is mostlyR-5 and R-7.5 (minimum lot sizes, in square feet, of single family residences), and includesareas zoned RC (retail center) and RB (retail business). Adjoining areas east of Valley Place(in Mamaroneck) consist mainly of commercial uses (auto repair, party supplies, millwork,bus parking, maintenance) but include two residences.

Adjoining areas south of the Thruway include mixed commercial and apartment residences(in New Rochelle and Mamaroneck). Further east (in Mamaroneck) are the Thruway exitramp, several commercial uses, some light industrial, a couple of single family homes, andseveral 6-8 story apartment buildings. In Mamaroneck, the Study Area encompasses alow-density single-family residential neighborhood. Further north is a low-densityresidential neighborhood. Further west and south (in New Rochelle) are commercial uses

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VacantI n d u s t r i a lI n s t i t u -t i o n a lRes ident ia lCommercialPark

along Fifth Avenue, light industry and manufacturing, and some residential homes.

Study AreaWithin the Study Area, features north of Fifth Avenue include William Flower Park (CityPark, 20 acres), and MacLeay Apartments (180 units). Adjoining areas west of PortmanRoad and Biehn Street are a mix of manufacturing, residential, and commercialuses.

The New Rochelle Zoning Code calls for the protection and promotion of the public health,safety, and welfare; adequate public facilities and services; family privacy; prevention oftraffic congestion; protection from excessive monotony of building design, enhancement ofthe community appearance, and protection of the environment.

The Fifth Avenue Area is zoned M-1, Light Manufacturing. This district allows thefollowing uses as of right:

· Retail stores and shops, except drive-in establishments.· Service and automobile repair establishments, except body work, painting, or

gasoline filling stations.· Restaurants and amusem*nt establishments.· Business, professional, utility, or government offices and 1 dwelling for a caretaker.· Off-street parking facilities.

Study Area Land Uses

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· 60% maximum lot coverage.· 10 foot minimum front yard.· No required side or rear yard.· Parking Spaces: 1 for every 600 square feet of floor area (only 1 per 2000 square

feet for storage facilities).· Off street loading berths: 1 for the first 10,000 square feet of floor area, plus 1 for

every additional 20,000 square feet.

In addition, in City Park:· Residential uses account for about three acres of the former IKEA redevelopment

area. All homes (except one) were constructed before 1932, most are rented (18rented and 13 owned), and many along the south side of Pleasant St “infringe” onThruway property.

· Vacant and Open uses (not including City Park) comprise 2.41 acres; many arecurrently used for vehicle and equipment storage.

· Warehouse, Distribution, and Storage uses comprise five acres. Many of thelots were formerly residential. Commercial structures use nearly the entirelot, and few have on-site parking or loading.

· Other uses amount to 1.7 acres, which include 2 churches, 140,000 sq.ft. ofmanufacturing space, a gas station, a deli, and an office.

There are a total of 176 tax lots in the study area, 135 of which are in New Rochelle and 41of which are in Mamaroneck. Three variances have been granted by the Board of Appealson Zoning (in 1992, 1993, and 1996) to allow auto body establishments.

The expanded study area comprises a total of 102.42 acres. Of this, 86.79 acres onlocated in New Rochelle and 15.63 acres are in Mamaroneck. Significant portions of thearea are consituted by MacLeay Apartments (10.95 acres), City Park (21.62 acres), and I-95(15.29 acres). Details are contained in the table below.

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Area of Study Area by Land Use

New Rochelle Portion Mamaroneck PortionCommercial Properties 1.6 Commercial Properties 0.18

Industrial Properties 13.3 Industrial Properties 4.84Religious Properties 0.17 Residential Properties 7.37

Residential Properties 4.46 Thruway Authority EquipmentYard


Vacant Properties 0.68 SUBTOTAL 12.85SUBTOTAL 20.21 Other uses (Roadways) 2.78

City Park 21.62 TOTAL 15.63

MacLeay Apartments 10.95I-95 (Thruway Authority) 15.29

SUBTOTAL 68.07Other uses (Roadways) 18.72

TOTAL 86.79

CombinedCommercial Properties 1.78

Industrial Properties 18.14Religious Properties 0.17

Residential Properties 11.83Vacant Properties 0.68

City Park 21.62MacLeay Apartments 10.95

I-95 (Thruway Authority) 15.29Thruway Authority Equipment


Other uses (Roadways) 21.5TOTAL 102.42

5.3.4 CITY PARK: BUSINESS AND INDUSTRYThe City of New Rochelle still retains a significant amount of manufacturing and warehous-ing activity. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 1997 Economic Census, New Rochellehas 61 manufacturing establishments and 147 wholesale trade establishments. These twocategories of business employ 2,388 people in the city.

The City Park neighborhood is a vibrant industrial area. Existing manufacturers have beenin the area for a long time, in many instances more than ten years. Others, like

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Marble America, are actively expanding. Many of the dominant industrial sectors inthe county also have a strong presence in City Park. In our surveys of the study area,we identified a total of 64 businesses (see Appendix 1), nearly all of which are in-volved in light industrial activities. Fifteen of these businesses are auto-related,performing such services as repair and body work. Sixteen of the area’s businessesprovide goods and services related to building construction and home design anddecorating (e.g., cabinets and floor tiles). Other light industrial uses found in thearea include food production and distribution and the manufacture of industrialmachine parts.

1989 Industrial Development StudyThis study, conducted in 1989, catalogued land uses in the Fifth Avenue area. Each parcelwas reviewed and deficiencies were noted as slight, intermediate, or critical. 50% of theproperties were assigned a “critical” label (11 acres), 14% were “intermediate” (3.4 acres),and only 35% were “economically viable” (about 8 acres). None of the properties identifiedin the same category were contiguous, making it difficult for the city to assemble largeparcels of re-developable land without upsetting the viable properties.

The study proposed the following action plan:· Estimate property values to determine acquisition costs.· Authorize staff to prepare necessary findings to declare the site an Urban Renewal

Area.· Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to amend zoning and adopt a new

Urban Renewal Plan.· Prepare a study to determine the area’s appropriateness for use as a the municipal

equipment yard. The Commissioner of Public Works estimated that any potentialequipment yard site must be a minimum of 6 contiguous acres.

5.3.5 CITY PARK: MACLEAY APARTMENTSNote: During the spring of 2001, two meetings were held with MacLeay residents, whoprovided information on their experiences at the complex. Although numerous attemptsover a period of several weeks were made to arrange a private interview with themanagement of NRNRC, these requests were not granted.

BackgroundMacLeay Apartments is located across from Fifth Avenue adjacent to William Flower Park(City Park). The 180-unit complex has three buildings, which were built in 1949 andowned by the New Rochelle Public Housing Authority until sold in 1986 to the non-profitNew Rochelle Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation (NRNRC), which was created in 1979by the city to develop, own and manage affordable housing.

In 1985, the city turned to the NRNRC because it could not finance renovations atMacLeay, but a private agency could, by qualifying for HUD grants. City officials andresidents described the complex as “deplorably dilapidated.” The buildings had numerousbroken windowpanes and extensive graffiti on the walls. NRNRC took over MacLeayApartments for $4.5 million, which was financed by a local bond issue and a $1.93 milliongrant for renovations from HUD. City officials and members of NRNRC pointed out that, at

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that time, MacLeay might have been the first public-housing project to be privatizedand to retain all of its units as low-income. The HUD grant specified that only 20percent of the rehabilitated housing had to remain low-income. NRNRC also paid theoutstanding taxes and created a community center and a computer center during therenovation process.

In order to finance renovation of the three buildings, NRNRC issued more than $5 millionin bonds with future rents as security. It also received about $3 million from the city,which will be repaid by the sale of tax credits and future rents, in addition to a $1.9 millionHousing Development Action Grant (HODAG) from HUD.

In April of 2001, NRNRC was in the news as the subject of a demonstration byapproximately one dozen MacLeay residents outside of its Downtown New Rochelle office.The organization announced that it would switch from Section 8 to Housing Choicevouchers, enabling it to choose not to renew the leases of several residents, whocomplained that they had been good tenants and should be kept on. In addition, theunannounced removal of several benches and trees at the complex was a trigger that setoff simmering complaints about what some residents saw as their landlord’s high-handedmanner.

This is not the first time that NRNRC has faced scrutiny. In 1989, an auditors’ reportcriticized accounting procedures at NRNRC. The report found that $77,500 wasunaccounted for and that lawyers’ fees of $266,200 had not been paid. More than tenyears later, there has been a financial turnaround. “Before conversion the complex waslosing $250,000 a year. Now it makes a profit of more than $600,000 annually.” For moreon the MacLeay Apartments, please see section 7.

5.3.6 Environmental Assessment

Surface Water ResourcesThere are no wetlands, wetland buffers or water bodies present within 100 feet of theStudy Area. The closest water body to the Study Area is Beechmont Lake, which is locatedapproximately 2000 feet to the northwest. The lake is at a higher elevation than the StudyArea. Stormwater from the Study Area is collected in the city-maintained stormwater drainsystem and exits the Study Area at four discharge points.

Existing sources of pollutants may include: existing vehicle maintenance activities, thelong-term storage of vehicles undergoing repairs, construction vehicles, and buses, thecommercial use of diesel fuel and gasoline; and the outdoor storage of petroleum and/orchemical containers.

Air QualityAlthough there are no available ambient air quality monitoring data within New Rochelle,regional state monitoring data are available to characterize the Redevelopment Area. Theregion 3 Air Quality Control Region (AQCR) meets the State Ambient Air Quality Standards(AAQS) for all criteria pollutants (including ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, totalsuspended particulates, inhalable particulates, carbon monoxide, and lead) except ozone.

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The report, however, notes that high ozone levels are found throughout the north-eastern United States, but this a regional problem more than a local problem andNYS along with other states have developed coordinating regulatory programs to worktowards bringing the region into compliance. The sulfur dioxide annual concentra-tions have increased about 15% each year from 1994 to 1997, but decreased slightlybetween 1997 and 1998.

In terms of vehicle generated air quality, the primary pollutants include nitrogen dioxide,hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide. Air quality impacts were calculated at four differentintersections (Fifth Avenue and Portman Road, Fifth Avenue and Valley Peace, MadisonAvenue/New Jefferson/I-95 Ramps, and Huguenot and North Avenue). The impacts weremodeled assuming neutral atmospheric stability conditions and a 1 meter per second windspeed, which is representative of worst case dispersion conditions for urban areas. Table3.10-2 of the DEIS presents the findings of the study in detail. The report indicates thatall existing air quality concentrations were well below the AAQS.

Hazardous Materials

As part of the background research for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)prepared by IKEA for their proposed store, a Phase I Environmental Assessment wascompleted for the area and its adjacent surroundings in May of 1999. The assessmentinvolved interviews with persons knowledgeable of the site, a site inspection, and a reviewof environmental records and databases held by local, state, and federal agencies. Inter-views with the property owners and managers of on-site businesses were not conducted,as it was difficult to obtain their cooperation regarding potential hazardous releases. Thus,visual site inspection was limited to public properties only.

A Phase II Site Assessment was completed in both March and August of 2000. In thisassessment, an analysis of soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples was done. A portion ofthe study was completed with a geotechnical investigation. But as of the printing of theDEIS, the two phases had not yet been reviewed by the New York State Department ofEnvironmental Conservation or any other state or local agencies.

Background TopographyBedrock is predominant in the local topography. Groundwater in the area flows generallytowards the east-northeast. It is important to note that groundwater is not used in thevicinity of the area as a drinking source or as an industrial supply. No public water supply,private wells, or industrial wells are known to be located in the vicinity of the area.Groundwater does not discharge to the surface in the vicinity of the area, and the closestdowngradient receptor is Long Island Sound, which is 4,500 feet from the area. Therefore,the chemical composition of the groundwater is not directly impinging on human affairs.

