Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (2024)

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By Aunt Lou 11 Comments

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Do you love a good potato soup? Then you have to try this Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup fromGooseberry Patch’sSlow-Cooker Fall Favorites.

Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (2)

Aunt Lou here.

Winter is rearing its ugly head around here.

We still don’t have any snow, much to the disappointment of my two year old who is dying to go sledding. As soon as he sees the first flake fall, he is in his snow bibs and is begging us to grab his sled out of the garage. Unfortunately, the most we have had this year is a light dusting. However, the temperatures are dropping and the wind is cold enough to take your breath away.

Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (4)

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Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup

When it is this cold, who doesn’t love a good soup!

To be perfectly honest, I am a little gun shy when it comes to potato recipes. I LOVE potatoes, but I am not good at peeling them or cutting them. However, I am happy to say that I had the prep work done for this Crock PotCheesy Potato Soup in no time flat! It really helps to have a good peeler, and this oneis a life saver for me.

Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (5)

Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup

Delicious soup that is easy to make

5 from 22 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 7 hours hours 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 7 hours hours 40 minutes minutes

Servings: 6 -8 servings

Author: Aunt Lou



  • Peel and cut your potatoes into cubes

  • Dice about a half of a small onion until you have 1/2 cup

  • Put potatoes and onion in your crock pot

  • Add your chicken broth and water to your crock pot

  • Cover and cook on low for 6-7 hours

  • Mix together your flour, salt, pepper and milk.

  • Pour mixture into your crock pot and turn the heat to high

  • Cover and cook for an additional 20-30 minutes

  • When the soup has thickened, add your cheese and stir together until the cheese melts

  • Garnish with bacon and green onions

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Slow Cooker Recommendation

For this amazing Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup, I used myTravel Crock Pot. It was the perfect size, and I love that I could set the timer and not have to worry about watching the clock. Any 6 quart slow cooker would work though.

Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (6)

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Aunt Lou

I'm wife to Michael (not Mikey 😉 ) and mom to Mr. Ryder and Miss Iyla. I'm just walking through this life step by step focusing on enjoying the little things in life. I am in awe of the many blessings big and small I receive daily from a pretty amazing God who calls me His own. Sometimes life is crazy and messy, but I am loving every minute of it.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (9)Al says

    I am a vegetarian so I used veggie broth and in order to give it more flavor I added paprika and cumin to taste. Also extra salt and pepper in the actual soup in addition to the thickening mixture.

    EVERYONE LOVED IT!!!! Even the carnivores! Every single person had a second bowl. I also sliced up a baguette for dipping.

    Will definitely make again!


  2. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (10)Jessi says

    Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (11)
    I have been looking for a great Cheesy Potato soup recipe and this is it! I cooked my onions in bacon grease before adding to soup. Great flavor and just thick enough!


  3. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (12)Cathy says

    Can I cook the potatoes & onions on HI for 3 hrs instead of 6/7 hrs on low?


    • Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (13)Aunt Lou says

      Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (14)
      Yes. Depending on your slow cooker, it should take between 3-4 hours. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!

    • Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (15)Cathy says

      Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (16)
      Added some flour mixed with broth as soup was too watery but it was great! And finished when guests arrived for dinner!!! Thank you!

    • Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (17)Brittany Fitzgerald says

      I did it this way! It was excellent!

  4. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (18)Doyle Frazier says

    You have been so good to include the size of Crock Pot used but I don’t see it mentioned. I do wish you would always include the size.
    Thank you so much for your recipes.


    • Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (19)Aunt Lou says

      Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (20)
      Hi Doyle!

      In all of our more recent posts, we include the size of crock pot. With having over 1000 recipes on the site, we haven’t had a chance to update all of the older recipes (like this one from 2015) with crock pot sizes. For this recipe, use a 6 quart slow cooker.

      Aunt Lou

  5. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (21)John says

    Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (22)
    I started making this when I first tried it at Bob Evans. Ive made it a 1/2 dozen times or so. we love it!!!


    • Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (23)Aunt Lou says

      Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (24)
      I’m so glad to hear that John! We love it too!

      Aunt Lou

  6. Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (25)Kim Honeycutt says

    There is something comforting about a good bowl of potato soup. Pinned it!!


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Crock Pot Cheesy Potato Soup - Recipes That Crock! (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.