White Tubbie x Anne (Ship book) - Infected White Tubby x Anne | Mild Tinky Winky x Dipsy x White Tubby {draft} (2024)


In the Teletubby Land, at night

*kinda involves Dipsy and Tinky Winky and White Tubby, mild or something. They infected him and he makes a fake appearance of his own self.*

Tinky Winky and Dipsy were excited to see their own new member they created, which is poor Guardian. He was laying down, slowly succumbing from his injuries, watching the horror of the two male tubbies smiling at him for the effects to go in.

Tinky Winky: This is it, Dipsy! He's going to be our new member! I must say, he's beautiful as he's becoming a new leaf!

The headless Dipsy nodded, even he doesn't have a head to nod, in agreement, looking at the almost dead corpse of the Guardian. The purple one was excited for this experiment that he ever wished. He barely showsany remorse to any of his mistakes. Dipsy didn't too show some remorse, but almost felt bad when Tinky Winky watches him attack him with a chainsaw.

He then looks at Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: sighsWhat is it, Dipsy? Of course, we can make the military think that he's the normal one! That way, they can be killed by him and the newborns become so unstoppable!

He said as he crotches down to grabs the Guardian's hand, and he smiled at him like he's trying to be nice to him.

Guardian: L..let...me...go... is in horrible pain, cannot talk clearly because he's slowly dying

Instead, he just didn't respond to him and Dipsy helps him move the poor guy to their house. They set him to Tinky's bed, without Guardian opening his eyes ever to see them fixinghim.

Tinky Winky: Hey Dips! Can you pass the custard to me? I don't wanna eat it, I wanna pour it in his mouth, making him eat it! And of course, your head is here somewhere.

The green tubbiedid what he said, which is getting the bowl of custard and giving it to him. The purple one then raises up the bowl of custard, in front of Guardian's mouth. He starts to pour the substance to his mouth, even his mouth is half open.

Tinky Winky: Swallow...swallow it. lifting hischin in order for him to swallow it, even he's dead

1 hour later, they got done fixinghim and theywent to bed together in Dipsy's bed. In the morning, with the military

SGT Miles was so pissed off because The Guardian has not returned, and he was impatient.

Miles: WHERE THE f*ck IS HE?!

Anne: I told you, SGT, I didn't see him today.

Ninja: Well, actually, should I say "chill the f*ck out, f*cko?"

Miles: Chill the f*ck out? Oh really?

Anne: Hey! Cut it out...we don't want any fights, right?

Ninja and Miles: Correct...

This is basically just - well you know, let's move on.

Back to the Teletubby House

The Guardian is alive, but this time it wasn't him. Pale face, black eyes that haveblood, and his screen are so not broken. Well, he's now infected.

The two boys then wake up to see The Guardian stands next to them, having a blank look on his face. Let's say that Dipsy finally found his head and it was attached.

Tinky Winky: Oh! Er, good morning, Guardian!

Dipsy: Huh...um...hi Guardian.

Infected Guardian: Hello there, my only masters. I will do anything for you as you please.

Dipsy and Tinky Winky then looked at each other, then The Guardian, who is now infected, grinning. Maybe they can trick him into being their obedient slave.

Dipsy: Tinks, I think this is a good idea for our member to be reunited.

Tinky Winky: Correct.

He replied when they both get up and dress (they have fur, whatever, but who cares) in their clothes. The Guardian just stands here while he's already dressed in his bloody clothes.

Later, at the military, The Guardian managed to come back, but he's different.

Infected Guardian, disguised as the normal Guardian: Hi there. I have returned from a long journey.

Miles: Guardian, what the hell happened to you? Such a shame that you're late.

Anne: Oh shut the f*ck up, you grumpy head. Can't really figure out that you're stupid for insulting him.

She then looks at The Guardian.

Anne: Sorry if he's being mean to you, Guardian.

Miles: BEING MEAN TO HIM, f*ckING REALLY? triggered

Ninja: Hey, you three gonna shut the f*ck up. You have a mission to do!

Infected Guardian/disguises as Normal Guardian: New mission?

Ninja: Yes, I said that.

Miles: B-but what about you? Aren't you coming? was a bit scared

Ninja: Unfortunately, Sergeant. I cannot hold your hand for so long, you have to let my hand go.

Anne: Yeah, Sergeant Miles! You got me and Guardian!

Anne gives Miles a smile and pats his shoulder to make him feel better.

Infected Guardian/disguises as Normal Guardian: Yeah let's do that.

Miles: So what's the mission, Ninja?

Ninja absentmindedly starts to sigh under his scarf when he tries to explain.

Ninja: Don't we discuss that mission? The mission is to get rid of these infected tubbies, including those newborns multiplied every goddamn where.

Miles: Oh... yeah that.

Anne: But how? These so-called parasites are spreading the infection.

Infected Guardian/Disguised as Normal Guardian: At...least I'm able to find that what is a cure to the outbreak. he was very slick when he lied about a cure

Miles: What? The hell did you find a cure to this outbreak?! It's barely possible because it passes on to the next one!

Infected Guardian/Disguised as Normal Guardian: Am I talking to you, no good sh*t-for-brains sergeant?

White Tubbie x Anne (Ship book) - Infected White Tubby x Anne | Mild Tinky Winky x Dipsy x White Tubby {draft} (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.