Phase I FindingsWith the exception of fuel tanks, no environmental concerns were identified on residentialproperties. 39 fuel oil tanks are located within the Redevelopment Area. 17 fuel oil tanksserve residential properties, and of these, 3 are underground tanks. 12 of the 22 commer-cial tanks are underground. So a total of 15 underground fuel oil tanks are located withinthe Redevelopment Area.

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On the Citgo Service Station property, a.k.a. S&A Garage, there is one active spill,one closed spill, and a closed tank test failure. Also, there are nine undergroundpetroleum storage tanks in the area registered with the NYSDEC and there areunderground petroleum storage tanks on two adjacent properties managed byBeechmont Bus Service near the eastern boundary of the site. The bus service hasan active tank failure but we were not able to acquire information regardingremediation or follow-up. The spill involved small perforations in a fuel oil storagetank, which was being replaced at the time.

The Bluebird Taxi Service property at 613 Fifth Avenue also has an active gasoline spillfrom the removal of tanks in 1991, but again, we were not able to acquire the informationon any follow-up here.

Targeted Phase II AssessmentThe purpose of Phase II was to characterize the hazardous materials or petroleum prod-ucts within the Area via soil and groundwater sampling. The study targeted the threepreviously mentioned businesses, as well as the Absolute Coatings facility at 38 PortmanStreet because of its chemical usage and its status as a hazardous waste generator. Theanalysis was unable to procure data from private properties, so an additional investigationand sampling of these properties adjacent to Citgo are still necessary.

The six geotechnical sites found no volatile organic compounds. However, six of the sevenenvironmental borings found volatile organic compounds, the most egregious of which werefound at wells E-12 (950-3,500 PPM) and E-13 (23-225 PPM), adjacent to Citgo. These twowells contain a number of gasoline-related volatile organic compounds greatly in excess ofstate standards. The report confirms that gasoline-related compounds are present in thesoil and groundwater near the Citgo station.

Tri-chloroethylene, a common solvent used in the manufacturing industry, was found atwell E-8, adjacent to Absolute Coatings. This concentration is also above the State AmbientWater Quality Standard.

The compound 1,2-dichloroethylene was found in well E-18 (center of area) and E-1 (east-ern edge), which is a huge distribution area. This chemical concentration was above thestandards but the source was not known.

MTBE, a gasoline additive that is at the center of some national environmental issues, wasfound in six of the ten sampled wells. According to the EPA, MTBE concentrationsbetween 20 and 40 parts per billion in drinking water would cause negative healtheffects. Even with that being said, the DEIS states that the concentration in well E-8represents relatively low hazardous levels because the groundwater is not a drinkingsource, and it does not discharge into a sensitive receptor.

The low-level concentrations of volatile organic compounds in this area do not war-rant remediation, but according to the report, the Citgo Station spills represent a“known potential threat to human health and the environment, and therefore war-rant remediation”. Now that Ikea has pulled out, a remediation plan must be agreedupon by the current property owner, the City, and the NYSDEC. Also, the report saysthat it can be assumed that the park has been affected by the petroleum and that theCity and NYSDEC will need to remediate the property.

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5.4 IKEAWith 159 stores in 29 countries, IKEA is one of the world’s largest furniture retailers. TheUnited States is home to fifteen IKEA stores. Generally located outside of major citiesalong highways, they range from about 250,000 to 325,000 square feet in size. The NewRochelle project was to be IKEA’s third store in the New York metropolitan area, forming a“triangle matrix” with existing stores in Hicksville, NY and Elizabeth, NJ. The New Roch-elle store was expected to draw customers from Westchester and areas north, Connecticut,northern New Jersey, the Bronx, and Manhattan. IKEA anticipated that the proposedstore would achieve sales of $87 million based on projected 2003 household counts withinits trade area. By diverting drawing customers from the trade areas of the existing IKEAs,the presence of a New Rochelle store would have decreased sales at the Elizabeth store by13% to $132 million and at the Hicksville store by 7% to $78.1 million. Ultimately, IKEAplans to have a store in each of New York City’s five boroughs in addition to one inWestchester.

In February of 1999, IKEA obtained an Exclusivity Agreement with the City of New Roch-elle, which bound the City to deal exclusively with IKEA in redeveloping the City Parkneighborhood. In April of 1999, the City designated the City Park site “blighted” based ona study by Ferrandino & Associates. This designation made the site eligible as an urbanrenewal area in which the City could assemble parcels of land into a development siteusing eminent domain.

IKEA subsequently put forth a preliminary plan to build a two-story 308,000 square footstore with approximately 1,572 off-street parking spaces on 14.9 acres of land in the urbanrenewal area (see site plan map on p. 44). The plan is described in detail in the DraftEnvironmental Impact Statement (DEIS), prepared by Tim Miller Associates, Inc. and re-leased in September 2000. As described in the DEIS, the building was to be 300 feet wide,722 feet long, and 36 feet high, with the main entrance facing south toward the New En-gland Thruway. In conformance with the standardized design concept of IKEA Interna-tional, the store was to be painted blue with yellow signage. Along the south and westsides of the building would have been a parking deck approximately 11.5 feet in height.Additional grade level parking was to be provided on site underneath and to the east, west,and south of the building.

Building the proposed structure would have required the removal of all existing structureson the site, which include 33 commercial or mixed use structures, two churches, and 31residential buildings. All residents and businesses were to be displaced. Although theCity was treating the site as an urban renewal area and intended to use eminent domain toacquire the land if the project was approved, IKEA attempted to purchase the individualproperties independently. In April 2000, IKEA began acquiring property at its own riskwithout having secured project approval from the City. The company’s first property acqui-sition was the purchase of nearly two acres of land from Gerard Daniel & Company, forwhich IKEA paid $2 million. IKEA intended to relocate each resident and business ownerto another home or business space in or near the New Rochelle area.

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According to IKEA’s estimates, the company would have paid $1.9 million annually inproperty taxes for the store, of which $245,000 would have gone to Westchester County;$64,000 to the New Rochelle Sewer District; $395,000 to the City of New Rochelle; and$1.2 million to the New Rochelle School District. The present occupants of the area pay atotal of $683,000 in property taxes annually. IKEA waived the ten year property tax abate-ment offered as an incentive by the City of New Rochelle.

IKEA estimated that the proposed store would have generated a total of $7.59 million insales tax revenue, $3.68 million of which would have gone to New York State; $1.38 millionto Westchester County; $2.3 million to the City of New Rochelle; and $230,000 to theMetropolitan Transportation Authority (these figures were provided by Jim Gdula, ProjectManager, IKEA).

The proposed store was to employ approximately 350 workers, 180 of which would be part-time. Clearing the site for the store would likely have resulted in a net loss of employmentin the area. The DEIS identified 33 businesses and gave employment counts for only 26 ofthese. According to data from Cushman & Wakefield and a Claritas Business Facts Report,these 26 businesses employ a total of between 327 and 347 people. As an evaluation ofthe DEIS by Abeles Philips pointed out, these employment figures leave out nearly a quar-ter of the businesses in the redevelopment area. If all businesses were included, the totalnumbers of jobs could be 20-25% higher than the number given in the DEIS.

The dramatic increases in traffic volumes that the proposed store would have drawn were amajor concern both to IKEA and the community. According to the DEIS, the proposedstore would have generated 183 inbound and 172 outbound car trips during the Friday PM

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peak hour (5:00 – 6:00 pm). On Saturdays, it would have generated 740 inbound and 567outbound trips during the midday peak hour (2:30 – 3:30 pm) and 638 inbound and 869outbound trips during the PM peak (4:00 – 5:00 pm). During sale weeks, which occurabout 10% of the year, inbound traffic during the Saturday midday peak would havereached nearly 1,000 cars.

In order to mitigate the increased traffic, IKEA had proposed to make numerous off-sitetransportation improvements at its own expense. Fifth Avenue was to be widened fromtwo lanes and 30 feet in width to three or four lanes at 35 to 45 feet in width betweenValley Place and Portman Road, allowing for left turn lanes at three locations. PortmanRoad and Valley Place were also to be widened in order to accommodate turn lanes. Addi-tionally, the traffic mitigation plan called for the installation of traffic signals at six nearbyintersections.

Analyses of the DEIS traffic study by several urban planning consultancies called thedocument’s findings into question. Reviews of the DEIS by Daniel Gutman and byBuckhurst, Fish & Jacquemart, Inc. assert that traffic volumes were underestimated in theDEIS study and that the proposed mitigation measures on the part of IKEA would beinadequate. BFJ argued that the peak hours chosen for the DEIS study were not thehours at which traffic volumes would actually be the highest. Moreover, it was argued thatthe weeks following the release of the IKEA catalog in late summer would bring more trafficthan the January sale week chosen to represent maximum traffic volumes of the year.

A long and persistent campaign on the part of community groups armed with technicalcritiques of the proposal and the DEIS ultimately derailed IKEA’s effort. In response to thepublic outcry, Mayor Idoni sent a letter to IKEA officials in December requesting that theyinvestigate the feasibility of reducing the size of the proposed store to 260,000 square feetor less and building a south-bound exit ramp off I-95.

IKEA canceled plans on January 31, noting that it was not feasible to adequately addressthe community’s traffic concerns while maintaining the profitability of the proposed store.In order to meet the community’s traffic mitigation demands, IKEA would have had to buildnew exit ramps off Exit 17 of I-95. But in order to compensate for this expense, IKEAwould have had to increase the size of its store to generate additional revenue. Thus,according to the mayor, IKEA and the City “jointly and amicably” concluded that the projectwas not in their mutual best interests.

IKEA intends to continue purchasing properties in the redevelopment area with the appar-ent goal of assembling a large piece of land, which could be sold to a developer. (See mapon p. 46 for IKEA’s land holdings in the City Park neighborhood.)

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Windowless, rectangular single-story buildings that occupy more than 50,000square feet and typically range from 90,000 to 200,000 square feet characterizebig box retail structures. The exterior designs of the buildings are standardized sothat every location looks the same and is easily recognizable, and acres of parkingsurround the entire structure. The above features lend to “big box” retail storesan anti-community feel. They cater to the auto-borne shopper and are usuallylocated just off of highway exits or along major traffic corridors. They do notsupport pedestrian amenities nor do they attempt to make any connections withthe neighboring community—they are large, isolated boxes in seas of parking lots.

Their major appeal to the consumer comes from the fact that they can offer lowprices, due to high sales volumes. They tend to be convenient for people who havelittle time for shopping because with a wide variety of merchandise in stock, theycan offer “one-stop shopping.” Their appeal for a municipality is the large amountof sales tax revenue that a large retailer generates, which can help increase amunicipality’s budget for financing local services. This was the main reason forNew Rochelle’s interest in IKEA. However, these big box retailers are also knownas “category killers” because they have often contributed to the decline of anysmaller businesses that sell the same or similar merchandise. Smaller businessesderive their profits from price mark-up instead of high sales volume and because ofthis they cannot offer the same low prices as the big box retailer.

The site that IKEA was interested in occupying in New Rochelle is not suited forbig box retail. The amount of traffic that such a store would have drawn was toogreat for the infrastructure of the surrounding area and the Fifth Avenue corridorto accommodate. Finally, the City of New Rochelle has recently spent a great dealof money and effort trying to revitalize its downtown through the creation of astrong retail base. To place an extremely large retail store outside of downtownwould have drawn business away from the downtown, thus countering the city’sown efforts at revitalization.

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New Rochelle must pursue economic development and revenue generation whileretaining a diverse base of industries and employment. We propose that the cityadopt policies to strengthen manufacturing in the City Park area while pursuingsales tax revenue-generating projects elsewhere in the city in more appropriatelocations such as downtown and along the waterfront.


