White Tubbie x Anne (Ship book) - Infected White Tubbie x Anne | Part 2 (2024)



The three (Anne, The Guardian, and Miles) were at the sewers. It's slightly more different from the lab, but who knows what the sewers look like?

"Normal" Guardian / Infected Guardian: Why we're here at the sewers? Is this bit...dirty?

He looked around the place, then at Anne and Miles.

Anne: If ya wanna know, this is where the Teletubbies were created years ago.

Miles: And there are newborns roaming around this place.

"Normal" Guardian / Infected Guardian: Newborns?

The Guardian pretends to be scared of what he heard, but did he really care about being killed by a bunch of skinless tubbies? Or even SGT. Miles or Anne found out that he's infected with the virus? Maybe not when he just keep his precious lies or just spread it around them.

Anne: Yes but that's not what is it about. It's about destroying the machine.

"Normal" Guardian / Infected Guardian: Wait, do you mean the Teletubbies Creation Machine?

Anne: Yes, but we gotta stop that thing before it does more damage.

She seemed serious about this when she said this in a lack of emotion. Anne is not always happy and joyful after the outcast and shealways put a serious face when she talks.

The Guardian looks at the fence-likedoors.

"Normal" Guardian / Infected Guardian: Yea, I know. *wasn't listening, looking at the door*

Anne: You're going to that door right there?

The guardiansighed as a monotone answer as he makes his way to the door which was open. He doesn't care if Anne gives him a bitchy look on her face or hepissed her off too much that she wanted to smack him in the back of his head. He just wanted to ruin this mission and cause all the trouble, in order for his masters to survive.

As he closes the door behind him, he couldn't see Anne or Miles.

It's like they're gone as he closed the door behind him.

Does he feel chills go down to his spinal cord?

Does he ever felt fear when he was infected?

As he faces forward to where the door leading him was a long, vacant and silent room that looks like a hallway. He knew that he was in fact, pleased, about the fear he's about to get and it gonna cost him scars marked to every single one of his mind. The Guardian had his malicious, lucky, gloomy smirk on his face as he walks further to see.

A familiarempty place with checkered flooring and there's nothing but black. Everything is black in this place that he's walking in. The white tubby is only walking instead of running, power-walking, or any possible movement.

As he was walking, he saw some unknown figure with a white smile on its face and it is coming to him. Actually, The Guardian didn't need to stop his moves and he doesn't care if he gets a disorder from it. He'll just keep walking to the black figure who is actually running to him.

Then he just the black figure caught him and hewoke up to reality, but his vision is so blurry. All he can see in his fuzzy vision is maybe two people that are green and pink, not sure if that is correct. He can barely hear or see what's going on, especially he struggled to get up. He could barely be in pain or anything like that.

When his vision and hearing restored slowly, he can barely see the worried soldier and the obnoxious sergeant.

But does he really want to be helped by them?

Does he even show empathy for them? Even sympathy?

They'll never know the answer if so.

Anne noticed that the Guardian was now awake, trying to figure out what's going on. She sighed in relief that he didn't end up dead in their watch. Even though she nearly had a nervous breakdown and almost broke down to tears.

Miles: Anne, help this stupid pathetic loser.

He said in a rude way to Anne and he didn't even bother to help him himself. Despite being pushed around by the sergeant, she did what she was told to do. She helped the Guardian to get up.

Anne: You okay, White? tries to be calm even though she was shaking

"Normal" Guardian / Infected Guardian: Yes I'm okay, Anne.

He doesn't sound scared when he answers her question. He didn't have any side effects or any hallucinations from the nightmare. Not even a sound from him.

That was weird because those were the side effects that people who were diagnosed with PTSD or some disorder gets traumatized or something like that. Well, at least it's some kind of luck.

Miles: Wow, finally you didn't bitch about anything, White...


White Tubbie x Anne (Ship book) - Infected White Tubbie x Anne | Part 2 (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.