The need to preserve the light industrial manufacturing base of the City Park areahas been identified as one of the most important goals of this proposal. There areseveral reasons for promoting light industrial manufacturing. Primarily,manufacturing jobs pay higher per-hour wages than retail jobs requiring similarlevels of education. This translates into higher incomes for local residents whowork at those jobs, as well as better lives for their families. The multiplier effectsof these higher manufacturing wages, in contrast to lower retail wages, are shownin the table on the following page. There is a regional component to this as well.By locating businesses that require close proximity to their customers in the CityPark area, New Rochelle would attract industrial investment and jobs from otherareas in Westchester.

The New York State Economic Forecast in the New York State Assembly’s WhiteBook reports that manufacturing has been declining in the entire State of NewYork over the past 20 years, due mainly to globalization and technological ad-vances in manufacturing. Inexpensive labor costs compounded by the high cost ofland have led to a steady decrease in manufacturing businesses in WestchesterCounty. During that time, much of the job growth in the state has occurred in theservice sector.

In response to the exodus of manufacturing jobs and industries, municipalitiesacross Westchester have responded by seeking to replace these departedbusinesses with service-based retail. This has been done, primarily, by allowingzoning changes that permit the conversion of industrial areas to mixed use/retailareas. The City of New Rochelle in particular has an added pressure to re-zonebecause of the hardships created by the cap placed on property tax assessmentsby the New York State Assembly. Consequently, the City has pursued thedevelopment of the new Costco and Home Depot stores west of Downtown to addnew sources of revenue for the city. Likewise, the proposed IKEA superstore wassupposed to have generated new revenue streams.

Because of its proximity to New York City, less than 30 miles from Midtown, NewRochelle produces many goods and services consumed by New York, includinghousing. According to the White Book’s Executive Summary, “As the world’s

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financial capital, New York City’s economy has benefited immensely from therecent surge in financial market activity,” and “Wall Street firms have enjoyedspectacular growth for the past three years, with financial firm employees seeingequally spectacular growth in their bonus income.” Much of this newly createdpersonal wealth is being used to consume goods and services produced in the NewYork Metropolitan Area, which includes Westchester County and New Rochelle.Luxury housing construction and related industries (landscaping and furnishings)have been increasing. This type of industry depends on close proximity to itscustomers and cannot be exported where land costs are cheaper - housingconstruction, landscaping, automotive services all need to be produced near theircustomer base. Despite the recent downturn on Wall Street, The New York Times’Business Section of April 28, 2001reported that real estate prices for bothResidental and Commercial properties continued to climb in Westchester in thespring of 2001.

A survey of the business owners shows the City Park area as having a thrivinglight industrial/manufacturing base. Predominant industries include:Construction, construction-related materials manufacturing, food manufacturingand distribution, landscaping and related services, auto parts and auto relatedservices, and computer parts manufacturing. All of these industries have shown apattern of growth over the last few years and are directly tied to the consumerpatterns that have emerged in the New York Metropolitan Area.


New Rochelle is home to one of Westchester County’s greatest concentrations ofeconomic and ethnic diversity. Promoting a stronger industrial base is a healthyand sound way to meet the needs of the city’s residents and raise the base incomelevel of the city as a whole. Wages for manufacturing jobs are, on average, 50%higher than retail wages. These higher wages trickle through the local economy,increasing overall sales, and boosting the city’s sales tax revenues.

1997 Average Wages

Retail Trade Manufacturing Wholesale Trade# of


wage/yr# of


wage/yr# of


wage/yrNew Rochelle 2,581 $19,478 1,167 $31,547 1,221 $45,722Westchester 46,984 $20,404 18,797 $33,319 31,486 $41,700NYC Metro 904,682 $19,691 837,259 $35,015 N/A N/ANew York State 805,208 $17,796 785,891 $33,740 414,249 $41,487

source: U.S. Census Bureau 1997 Economic Census

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Creating industrial jobs also serves New Rochelle’s people of color, who enjoy amore equitable representation in manufacturing jobs than in other sectors, al-though African-Americans do better in some other sectors.


New York State has recognized the need to preserve and create industrial jobs tostrengthen the state’s economy and meet the needs of its citizens. To moveforward in this regard, the state has initiated many programs and economicincentives that can be accessed in the effort to create and retain industrial jobs.


Currently, the City Park area offers distinct advantages to the businesses thathave chosen and will choose to locate there. There are two immediate advantages:proximity and access to I-95 and a central location in southern WestchesterCounty. Direct access to I-95 southbound into New York City and relatively easyaccess to points north provides a broad market for the sale and distribution ofproducts manufactured in the City Park area.

For other businesses (primarily construction, landscaping and auto repair), thiscentral location in southern Westchester County constitutes a direct connection totheir customer base. The cost savings garnered through this proximity reducecosts for both the service providers and their customers. The rental costs arerelatively low compared to other areas in southern Westchester County and LowerFairfield County, Connecticut. Conversations with business owners indicate thatin order to obtain a reasonably comparable site and facilities, businesses wouldhave to move outside of Westchester County and pursue industrial space inPutnam County.

The area also benefits as an industrial site by the relatively low number of resi-dents affected by the noise, traffic, and activity of industrial uses as it is boundedon the northern edge by City Park and on the southern edge by I-95. Its proximityto the park, bodegas, restaurants, and access to public transit make the area a“luxury” site for industrial uses. Workers have ready access to open space andconvenient shopping.


Buildings well-suited for modern industrial and warehousing activity are in de-mand in Westchester as well as in the New York metropolitan region as a whole.In 1999, the vacancy rate for industrial space in Westchester County was 4% andthe total inventory was 39 million square feet.

Rents throughout the county generally range from $6 to $10 per square foot,though particularly advantageous spaces can fetch rents as high as $20 per

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square foot. Within New Rochelle, rents typically fall between $6.50 and $12 persquare foot.

Vacancy Rates of Industrial Space in Westchester County







1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999






% Vacant

As the above graph shows, the vacancy rates of industrial space have been in-creasing in recent years, indicating a high overall demand for industrial propertiesin the county. The following table indicates the recent shortages of supply com-pared to demand of industrial spaces in all size categories:

Size(sq. ft.)

1992 1995 1997 1999

Less than5,000





5,000 –19,999




















Source: Society of Industrial and Office Realtors

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In April 2000, the Westchester County Economic Development Plan and MarketingStrategy identified five “clusters” that the county should focus promotion effortson. The Department defined “clusters” as groups of businesses working within asimilar industry that seem to have certain size, growth rate, interdependency andvibrancy. Clusters of smaller, related businesses are seen, by some, to have anadvantage under the current regime of flexible production. The cluster as a wholecan more readily adapt to market changes by more rapidly and inexpensivelyreplacing outdated businesses, by sharing important information on techniqueand technology, and by being suited for smaller production runs. When clustersdo well within a region it means that the locational attributes are positive for thebusinesses and it is easier to expand these businesses than attract new ones.Westchester has a strong portfolio of “New Economy” clusters such as business,financial, and professional services. The consultants determined that the fivemajor clusters in Westchester County are:

1. Information Technology – employs 18,000 in the county and has shownrapid growth.

2. Headquarters and Corporate Service – there are a high number of cor-porate headquarters for a non-urban area. This cluster offers limitedopportunities and growth but is important because there is a large num-ber of small to medium-sized businesses in this cluster.

3. Bio-technology – employs 8,000 people, which is the highest concentra-tion of bio-tech workers in the State of New York.

4. Education – employs over 10,000 and provides education and training aswell as contributing to a knowledge-based economy, which can help therecruitment and retention of businesses.

5. Manufacturing – employs around 37,000 employees but is declining.This cluster may decline even further due to labor shortage and the lackof suitably zoned land—a problem our proposal intends to address (thereis a possible link between this cluster and the research and developmentactivities of the Headquarter Cluster).

The report breaks these clusters up into four categories:

· Star Clusters – have a strong competitive position in the county and havedynamic market potential. These include information technology, internet,financial and business services, bio-medical companies and professionalservices. Westchester needs to focus on adding new Star Cluster companiesto build an economic value chain.

· Cash Cow Clusters – have a strong competitive position but face marketswith lower than national average growth. These include publishing, con-sumer products, chemicals, and food and beverage industries. Westchestershould attempt to take advantage of new, faster growing markets.

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Comapnies in this cluster need to understand the market requirements,improve production capabilities, enhance worker productivity and innovatein marketing and distribution.

· Opportunity Clusters – are located in rapidly growing markets but arecurrently weaker in competitive position. In Westchester County the Oppor-tunity Cluster is Tourism. Businesses in this cluster need to focus on devel-oping the relevant economic foundations. They could try to implement arecruitment and enterprise formation process that could harness existingdemand, leading to creation of new jobs in the region.

· Challenge Clusters – have weaker competitive position in the county and aslowly growing market, such as metal products and machinery. Westchesterneeds to create a niche to improve competitive position or reinvent theirproducts to take advantage of higher-growing market segments.

It is important to note that the State Department of Labor predicts that jobs inprecision production, craft & repair occupation, and for operators, fabricators, andlaborers to rise in the Hudson Valley region, from 170,660 in 1997 to 184,680 in2007, an 8.2% increase over ten years.

6.1.6 LONG RANGE IMPACT OF REINFORCING LIGHT INDUSTRY: Input-Output Analysis of Development Impacts on the Study Area

In order to determine the impacts of several possible development plans for thestudy area, we employed a computer-based input-output analysis system (IMPLANPro 2.0, MIG, Inc.). Input-output models track the flow of spending through theindustries, businesses, households, and government agencies that comprise theeconomy of a region and calculate the long-term economic effects of an impact,such as job creation and investment, in terms of total output, value added, laborincome, and jobs created. Using this model, we computed projections of theimpacts that various types of development in the study area would have on theeconomy of Westchester County. Because they create different types and levels ofjobs, industry and large-scale retail the City Park area would have drasticallydifferent economic ramifications.


We limited our analysis to the New Rochelle portion of the Study Area (i.e.,excluding the segment within Mamaroneck) for two reasons. First, available datais more complete and reliable in the New Rochelle part. And second, the NewRochelle side of the Study Area is more likely to see greater change and attentionin the near future as IKEA has purchased a number of properties; additionally,there are several vacant sites.

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Our economic analysis is based on our survey of land uses and business types inthe City Park area. We first calculated the acreage of the area (excluding CityPark and MacLeay Apartments) and broke that down into acreage by current use.The total acreage is 20.70, of which 14.99 is industrial, 0.45 commercial, 3.18residential, 0.30 religious, and 1.78 vacant. Of this space, according to recordsobtained from the New Rochelle tax assessor’s office, IKEA currently owns 3.58acres (1.89 industrial, 1.24 residential, and 0.45 vacant).

Next, we isolated the study area businesses for which we have data on number ofemployees and the lot size (see Appendix 2). Based on these cases we found a jobdensity of 68.39 employees per acre. We used this density figure to calculate thenumber of jobs that would be created for every additional acre converted toindustrial uses. There are two important aspects to keep in mind about the use ofthis figure. All projections employing it are based on the current mix of industrialuses. This figure could, then, be increased or decreased by encouraging industrialdevelopment that is more or less dense, respectively. Second, this density iscalculated based on buildings constructed under the current zoning, which allowsthe footprint of a building to cover only 60% of the lot. If the area were rezoned inaccordance with our recommendations of 3 FAR and 80% maximum lot coverage(see zoning section 6.2), the density of employees per acre could be significantlygreater. Therefore, the figures for income, jobs, and value added for industrialscenarios presented are conservative estimates.

Using the businesses for which we have complete data, we determined the relativeproportion of lot acreage by industry type. Of the 10.63 acres occupied by theabove businesses, 2.20 acres (21% of the total) were occupied by auto repair andservice establishments, 1.72 acres (16% of total) were occupied evenly byconstruction companies and special trade contractors, like plumbers andelectricians, and 0.99 acres (9% of total) were home to landscaping businesses.The remaining 5.72 acres (54% of the total land area) were occupied by a variety ofindustries, which for purposes of the input-output analysis were divided evenlyamong businesses that produce fabricated metal products, electronic components,general industrial machinery, food and beverages, miscellaneous metal work, andwood products.

We analyzed the economic impacts of five development scenarios:· a short term scenario (3-5 years) based on the current industrial mix· a long term scenario (assumed to be 20 years) based on the current mix of

industries in the area· a scenario in which large-scale retail replaced existing jobs, similar to that of

the former IKEA proposal· a blank slate or “greenfield” retail scenario in which large-scale retail is

developed assuming the study area was a blank slate with no existingbusinesses or jobs

· a greenfield industrial scenario intended to represent the current mix of

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industries in the former IKEA Redevelopment Area, indicating what the existingbusinesses are contributing to the economy

Short Term Scenario

The short term scenario, which is conceived to cover the upcoming three to fiveyears, projects a build-out of currently available space (vacant space (1.78 acres)plus residential properties owned by IKEA (1.70 acres)) at the current industrialmix and employee density. This scenario also assumes that IKEA-owned industrialproperties continue to employ workers at levels prior to their purchase Wecalculated a vacancy rate of 6% (1.24 acres) based on the average of the 4%vacancy rate for industrial spaces in Westchester County as whole and thecurrent Study Area vacancy rate of 8%, which is inflated by IKEA’s holdings. Anaverage was used to accommodate the probably reality that a sudden influx ofindustrial space would not be occupied immediately. These figures yielded anadditional 123 jobs on 1.80 acres of the New Rochelle portion of the Study Area.

Long Term Scenario

The long term scenario assumes that lots not currently used for industry wereconverted to industrial uses under current zoning restrictions at a 4% vacancyrate. This scenario adds 283 jobs on 4.13 acres.

Large-Scale Retail Scenario

The third scenario is that of a large-scale retail development modeled on the IKEAproposal. This scenario would remove 458 employees (calculated at currentdensities) and replace them with 170 full-time and 180 part-time retail jobs. Part-time jobs were considered half-time, resulting in the equivalent of 260 full-timeretail employees. This estimate itself is probably an overestimate as large-scaleretailers often cut their staff by up to one-third once they have establishedthemselves (see section 5.5.1, Big Box Retail).

Blank Slate or “Greenfield” Scenarios

For comparison, we introduce two greenfield scenarios, which are intended toillustrate the overall effects of large-scale retail and industry located in the areacurrently designated by the City of New Rochelle as the Redevelopment Area. Theeconomic impacts of a greenfield large-scale retail development were calculatedassuming that the equivalent of 260 full-time retail jobs were provided. The

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greenfield industry scenario analyzes the effects of the current estimate of 458jobs distributed according to the proportions detailed above.


The results of the input-output analysis are summarized in the table below.Figures are given for the impact on value added, labor income, and jobs created.Value added and labor income are annual figures. Value added consists of fourcomponents: employee compensation, proprietor income, other property income,and indirect business taxes. Employee compensation refers to wage and salarypayments and includes benefits. Proprietary income consists of payments receivedby self-employed individuals as income. Other property income consists ofpayments for rents, royalties, and dividends. Indirect business taxes consist ofexcise taxes, property taxes, fees, licenses, and sales taxes paid by businesses.Labor income is the sum of employee compensation and proprietary income.

Impact of Scenarios on the County Economy


Value added $ 8,948,753 $ 3,321,652 $ 2,803,906 $ 15,074,311Labor Income $ 5,811,190 $ 2,120,256 $ 1,629,850 $ 9,561,298Employment 123.0 40.6 42.7 206.3

Long TermValue added $ 20,814,927 $ 7,745,824 $ 6,516,556 $ 35,077,308Labor Income $ 13,489,062 $ 4,945,509 $ 3,787,950 $ 22,222,519Employment 283.0 94.4 99.2 476.6

Large Scale RetailValue added $ - 22,499,596 $ - 11,210,998 $ - 7,663,560 $ - 41,374,154Labor Income $ - 14,519,563 $ - 7,209,016 $ - 4,455,328 $ - 26,183,907Employment -198.0 -136.6 -116.6 -451.3

Greenfield Large-scale RetailValue added $10,821,428 $ 1,147,525 $ 2,774,281 $ 14,743,234Labor Income $ 7,117,302 $ 679,830 $ 1,611,965 $ 9,409,096Employment 260.0 14.3 42.2 316.6

Existing Industrial MixValue added $ 29,788,996 $ 11,048,519 $ 9,331,430 $ 50,168,945Labor Income $ 19,343,357 $ 7,052,629 $ 5,424,160 $ 31,820,146Employment 458.0 150.9 158.9 767.8

*All figures except employment in 2001 dollars.

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The analysis distinguishes three types of effects: direct, indirect, and induced.Direct effects of expenditures by local businesses result from the purchase ofgoods and services by the businesses as well as the wages, salaries and benefitspaid to their employees. Indirect effects refer to the impacts created by thesuccessive purchases of goods and services by venders that derive business fromthe purchases made by local businesses. The third, induced effects, are theimpacts on all local industries caused by the expenditures of new householdincome generated through the direct and indirect effects of job creation.

As the table indicates, the short and long term effects of maintainingindustry in the City Park area on the economy of Westchester County aredramatically more beneficial than those of replacing existing jobs with large-scaleretail. This is in large part due to significantly higher wages and job density ofindustrial uses in comparison with retail uses. This labor income then cycles backinto the county’s economy, generating additional jobs and income. The City of NewRochelle can capitalize on this income to the extent that it encourages job trainingand hiring within its municipal borders. At present, the highest density ofindividuals working in industry are concentrated in the downtown area. Ensuringand adding to industrial income will most likely increase local spending andcontribute to the revitalization of the downtown area as well as boosting sales taxrevenues.


In order to enhance the area’s appeal for light industrial uses, we propose that thezoning designation be changed and that several infrastructure improvements bemade.


We propose several infrastructure improvements with three goals in mind:

1. The safety of pedestrian and automobile traffic in the neighborhood2. The aesthetic appeal of the area, realizing Fifth Avenue is a major entrance

to New Rochelle and that City Park is a public amenity of regionalimportance

3. The physical infrastructure needs particular to industrial businesses

Within the industrial area, the streets need attention. They were originally builtfor residential traffic, but are not adequate for use by heavier vehicles associatedwith the growing industry in the area.

Also, the street circulation creates confusion in the neighborhood. Currently, bothPlain and Pleasant run one-way east to Valley. Assuming most traffic will enter

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the study areafrom the Thruwayexit northeast ofthe industrial areain Mamaroneck,Valley Place is themost logicalentrance to theCity Parkneighborhood.Vehicles must begiven the option toturn off of Valleyonto either Pain St.or Pleasant St. Assuch, we proposechanging thedirection ofPleasant Street to one-way west and Biehn Street to one-way north.

The Fifth Avenue Corridor

Fifth Avenue and adjacent land also needs to be redesigned. Currently, theavenue is unsafe for pedestrians and visually unpleasing. Fifth Avenue is theprincipal through street in the study area. Sections of the sidewalk are missing onthe south side of the street, and the sidewalk is in generally poor repair. This isdue in part to poor drainage that degrades the condition of both the sidewalk andthe road surface. The utility lines on the south side of the street still run aboveground on telephone poles. The existing fence at City Park along Fifth Avenue doesnot present a positive image of the valuable green space, and parking for City Parkis inadequate during athletic games, as the street is unable to accommodate on-street parking. During periods of heavy use, parking spills over onto the adjacentstreets, competing with other uses for parking. People also frequently park on thesidewalk, causing traffic problems on the sidewalk and further damaging thesidewalk. The City applied for funds from the state’s Capital HighwayImprovement program in the 1980s to widen the street and make otherimprovements, but was turned down.

There is little data available about traffic in New Rochelle. The City has notcollected data for over a decade, and the data from the Draft EnvironmentalImpact Statement (DEIS) prepared for IKEA only covers the periods when the storewas expected to draw the most traffic. Furthermore, there have been seriousquestions raised by consultants for the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village ofLarchmont concerning the quality of the analysis and its findings. The City of New

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Rochelle identifies the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Pinebrook Street as theworst intersection in the area, with a poor level of service due to an intersectiongeometry that creates difficulty and delays for cars making right turns ontoPinebrook Street. The IKEA DEIS report addresses the condition of thisintersection only by stating that it serves at a level of service B. (Level of service israted on a six-point scale of A through F, with A being the best.)

Rashim D. Mehta at the City of New Rochelle shares the observation of thebusiness owners and real estate agents in the area that the turning radii in thestudy area are too narrow and create difficulties for trucks. Mehta also points outthat the right turn from Potter Avenue onto Fifth Avenue is too sharp, and heidentifies a friction point at that intersection between the exit from the parking lotfor City Park and the cars waiting at the light.

Given the existing 50-foot right-of-way, we have developed two proposals as seenin the drawings below. While these are not complete plans, they provide guidancefor future reconstruction.5

In the sketch to the right, the landscaped median helps to calm traffic andenhances the visual quality of the Avenue. Parking lanes also help reduce trafficspeeds and meet a need for limited weekend parking (approximately 100-110 extraparallel parking stalls). Proposed moving lanes would be twelve feet wide, meetingall common transportation engineering standards. Of the two sidewalks, one couldbe in the existing right of way and one could be moved into City Park. Besidesfreeing space in the right of way, this would allow for a wider path—accommodating pedestrians and bicycles—and becomes an attraction of the park.

In the second option, two bicycle lanes are added. This accommodates bikeenthusiasts and is avaluable amenity to thepark area. The lanes mayalso help secure federalfunding for Fifth Avenueimprovements through theTEA-21 grants for multipletransit modes. This ispotentially very promisingif inter-municipalcoordination allows thelanes to connect to theLarchmont train station.

To further enhance bothpedestrian safety and theappearance of the

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intersection, we also propose the addition of brick crosswalks at pedestriancrossings along Fifth Avenue. The different material attracts the attention ofdrivers to pedestrian crossings visually and physically.

Reconstruction of Fifth Avenue provides the opportunity for improving the visualquality of the area by putting the overhead utility lines underground. Whileconstruction is being done to the street, it would also be advisable to createconduits for future installation of fiber optic or other new communicationtechnology cable.

Additionally, we recommend placing drainage basins behind the curb line toimprove drainage and maintenance, and using granite curbstones or iron-cappedcurbs to maintain the condition and lower maintenance costs of the sidewalk. Theinside turning corners within the study area should also be widened using the

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available right-of-way.

Another point of concern along Fifth Avenue is the intersection with Potter Avenueat the west end of the study area. The existing contours of the road are outlinedin the above image.

The City owns an underutilized parcel adjacent to the current parking lot, whichwould allow for expanding the lot to provide needed additional parking. If this isdone, the entrance to the lot can be aligned with Potter Avenue, creating a moreefficient intersection. The southeast corner should also be rounded to address thesharp turn.


To remain consistent with New Rochelle policy and to further reinforce theindustrial quality of the Fifth Avenue Area, the city zoning code needs to beamended. A vision for the future of the study area has been formulated; however,the current zoning code is not in line with this vision.

To rectify the shortcomings of zoning as it pertains to the Fifth Avenuemanufacturing district, the stakeholders can take one of three steps:

1. Modify the current M-1 regulations in the zoning text2. Create a new zoning district that clearly defines uses and intensity in the

area3. Enforce regulations through restrictive deed covenants (which could be

managed through a Local Development Corporation)

However the regulations are employed, we recommend the following substantivechanges to zoning:

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Current Allowable Land Uses Proposed Allowable Land Uses? Retail stores and shops? Service and automobile repair

establishments? Restaurants and amusem*nt

establishments? Business, professional, utility, or

government offices? Off-street parking facilities? Schools or academies? Car sales? Bus shelters? Farms, nurseries, greenhouses,

and arboretums? Bars and nightclubs? Accessory Uses? Storage of passenger vehicles? Animal Hospitals? Wholesale and storage

establishments? Manufacture, fabrication, or

assembling of products? Dry cleaning establishments

? Light Manufacturing? Light Industry? Enclosed Storage and

Warehousing? Office space, wholesale, and

storage accessory to on-sitemanufacturing or industry

? Automotive, Construction, andLandscaping Services

? Existing Residential Uses

Current Intensity Regulations Proposed Intensity Regulations? No maximum floor area ratio? Maximum height of 40 feet? 60% maximum lot coverage

? Maximum Floor Area Ratio of 3? Maximum height of 60 feet? 80% maximum lot coverage

As currently written in the zoning code, the M-1 district in New Rochelle is acatch-all area that allows for virtually any use except residential. Because land-use restrictions are so vague, the area has attracted a host of undesirable uses,such as bus parking.

This mix of incompatible and undesirable land uses that resulted from thoughtlessmunicipal law was precisely the basis on which the area was declared “blighted”by the city council in 2000.

Along with the unnecessary open space requirements and large amounts ofrequired parking, the current M-1 zone is especially attractive to large retail

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establishments such as the recently proposed IKEA store, which could have beenconstructed as of right under the existing zoning. In addition to the arguments wemake for the value of industry in the neighborhood, city-commissioned reportshave consistently recognized the importance of the study area as an industrialcenter (in 1965, 1977, 1989, and 1996). Moreover, city policy of late has advocatedthe location of regional retail downtown. The M-1 zoning guidelines must coincidewith the needs of a viable light manufacturing district, leaving big bos and otherretail uses not suitable for manufacturing districts to more appropriate areas ofthe city.

According to area business owners and Westchester real estate brokers, small andmedium sized manufacturers have little use for open space on their property.Therefore, we propose that the maximum lot coverage be expanded from 60% to80%. Because the area is adjacent to City Park and I-95, the reduced open spacewill not detract from the quality of light and air in surrounding neighborhoods.

Along with the other steps we propose, altering zoning regulations will helpreinforce industrial uses in accordance with city policy and sound economicdevelopment and prevent their displacement by retail uses, which are bettersuited to srreas with better traffic access and proximity to downtown.

The Fifth Avenue Corridor

Along properties adjacent to Fifth Avenue, an allowance should be made for small-scale retail activity. Such uses should be limited to 10,000 square feet. Thiswould allow for stores and services that support area residents and businessesbut do not detract from the industrial vision for the area. This could beimplemented through a commercial zoning overlay.

Besides land-use regulation, the property along Fifth Avenue should be subject tosome additional design guidelines. Because the corridor is a significant entranceto the city and adjacent to City Park, the image of the streetscape is an importantconsideration. Property improvements benefit the area as a whole, and thereforeproperty owners should be compensated for necessary improvements.

Every building needs to have at least one entrance that faces the Avenue and apath that leads from the entrance to the sidewalk. The front facades should bebetween 20 and 30 feet high. Buildings should be setback at a consistent line 10feet from the street.

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We recommend the creation of a City Park Local Development Corporation(CPLDC) as a not-for-profit entity to facilitate and oversee the continueddevelopment of industry in the area. The LDC would be a private, non-governmental development organization run by local residents, business owners,and other stakeholders in the neighborhood. The mission of the LDC would be tostrengthen and improve the City Park neighborhood both economically andphysically while leveraging the diversity of the community.

The LDC could be used to direct the City Park area’s development as the residentsand business owners see fit. To reinforce industry, an LDC might:· Strengthen the industrial base of the area by providing management and

technical assistance to businesses. This would include resources such asmanagement training, financial advising, and marketing and export assistance.

· Improve the area’s infrastructure to make it more suitable for light industrialvehicles. Carry out other physical improvements to enhance the area’s valuefor manufacturing, including noise-reducing landscaping (e.g., strategicallyplaced trees) that would ensure the compatibility of industrial uses with thesurrounding neighborhoods.

· Assist in developing new, modern manufacturing and warehouse space in thearea, as well as retrofitting and modernizing existing structures.

· Link businesses with financial resources such as tax credits and small businessincentives for which they may qualify

· Develop a network of local businesses that could potentially form the basis for acounty-wide manufacturers’ association. Networking could be facilitatedthrough events such as workshops and trade shows.

· Provide employment services to match qualified employees with firms. Thiscould include partnerships with educational institutions in New Rochelle andelsewhere in southern Westchester County.

This list of possible services to be offered by the LDC is not exhaustive ordefinitive. Rather, its functions would change and expand as new communityneeds were brought to its attention.


The principal agents in forming a City Park LDC would be local residents, businessowners, and other community stakeholders. Interested parties should conduct aneeds assessment to identify crucial objectives, existing programs and areapotential. Community organization in City Park has already been galvanized bythe fight against Ikea, so the basic community networks needed to form an LDCare in place.

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As a launching point, we outlined a strategic plan and mission statement in linewith our vision for reinforcing Westchester’s industrial base. However, it is criticalthat the established LDC clearly affirm objectives up front to avoid politicalconflicts, duplication of services, or competition for funds with anotherdevelopment corporation.

The success of the LDC would be dependent on how well the founders address thekey elements of building consensus, procuring stable funding, establishing dueprocess, and creating a sound organization and good community relations. Thegeneral criteria are modeled in a four-step fundamental plan.

Step 1 - Bring together community residents, city officials, other stakeholders andpeople with technical and financial resources to draft the strategic plan and goals.It would be particularly important that the residents of the MacLeay apartmentcomplex be represented in the group, as they have been underrepresented in thecommunity discussions thus far. This group would lead to formation of a board ofdirectors. Diverse representation from all affected sectors of the community, aswell as support from influential city officials, would be important (6 months).During the start-up phase, the LDC could be run by a part-time executive directorin a small office space that may be provided by one of the area businesses.

Step 2 - Explore all funding resources available, including state and cityincentives, foundations, philanthropic groups, and existing economic developmentproject groups (see funding section below). It could also be beneficial to identify aninterim fiscal agent that already has 501(c)3 tax-exempt status while pursuingfunding (6 months).

Step 3 - Write and submit all federal, state, city and environmental applicationsand proposals. This would include filing with the IRS, filing the 501(c)3 status,registering the LDC with the state, creating a consolidated plan and abiding bystandard EIS procedures (1-2 years).

Step 4 – Establish an initial organizational structure based on a five-year planincluding: a working board to form the LDC, an executive director, an interimvolunteer staff (until funding provides for permanent staffing), and severalcommittees to (a) draft bylaws and articles of incorporation, (b) initiate fundraising,(c) build community relations and (d) develop programs. It would be essential forthe working board to address ongoing organizational structure as part of theLDC’s formation. (3 months)

There are a number of programmatic details the LDC working boardwould need toaddress within each of these steps. However, the key would be a carefully plannedblueprint. Only through rigorous organizational principles could an LDC becomean effective agent in the face of two extreme challenges, fundraising and landacquisition.

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Possibly the greatest challenge in founding an LDC is securing the initial funding.To assume legitimate development power, the LDC would need enough support toacquire and convert some parcels in accordance with its industrial vision. Adiversified financial scheme would ensure a more balanced approach. This sub-section identifies a variety of potential resources for the proposed City Park LDC.

Foundations and Grants (from Private and Nonprofit Sectors)

· The LDC could pursue grants from private banks and financial institutions viathe Community Reinvestment Act, which would encourage depository institu-tions to help meet the financial needs of the communities in which they oper-ate. CRA provisions include not only loans but grants, which commonly fallwithin the range of $2,500 to $5,000.

· The proposed development corporation could also pursue funding from localand regional nonprofit institutions such as the Westchester Community Foun-dation, which provides grants in the range of $10,000 for programs thatstrengthen communities. The Foundation also has environmental programsthat fund development plans for brownfield areas, which include former shop-ping centers, vehicle stroage sites, and other areas like the City Park area thatdo not necessarily pose a health threat. Grants of this type typically range from$20,000 to $30,000. (Conversation with Catherine Marsh, Executive Director ofthe Westchester Community Foundation, April 20, 2001)

Federal, State, and County Resources

· Community Development Block Grants: The needs of the LDC could beincorporated into New Rochelle’s Consolidated Plan, which is used to solicitCDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

· Industrial Retention Network/Move Smart Program: In its “Jobs Agenda 2001,”the New York State Assembly has outlined plans for $4.3 million in funding foran Industrial Retention Network to provide business and financial assistance tomanufacturers. The Assembly supports funding of industrial retention effortsin each region of the state to link Local Development Corporations with fundingand assistance from government agencies, financial institutions, unions, andnon-for-profit organizations. The proposed LDC could also possibly channelassistance from the $4 million allocated in the Jobs Agenda for TechnologyDevelopment Organizations (TDOs). The TDO program leverages state andfederal funds to provide technical assistance to manufacturers seeking toincrease their efficiency and competitiveness.

· The Westchester County Industrial Development Authority (WCIDA) issuesIndustrial Revenue Bonds for purchasing land, building or renovating

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structures, and buying machinery and equipment. For qualifiedmanufacturing projects, bonds are exempt from federal, state, and local taxes.

· The Empire State Development Corporation’s (ESDC) Empire Zones (EZ)Program encourages business development in designated areas by offeringtargeted incentives and benefits to new and expanding commercial andindustrial firms. Benefits include sales tax, wage tax and investment taxcredits, free security surveys, and energy discounts. However, it should benoted that a city with a median income as high as New Rochelle’s would havedifficulty in obtaining an Empire Zone designation, as New Rochelle andWestchester in general are perceived as wealthy in comparison with distressedareas upstate.

Once the LDC developed a base of member businesses, annual dues wouldcontribute to its revenue sources. Nonetheless, fundraising would be a perennialactivity, as local development corporations generally rely heavily on governmentand private support for their continuing operation.


Since the LDC would be a non-profit entity, donors of property or money wouldreceive a tax deduction for their contributions. This would provide an attractiveexit strategy to any landowners seeking to rid themselves of property in the area.


The City Park LDC would bring a proactive vision to the area and provide a thelong-term organizational means for sustainable economic development. Not onlywould it serve as a vehicle by which funds from various sources could be directedto the neighborhood, but it would also empower the community to take part in thearea’s development. By this means, an area heretofore perceived as blightedcoiuld increase its economic and social vibrancy. Furthermore, the type ofeconomic development promoted by the LDC would especially benefit low andmoderate income workers by retaining and creating jobs that pay relatively highwages without requiring advanced degrees.

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There are several issues tied to the Fifth Avenue area that need additionalconsideration and study. Planning to support the economic vitality of downtownand the waterfront should be a priority and will need continued attention. Asdetailed elsewhere in this report, the City of New Rochelle’s efforts to bring anIKEA superstore to the Fifth Avenue neighborhood were spurred in part by thedesire of city officials to generate substantial sales tax revenue. The IKEAproposal was defeated largely because highly vocal opponents pointed out that theStudy Area did not have the necessary infrastructure, such as direct access fromInterstate 95, to support a store of the size without substantially erodingneighboring residents’ quality of life. In keeping with contemporary planningprinciples embodied in programs such as Westchester’s Patterns, the Regional PlanAssociation’s Third Regional Plan, and the New Jersey State Plan, New Rochelleshould reinforce and regenerate its downtown, the city’s traditional center forshopping, dining, and entertainment.

Renewal of the waterfront, and Echo Bay in particular, is another appropriatevenue for enhancing the City’s tax revenues. Improvement of the waterfront couldalso improve the quality of life for residents of New Rochelle and WestchesterCounty by providing more adequate public access and a higher quality waterfront.

The location of a vocational school in the area is an idea that should be explored,particularly as a potential means for further supporting New Rochelle andWestchester County’s industrial base. Finally, the social fault lines within thecommunity need to be addressed.


The City has taken many encouraging steps to revitalize its downtown in recentyears. Nevertheless, it should be noted that a potential economic downturn mightplace that turnaround on shaky footing. Attendance at New Roc City has not metexpectations, and the viability of its entertainment concept is questionable. It isalso unclear whether its primarily youth-oriented activities will enhance themarketability of the new office space that has been proposed for “Parcel 1-A,”across Huguenot Street from the New Roc parking garage. The fate of severalblocks of prime downtown real estate now rest in the hands of two developers –AvalonBay and Louis Cappelli – which may place the city in a precarious positionshould these companies face economic problems. This underscores the need tosupport the remainder of the CBD, with its diverse property ownership.

Huguenot Street has gradually undergone a degradation as a pedestrianenvironment. The street’s gradual decline as a business area and its increasedlevel of traffic have contributed to deteriorate much of its length. As a result,several aging apartment buildings were removed between Lawton Street and

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Division Street a few years ago and replaced with surface parking lots inpreparation for the second phase of Avalon-on-the-Sound. Unfortunately, thisremoved some of the remaining activity from the sidewalks and created anenvironment that was less inviting for people who would still have reason to walkthrough. Recently the Avalon-on-the-Sound apartment tower was completed, withonly moderate interaction with the street. The most detrimental aspect, however,is the lack of pedestrian traffic signals to cross Huguenot Street.

The opening of the Library Green will help improve this situation by making thearea more attractive to pedestrians. The proposed retail in the ground floor of thesecond phase of Avalon will also have a positive effect. The much-neededpedestrian signals would also presumably be installed.

In recent years, new downtown development has included:· New Roc City, an entertainment center with an 18-screen movie theater,

bowling alley, large video arcade, and skating rink. This complex, whichincludes a parking garage funded by the city, replaced a mall anchored byMacy’s that closed in the mid-1990s. Thus far, visitor numbers have notcome close to meeting expectations: while 5.5 million were expected in NewRoc City’s first year, only 3.1 million came. According to Mayor Idoni, first-year expenses for the city exceeded income by $400,000, which has draineddiscretionary resources from other areas. The developer is Louis Cappelli ofValhalla, New York.

· Avalon on the Sound, a 412-unit, 25-story residential tower adjoining theNew Rochelle train station, with an adjacent parking garage. When thistower is fully rented, which is expected to occur by the end of 2001, thedeveloper, AvalonBay Communities, Inc. plans to begin construction on a588-unit residential tower across the street from it, at Division, Huguenot,and Main Streets.

Many developments are in the works that will have a positive effect on DowntownNew Rochelle:

· A proposed downtown historic district. A cultural resources survey wascompleted in September 2000 by Taylor & Taylor Associates, Inc., with theintention of establishing a historic district between LeCount Place and thewestern entrance to downtown. New Rochelle’s Business ImprovementDistrict is supportive of creating a historic district, which would enableproperty owners to benefit from the federal tax credit for renovations thatmeet the Secretary of the Interior’s design standards for historic properties.Many downtown property owners as well as the City Council are hesitant tosupport a historic district, as they are fearful of design regulations thatwould restrict their options in performing alterations or that might preventdemolition of existing structures.

· The construction of Library Green north of the Public Library. This $2.8million open-space project was funded by Westchester County, and will be

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completed by the summer of 2001.· The construction of an Intermodal Transportation Center, which will

include a parking garage and improved infrastructure integrating bus linesand the Metro-North train line to New York City and New Haven.Construction is expected to begin in May 2002 and finish 12 to 18 monthslater.

· A five-phase improvement program for North Avenue. The first phase,from Huguenot to Garden Streets, will be completed with the IntermodalTransportation Center. The North Avenue improvement will include aredesign of a currently inhospitable small plaza at Main Street and MemorialHighway.

· The development of “Parcel 1-A,” formerly a city-owned lot. Louis Cappellihas purchased the lot with plans to develop an office tower.

Downtown RecommendationsIn order to reinforce the efforts already underway to buttress the financial, social,and cultural performance of Downtown New Rochelle, we offer the followingrecommendations for future study:

· Design standards for new downtown buildings. New buildings shouldperpetuate the streetscape and pedestrian-oriented nature of NewRochelle’s Central Business District. All new structures built downtown,including parking garages, should have first-floor retail to encourageground-floor activity. This retail requirement would enable the city to avoidshortcomings that have surfaced in the past, such as the blank wall at NewRoc City facing Main Street. This has largely prevented Main Streetbusinesses from benefiting from the 3.1 million visitors to New Roc City.New structures taller than three stories should perpetuate the existingstreetwall before setting back above the third story.

· Downtown historic district. These plans should move forward, and designcontrols for historic structures should be instituted. Main Street has asubstantial collection of buildings from the late 19th through mid-20thcentury that are architecturally valuable and could provide a solidfoundation for the economic revitalization of the CBD. The city and theBusiness Improvement District should begin a program to educatedowntown property owners on the positive effects of historic districts, whichhave historically had the effect of raising property values and retail quality,and should invite mayors of cities in which historic districts have hadpositive economic effects to speak to downtown owners and businessoperators. The tax incentives available in a New Rochelle historic districtwould complement the city’s existing Façade Improvement Program, whichprovides free architectural and design services and 50% of constructioncost, up to $80,000, for qualifying downtown property owners.

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· Pedestrian improvements on Huguenot Street. Improving the pedestrianenvironment, and reinforcing the crosswalks in particular, is important toreinforce the connection between downtown and the train station, whilemaking walking trips around downtown more attractive to residents of thenew apartment towers. Enhancement of the uses and esthetic attributesneed to be considered. As already mentioned, the city is taking severalpositive steps. It may also want to consider special conditioning of the streetcorners to make the crosswalks more prominent, creating a special featureto serve as a welcoming pedestrian gateway into downtown in conjunctionwith converting the train station into the Intermodal Transit Center, andincluding bicycle lanes on Huguenot to both increase the level of activity onthe street and to facilitate alternative means of transportation in connectionwith the transit center.

· Enhance Ties with Iona College. Located on North Avenue several blocksnorth of Downtown, the college could add vitality to Downtown. A freeshuttle could be instituted, with frequent, reliable travel between thecampus and several downtown stops. This service should run at least untilmidnight during the week and into the early morning on weekends. Thiswould not only encourage students, many of whom do not own automobiles,to visit Downtown more, but may encourage many to move Downtown,helping to improve the CBD’s performance as a 24-hour community andproviding additional customers with disposable income. The possibility of adowntown cultural venue (performing arts, art gallery) operated by Iona, orjointly between the college and the City, should also be explored.

· Parking Study. The city should initiate a study to determine the need foradditional downtown parking. Although several new garages have beenbuilt in recent years or are in the works, these are either private (thoseserving Avalon) or meant to serve drivers going to the area immediatelysurrounding New Roc City. A parking field currently located off of CentreStreet south of Main may be a candidate for expansion or for construction ofa parking structure. This is an especially crucial issue, as a lack of parkinghas hampered some potentially positive development plans. For example, aproposal to convert the former Main Street Bloomingdale’s store, whosevacant condition has been a symbol of Downtown’s decline, into office space,has been termed “highly speculative” by New Rochelle’s DevelopmentDirector in large part because of a lack of parking in the immediate area. ABloomingdale’s office building, at approximately 100,000 square feet in size,would require up to 300 spaces.

· Housing. The City should begin a marketing campaign to attract residentsof New York City and other areas squeezed by high rents to older, vacantapartments in Downtown New Rochelle in the areas west and south of theNew Roc City area.

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Echo Bay is an inlet off Long Island Sound located just beyond the eastern edge ofNew Rochelle’s downtown. While the waterfront has long been a wonderful assetfor the city, there is a lack of association between it and the downtown.Furthermore, Echo Bay is spotted with industrial uses and dominated by theWestchester County Sewage Treatment Plant, which stands on its east shore.

In addition to the sewage treatment plant, the major parcels around the bayinclude Five Islands Park, a large vacant manufacturing facility, the New RochelleCity Yard, the former New York State Armory, a concrete company, a former ConEdison plant, and the municipal marina and Hudson Park. There is a stretch ofhomes between the Con Edison plant and the marina.

The State turned the Armory site over to the City in 1997 under the condition thatit make the section of waterfront accessible to the public. The former Con Edisonplant will also be turned over to the City, following environmental remediation.The City has also expressed an interest in acquiring the Nelsted ConcreteCompany to consolidate the waterfront. These sites, together with the parks andthe City Yard, place much of the bay’s waterfront under municipal ownership.And as the City is currently in the process of finding a place to relocate its CityYard, the opportunity is open to redefine this area and the image of New Rochellein a more aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian-friendly manner.

At present, the vacant manufacturing plant is privately owned and is likely to bedeveloped privately in the future. It was previously occupied by Tuck TapeCorporation. In August 1997, the owner of New Rochelle Ford and other investorsbought the site and now propose a major redevelopment. Dubbed SoundviewPlaza, it would incorporate commercial uses, which would require rezoning.

The City Council approved redevelopment plans for the area in 1983 and 1999. In1983, the area was given the zoning designation “Planned Unit Development”following extensive discussion at a public hearing concerning the appropriatereuse of the Armory and City Yard sites, where strong opposition to high-density,high-rise development was voiced. The PUD designation permits residential and/orcommercial development on this site, but leaves major controls, such as heightand density, to be determined by the Planning Board and the City Council whendevelopment proposals are made.

The Harbor Management Plan provided much of the framework for the 1999 plan,and is frequently cited by the City’s plan. The Harbor Management Plan dealswith two sets of waterfront uses: water-dependent uses/support facilities, andpublic access/recreation. The plan suggests as an option a high-speed ferry toLong Island and/or New York City from the Municipal Marina, which has availableparking and good access to I-95 and the proposed Intermodal TransportationFacility.

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It also recognized the City Yard site as a major waterfront parcel whoseredevelopment could significantly improve the quality of life and property values ofthe surrounding areas. City Yard lies in close proximity to the central businessdistrict and equidistant from two underutilized city waterfront facilities - FiveIslands Park and the Municipal Marina. The plan highlighted the opportunity fortying together these three city-waterfront nodes with walkways and boat shuttles,thereby enhancing the physical activity and landscape of Echo Bay.

The 1999 plan delimited the Main Street/Echo Bay Urban Renewal Area by EchoAvenue on the west, Main Street on the north, and included all of City Yard to theeast and the former Con Edison Plant and Echo Bay to the south. The UrbanRenewal Plan called for improved public access to the waterfront, outlining thecreation of a public promenade and suggesting a ferry between Five Islands Parkand Hudson Park. Proposed developments providing views of the waterfront fromMain Street were to be given priority on city-owned property. The plan envisionedmixed residential, commercial, and water-related recreational uses, andencouraged water-dependent and water-enhanced uses.

The City replaced its old zoning with new Waterfront Related Zoning Codes inorder to allow by special permit residential uses and other commercial uses thatare not water-dependent. Approval would be conditional on the uses notdisplacing existing water-dependent uses, while remaining compatible withadjacent and nearby residential neighborhoods, several of which now enjoy viewsof the waterfront.

The water-dependent uses encouraged by the 1999 plan may not be viable,however, unless navigation channels are dredged and waterfront edges areimproved. If Echo Bay is allowed to continue silting in, the municipal marina,which is the largest public boat basin in Westchester County, will continue to losecapacity. Dredging contaminated areas is expensive and environmentallycontroversial, however. The Department of Public Works has been dealing withthe issue, but has suffered setbacks as the Environmental Protection Agencychanged its standards regulating dredging. At last check, the Department ofPublic Works needed to retest the sediment.

The plan also did not adequately address the sanitation plant, which was notincluded in the redevelopment area. While there seems to be little odor associatedwith the plant, it is visually detrimental to the area and occasionally dischargesoverflows into the bay.

Waterfront Recommendations:

There are some possible alternatives for revitalization in the Echo Bay Area. Theobjectives of the bay’s redevelopment should be a good balance of residential andcommercial uses, better connections between the waterfront and the rest of the

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city, and additional study of the infrastructure that will be needed in the area.Bearing this in mind, the following points merit additional study and attention:

· Commercial Development. Extending commercial uses to this section of MainStreet could help improve the connection between downtown and thewaterfront. The businesses that could benefit from the access to the waterfrontwould help bolster the City’s finances through higher sales and property taxes.The car dealership’s lot should be retained for commercial uses, and most of theMain Street frontage of the City Yard site should be opened to commercialdevelopment.

· Variations on a Theme. The City might consider using public art, decorativebenches or lampposts, or other similar techniques to create a series of relatedelements along Main Street and the waterfront. This carries pedestrians along,wanting to see how the next piece will interpret the theme.

· Public Parking. On the City Yard site, the area between the waterfrontpromenade and the commercial frontage on Main Street could be used forpublic parking to improve access to the waterfront and serve adjacentbusinesses.

· Bicycle Lanes. In order to better reinforce the connection between thewaterfront and the rest of the city, to provide better recreational opportunitiesto residents, and to alleviate some of the parking pressure on the waterfront,the City should study the possibility of adding bicycle lanes between thewaterfront promenade and other parts of the city.

· Ferries. The different proposals for recreational and commuting ferries couldprovide more adequate usage of the waterfront and help make the area morevibrant. There may also be a possibility of mildly curbing the increases incongestion on I-95 with a ferry commuting service. These will have to becarefully studied in terms of economic viability as well as traffic impacts on thesurrounding area and throughout the region.

· Parks, Promenade, and Public Plaza. The waterfront should be reserved oracquired to create a continuous promenade with lanes for walking,rollerblading, and bicycling along the waterfront, thereby increasing therecreational possibilities of this resource. In addition, the City should considerexpanding the existing paths to include these uses. There should be aprominent connection between Main Street and the waterfront adjacent to theArmory, which could include a public plaza. The plaza could become a venuefor summer events as well as establishing a gateway that would serve as aconnection between the city and its waterfront.

· The Armory. As the armory was given to New Rochelle to improve public space,

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we suggest that the building itself be dedicated to a public function. This couldtake the form of a museum, as has been suggested. Another possibility mightbe a community center.

· Residential Uses. The City has expressed an interest in developing portions ofthe bay as market rate housing. It might allow residential development on theCon Edison and Nelsted Concrete sites, while retaining the waterfront as apublic promenade. Given the amenity of the waterfront, the City could improveits finances through the sale and increased property taxes of these sites.

· Sewage Treatment Plant. This facility is currently an aesthetic detriment tothe surrounding area. This problem could be largely alleviated through the useof landscaping as screening. A change of grade, the insertion of trees aroundthe facility, the use of decorative stone walls and other landscaping techniques,could be used to separate the public promenade as it edges the plant.

Given the low capacity of the facility, and the city’s increasing population, theneed to expand the plant must be studied as a comprehensive element of theplan for the bay’s development. If purchase of the Tuck Tape site becomesnecessary, this could be done in conjunction with the creation of the publicpromenade to facilitate land acquisition and limit construction impacts.

· Environmental Cleanup. This is a complex issue which needs continuedattention pertaining to the municipal marina, and potentially anyredevelopment of the City Yard and Nelsted Concrete Company sites. Whileplanning comprehensively for Echo Bay, the City should investigate anybenefits from combining the potential remediation of these sites, such aseconomies of scale, lower application costs, and increased federal and state aid.

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New Rochelle’s schools are strained under growing enrollment. Enrollment hassurged over 35% in the last decade from 7,614 students in 1990 to a projected10,446 in 2001. The steady rise in enrollment is expected to continue due to twofactors: increased births, and sales of homes to families with several children ofschool age.

Families continue to be attracted to New Rochelle due to the reputation of theschool district. For instance, the largest school selection consulting firm,SchoolMatch, an independent, nationwide service in Ohio that helps corporateemployee families find schools that match the needs of their children, placed theCity School District of New Rochelle in a nationally select top group of 15% of thenation’s 15,620 school systems. In addition, the U.S. Department of Education hasgiven five Blue Ribbon School Awards to the New Rochelle schools, more than toany other school district in Westchester. This growth, however, puts aconsiderable strain on the City’s aging facilities.

New Rochelle’s Board of Education is actively addressing these financial demandsof physical expansion in its 2001-2 Proposed Budget. On March 27, 2001, BondProposition No. 1 authorized $39.9 millionto finance the reconstruction of andaddition to New Rochelle High School. Currently, most (73.5%) of the NewRochelle school budget is supported by local tax dollars. State aid, the second-largest source of revenue, accounts for 15.4% of the school district’s income and isexpected to increase about 6% during the 2001-2002 school year. Any increase instate aid would decrease the local tax levy.

Further challenging New Rochelle’s efforts, the New York Board of Regents hasmandated new standards, tests, and graduation requirements for all publicschools. One major change for New Rochelle is the shift in its high school from a

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comprehensive institution which formerly offered the option of a local diploma, toan All-Regents high school for all students. Among the changes in Regentsrequirements relevant to the City Park Redevelopment vision are:

· Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Identify and serve children (K-12) whogive indication through multiple measures that they are at risk of academicfailure. Each child must be furnished with a personal educational plan to beimplemented by certified personnel.

· Staff Development. The district incurs costs for training/preparing teachersfor instructional requirements. Teachers need training where local curriculumindicates major shifts from current practice.

· Additional Instructional Courses. Prepare instruction directed toward high-risk students to improve their academics before examination.

· Proctoring Costs. District costs for Special Education and for students who arenot classified as requiring Section 504 modifications (e.g., extended school time,being read to, physical modifications, and special setting small groups) so thatthe children can succeed.

· Part 154 Regulations. Significant costs associated with the new regulationsfor Limited English Proficient (LEP)/ English Language Learners (ELL).Mandates increased instructional time for English, native language, andcontent area instruction.

In short, these state mandates further justify serious consideration for a specialneeds, advanced occupational training, or vocational education center. The CityPark Redevelopment area has the potential to house such a facility, especiallygiven the low usage of City Park during the day and the potential to share parkingwith the park.

A school providing vocational and occupational training in the study area wouldcomplement other efforts to reinforce the industrial base. School constructioncould be accomplished through the institution of a development corporation.Information regarding the need for a school and its location in southernWestchester, and the type of school that would be required are backed by thefollowing information from Claudia Fuller, Director, and Harry Kaplan, Supervisor,Center for Career Services, at Southern Westchester Boces.

BOCES is an organization providing occupational and vocational training, as wellas immigrant services and a wide array of other educational programs for adultsand high school students in New York State. Southern Westchester Boces’ currentfacility is located north of White Plains in Valhalla, which is difficult to reach bypublic transportation from many areas of southern Westchester. According toFuller and Kaplan:

· New Rochelle accounts for approximately 150 of the students coming toSouthern Westchester Boces every year for technical training.

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· There is a waiting list for Boces training.· Of graduating students, 95% of Boces students further their training or go on

to work in the field of their training.· New Rochelle’s demographics, with a large working-class, immigrant

population, make it a good candidate for additional adult occupational training.· Boces has identified a need for additional occupational education in

Westchester.· Training is in demand for mechanics, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and

HVAC technicians. Also, there is big demand for computer networkingtechnicians, and these jobs are also the most attractive to prospective studentsbecause they are seen as having the largest future potential. There is a needfor workers in heavy industrial trades, but not many people are interested inreceiving training in these fields because they are not seen as having big futurepotential.

· Auto mechanics, especially those trained in the latest, computer-orientedsystems, are in short supply.

· Health services is a fast-growing field. Medical billing and coding is a big area.· Not surprisingly, there is always a need for retail workers, but retail jobs

generally don’t pay well, and those that do pay well generally go to people withbusiness management backgrounds, who are more highly educated.

· Many young people are going into food preparation. There is a big market for itin the area, with many new hotels, conference centers, and restaurantsaround. But the better-paying jobs in food prep go to those with much moreadvanced training, such as from the Culinary Institute or Johnson & Wales.Those below them do not receive good wages and benefits.

· Boces is expanding. It just installed a new Cisco training program for computernetworking technicians at the Valhalla campus. Although both Kaplan andFuller said there was additional demand for Boces services, neither provided aballpark figure on how many additional students could be accommodated.


Of the 77 tax lots in the redevelopment area, 31 have been identified as beingresidential in use, making them non-compliant with the existing zoning designa-tion. 13 of the properties are owner-occupied, and 18 are tenant-occupied; manyare both. Of these properties, a total of 10 have been purchased by IKEA (5owner-occupied and 5 tenant-occupied).

The owner-occupied units are inhabited by older residents, mostly African Ameri-cans and persons of Italian descent. The rental units are mostly occupied byimmigrant Latino families.

Given our proposal to reinforce the industrial base, the residential properties willeventually be replaced by industrial uses. The manner in which this replacementshould occur is an open question. We have identified these possible means to

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adequately address the needs of residents, many of which could be used in combi-nation:

- Allow for input by the current long-term residents of the area regarding anyconversion decision

- Require compliance with the existing zoning upon change of ownership. Thiswould permit older homeowners to stay put until they no longer need theirhouses.

- Institute a reverse-mortgage type of program to buy out properties so that thepresent owner/occupants can enjoy income before the property is acquired bythe City; this could be a function of the LDC.

- Implement Tax Increment Financing on properties converted to industrial usefrom residential.

- Provide deposit and relocation cost assistance to tenants- Work closely with local non-profit housing development groups to find replace-

ment housing for those who wish it.



MacLeay Apartments, formerly a public housing development, is now owned andmanaged by the New Rochelle Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation. sinceacquiring the complex in 1986, macleay has gone from being a financial drain onthe city to one that generates $600,000 annually for the city’s coffers. WhileNRNRC measures its success in part in terms of financial objectives, the residentsevaluate the organization in terms of its undelivered promises of social servicesand day care, inadequate maintenance, and the seemingly arbitrary eviction ofresidents, particularly long-time residents. All of these problems are inter-relatedand require greater accountability of NRNRC to its tenants and a more democraticand transparent process for residents to express their grievances, respond to leaseviolations, and participate in the management and development of their commu-nity.


Our assessment of the needs and issues relating to the MacLeay Apartments isbased on research and discussions with MacLeay Apartment residents. We madeseveral attempts to contact Charles Depasquale, the executive vice president ofNRNRC, but he was unavailable for comment.

Privatization, Lease Violations and Evictions

The privatization of MacLeay is displacing low-income residents recieving Section 8

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rent subsidies with people who can pay market rents. Many of the low-incomeresidents have lived there for more than 20 years, and they are being removedfrom their apartments as a result of two factors. One is NRNRC’s rejection of Sec-tion 8 vouchers due to a change in the city’s rent subsidy program. The city isswitching from Section 8 certificates to Housing Choice vouchers, a similar rentsubsidy program. The switch requires a new contract between landlords and thepublic housing agency that provides the voucher, which creates a loophole forlandlords to reject the contract with no explanation. NRNRC, as a landlord, haschosen not to sign contracts and will not accept the new vouchers. Consequently,residents whose leases expire must either be able to pay market-rate rents fortheir units at MacLeay or find another place to live. So far, about 15 families havebeen affected by this change. This problem is not specific to New Rochelle, andcountywide more than 50 families with Housing Choice vouchers are still lookingfor affordable housing. Many are being forced to look outside Westchester County.

The second factor contributing to an increase in the number of families moving outof MacLeay Apartments are lease violations. Almost 10 families have been askedto move recently after being accused by NRNRC of lease violations, such as notpaying their rent or having people who aren’t on the lease live with them. Some ofthese families, however, feel the accusations are not justified. The dispute be-tween NRNRC and residents over illegal evictions has been an ongoing problemsince NRNRC assumed ownership of the buildings. In 1996, for example, elevenfamilies faced eviction for “quality of life offenses” that they denied. According toNRNRC, its private security force had documented lease violations such as loiter-ing, marijuana-smoking, and gambling.6

The evictions have left some residents feeling intimidated, threatened, and uncer-tain about their futures. The displacement of longtime residents from MacLeayhas not only forced families to move out of New Rochelle, it has also reoded astrong sense of community.

Unmet Needs: Local Retail and Social Services

In 1989, the NRNRC’s board directed the manager, Calvin Walton, to researchfunding sources for social services, including transportation to local programs foryouth and seniors, a referral service for counseling and job training programs, daycare, and tutoring.7 “Whenever you have a large concentration of low-incomepeople, you need social services,” Mr. Walton said. “We have to find a way to moti-vate some of these young people and some adults.”

In a survey of current residents during the course of our study, those services arestill in demand. Residents would like to have local retail, such as a clothing storeand grocery store, an educational facility, day care, and job training programs inthe City Park area.

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Another related issue is the restricted access to the community center, known asthe RESPECT room, and the computer center. Residents complain that they areunable to use the resources in these rooms, because they do not have access tothem. On many occasions, they have had to hold their meetings outside the com-plex, because they were not provided access to the RESPECT room by Mr.DePasquale.

Maintenance Problems

During our discussion with MacLeay residents, they spoke at length about themaintenance problems they’ve encountered since the 1990 building renovations.Many are concerned of exposure to asbestos during the renovation, when abate-ment measures in the basem*nt were performed without evacuation of the resi-dents from the building. Furthermore, materials left over from the renovationwere apparently buried in an area that was formerly used as a playground.

Residents are also frustrated with repeated flooding of raw sewage in their apart-ments due to old pipes. Many also complain of rust in their water, as well as in-consistent water service. Some only receive cold water, while others only receivehot water.

The most recent grievance occurred when NRNRC cut down four trees and re-moved two benches in front of the building that the management staff claimedwere obstructing the surveillance cameras from monitoring drug-dealing activity.These actions were taken without consultation with the residents or warning.

Racial Profiling and Mobility Constraints

According to residents, their children have been shadowed by Larchmont policeofficers who claimed “it’s a private town” and turned them away from using theMetroNorth train station. Since these incidents of racial profiling, neither theadults nor their children use the Larchmont station. Instead, they either walk anhour to the New Rochelle station, or they take a cab. The residents also havecomplained of retail racism, describing experiences where they have had to waitfor service in Larchmont or have not been served at all.

The residents’ mobility is further limited by the infrequency of public transporta-tion. The buses only run once an hour and do not run on Sundays, which makesscheduling even routine activities difficult.

While residents’ access outside of MacLeay is constrained by racial profiling andlimited public transportation, the access of visitors to MacLeay is constrained bythe lack of visitor parking in the lot adjacent to the buildings. There are reservedspaces that neither residents nor visitors have permission to use without submit-ting a written request to NRNRC. In their request, residents must provide the

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registration number for the vehicle that will be parked there during the visit.Residents themselves have had their cars towed by NRNRC, because of inadequateparking and strict rules on proof of ownership that penalize residents whose carsare owned by friends or family members. The parking lot has approximately 90spaces, half of MacLeay’s 180 units.

Tenants Council

Exercising their right to organize, the residents of MacLeay Apartments formed theMacleay Apartments Residents Association to oppose arbitrary evictions, educateresidents of their rights, improve their living conditions, and strengthen a sense ofcommunity. On April 23, 2001, more than 35 residents, most of them women,elected an Executive Board comprised of six resident leaders. Their mission state-ment is as follows:

“The MacLeay Apartments Residents Association is an organization committed toprotecting and improving the quality of life of all who reside at the MacLeay Apart-ment Houses. Our mission statement currently has these objectives:

1. Educate and support residents of their rights and responsibilities as it relatesto the MacLeay Apartment Houses, city of New Rochelle, Westchester County,New York State and the United States of America.

2. Inform and encourage residents of the MacLeay apartment complex of thevarious programs and services that are available to them, and if needed, pro-vide support and resources for the use of those services.

3. Resurrect a community feeling that was prevalent for many years at theMacLeay Apartments, which have been a part of the Queen City since 1948.”


We have only presented the tenants’ side of these issues here, because we havemade repeated efforts over the past month to interview NRC officials, who re-mained unavailable. Given the NRC’s cool response to us, we are not confidentthat it meets the standards of transparency demanded of a private group chargedwith acting in the public interest. Therefore, we believe the following questionsmust be addressed, and we strongly encourage the residents of Larchmont andNew Rochelle, and concerned citizens’ groups like the New Rochelle Citizens Com-mittee (NRCC) and the Westchester Residents Against IKEA Now (WRAIN) to worktowards answering them over the coming months:

· How can the NRC’s operations, especially the tenant eviction and screeningprocesses, be made more transparent?

· How can we ensure that the goal of MacLeay’s builders, of providing qualityhousing to low-income New Rochelle residents, is not lost in an effort to maxi-

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mize revenue?· How can we guarantee that MacLeay residents, who contribute $600,000 to

city coffers each year, receive their fair share of social and transportation ser-vices?

· Related to the last point, how can frequent and reliable access to Downtown becreated, to the benefit of both Downtown businesses and MacLeay residents?

· And finally, how will the MacLeay residents be included in the planning processfor the economic and social development of City Park and New Rochelle?

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The Spring 2001New Rochelle Studio

Richard Bass, InstructorRyan Southard, Teaching Assistant

Studio Participants:In-Chel Baek

Michael CaratzasJennifer ChenMelanie Hsiao

Myrna ItonDavid Kantor

Matthew LehmanCara McAteer

James “Cuz” Potter Kelly Ross

Jay ShuffieldJennifer Sun

The Studio maintains a website with reports, studies, graphs, charts, analyses, maps andrelated materials about the New Rochelle Project at:www.columbia.edu/itc/architecture/bass/newrochelle/index.html

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COMPANY NAME ADDRESS NATURE OF BUSINESSTotal Performance Auto 479 Fifth Ave. Auto repairWestchester Wood & Mica Works 521 Fifth Ave. CabinetryMarble America 517 Fifth Ave. StonewareNorth Star Electric 567 Fifth Ave. Heavy constructionCadbury Utility 559 Fifth Ave. Utility provisionDay Electric Fifth Ave. Electrical contractingAndretta Construction 332 Fifth Ave. Masonry and constructionFradan Industries 499 Fifth Ave. Manufactures leaf blowersAnthony Truck Repair 49 Plain Ave. Auto repairDerf Electronics 37 Plain Ave. Manufacture of computer partsElcan Industries 57 Plain Ave. Manufacturers screening & sifting equipmentGerard Daniel 5 Plain Ave. Manufactures industrial screensJantile Ltd. 65 Plain Ave. Custom design tilesMontesano Brothers 76 Plain Ave. Site developerOrtho-Rite 55 Plain Ave. Manufactures orthopedic applicancesVernon Devices 111 Plain Ave. Manufactures tool cutting partsWilco Energy 95 Plain Ave. Heating, A/C, oil deliveryArdee Electric 53 Pleasant Street Electrical contractorsCaptech Industries 10 Pleasant Street Manufactures vending machines for Metro North, LIRRMcMahon's Farms 30 Pleasant Street Food distributor (eggs)Mountaintop Cabinet 24 Pleasant Street CabinetryRenzo Auto Springs 15 Pleasant Street Auto repairRudy's Auto Repair 32A Pleasant Street Auto repairSafeway Towing & Haulage 1 Pleasant Street Towing servicesSouthern NY Bus Sales 6 Pleasant Street Sells school busesTelefuture Communications 10 Pleasant Street Telecommunications consultantsTrotta Foods Pleasant Street Manufactures pasta for restaurants, retailWodraska Roofing 42 Pleasant Street Roofing, sheet metal, siding contractorsVan Waters and Rogers 1 Portman Rd. Pest control equipment & salesD&G Auto Repair 8 Valley Pl. Auto repairJeff Williamson Tree Service 227 Weyman

AvenueTree cutting

Absolute Coatings 38 Portman Road Manufacture polyurethane coatings for floorsRawl (Ranero corp) 29 Sharot Street Manufacture power facets for wall anchorsMario Bulfamante & Sons 262 Drake Avenue Nursery/garden center, landscaping(Name Unknown) 14 Sharot Street Heavy machineryGoldman Electrical Contractors 48 Potter Avenue Electrical contractorsWestchester Dental Implant Institute 45 Potter DentistryB&F Precision Manufacturing Company 62 Potter Manufacture small precision parts for the medical and

aircraft industriesNoto's Auto Repair 62 Potter Auto repair(Angela Lopane-owner) 70 Potter New auto prepLaser Frame and Body (Ace Autobody & Col.,Inc.)

74 Potter Auto body repair

Micelli Excavating 110 Portman Road Heavy machinery storage, excavationLaRocca & Sons 69 Potter Landscaping, masonry, snow removalNew Rochelle Autobody, Inc. 43 Potter Auto body repairGER Industries, Inc. 28 Potter Architectural woodworkingTekcast Industries, Inc. 12 Potter Avenue Manufactures "spin cast" parts for machineryMatthew Outdoor Advertising Acquisition Potter and Fifth Billboard advertisingWash & Dry 453 Fifth Avenue Laundromat

10. Appendix 1: Businesses Identified in Study Area

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COMPANY NAME ADDRESS NATURE OF BUSINESSImperial Milk Mart 453 Fifth Avenue BodegaGreen Market Lunch 459 Fifth Avenue RestaurantBeechmont Bus Service, Inc. 26 Valley Place School bus service and repairSouthern New York Bus Sales, Inc. 6 Pleasant Street Sells school busesLarchmont Millworks 8 Valley Place Custom cabinet makersAtlas Party Rentals (address unknown) Party rentalLibrett Industrial Wholesale Distributors, Inc. 615 Fifth Avenue DistributionBayview Larchmont Rapid Car Service (address unknown) Car serviceRosann Land Improvement 5 Fifth Avenue LandscapingMat-Bon Construction (address unknown) ConstructionCollins Brothers Moving Corp. (address unknown) Moving serviceChow-Down Discount Pet Food 626 Fifth Avenue Pet food storeLesco Service Center (pro turf care) 5 Fifth Avenue Lawn careEast Coast Auto Body 1 Fifth Avenue Auto body repair

Appendix 1 (continued)

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Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro, Inc. Evaluation of the Land Use, CommunityCharacter and Economic Aspects of a Proposed IKEA Store and Urban RenewalPlan for the Fifth Avenue Area of New Rochelle, New York. New York: AbelesPhillips Preiss & Shapiro, Inc., 2000.

Abyssinian Development Corporation. Web Site: www.adcorp.org.

Allee King Rosen and Fleming, Inc. New Rochelle Intermodal TransportationCenter: Draft Environmental Impact Statement. New Rochelle: City of NewRochelle, January 2001.

Allee King Rosen and Fleming, Inc. Proposed Rezoning for Business and IndustrialDistricts: Village of Pelham Manor, New York. Village of Pelham Manor, 1995.

Ames, Lynn. “For the Family, One Stop for Everyone.” New York Times, December26, 1999, p. 14WC:2:1.

Ames, Lynn. “Parish Revels in Beauty of Windows’ Lessons.” New York Times,February 14, 1999, p. 14WC:2:1.

Ames, Lynn. “Relying on Closeness of Sister Cities, Delegates Head for France.”New York Times, April 25, 1999, p. 14WC:2:1.

Anderson, Steve. “New England Thruway.” Nycroads.com Web Site:www.nycroads.com/roads/new-england.

Archbold, Randal C. “IKEA is Asked to Consider Scaling Down Plans for Store.”New York Times, December 21, 2000, p. B:5:1.

Aronow, Ina. “The New Face of a Housing Complex.” New York Times, April 29,1990.

Atlantic Avenue Local Development Corporation. Web site: www.atlanticave.org.

Baker, Al. “IKEA Sues Mamaroneck over Right of Review.” New York Times,September 3, 2000, p. 14WC:8:1.

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Article information

Author: Golda Nolan II

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Views: 5893

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.