Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ August 9, 2024 (2024)

Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ August 9, 2024 (1)

Ready, Set, Go!

We’re excited to introduce our new teaching staff members who have been diligently preparing for the upcoming school year all week. Their passion, expertise, and commitment to excellence will greatly enrich our school community. We’re confident that their dedication will contribute to a dynamic and supportive learning environment for your children. Welcome to...

  • Ms. Ariazi, Music
  • Ms. Bachman, Speech & Language Pathologist
  • Miss Fetcho, Social Work
  • Ms.Joyal, Early Childhood Teacher
  • Ms. Moran, Speech & Language Pathologist
  • Ms. Restaino, Speech & Language Pathologist
  • Mrs. Rumoro, Special Education Teacher
  • Mrs. Shannon, Kindergarten Teacher

We are looking forward to kicking off the new school year next week on Thursday, August 15th, for all of our students, with the exception of Early Childhood Blended PM.Blended PM students begin on Friday, August 16th, and we can't wait to see them, as well!

Last week I included a significant amount of important information in my Principal’s Message. Each week I carry over messages that are still relevant. You’ll see these marked “REPEAT” in the heading. Similarly, new information will be labeled “NEW.” If you’re all caught up, you can skip the repeats, or they are just there for a friendly reminder.

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions in the main office or ask while you're at our Meet the Teacher event coming up on Wednesday. It will be a busy place at our Meet the Teacher event. This is an opportunity to drop off supplies, greet the teacher, and take a quick peek around the school. You will also receive a lot of information at Curriculum Night, just around the corner on Monday, August 19th. Curriculum Night is a parent-only event.

We're looking forward to launching a successful school year next week!


Jenny Smith, Principal

Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ August 9, 2024 (2)

August At-A-Glance

  • Wednesday, August 14- 10:00 am - 11:00 am - Meet the Teacher at Willow Grove
  • Thursday, August 15th - First day of school for all except Blended PM. Half-Day attendance.
  • Friday, August 16th - Blended PM first day of school. Regular school day hours for all.
  • Monday, August 19th- Curriculum Night - Parents Only Event
  • Tuesday, August 27th - Early Release Day

2024-25 School Year Calendar& Hours

NEW *Curriculum Night, Monday, August 19, 6:30-7:30 PM*

Curriculum Night is scheduled for Monday, August 19th, and is from 6:30-7:30 PM. This parent-only event is for all Willow Grove classrooms, including early childhood and kindergarten. Families begin with the Assistant Principal, Ms. Payne, and me for a quick overview of some building items and then join their child's teacher for the remainder of the evening. The evening begins in our gym. We look forward to seeing you!

NEW *Simultaneous Student Pick-Up from Willow Grove & Elementary Schools*

Please know that we understand that some families may have concerns related to picking students up from Willow Grove and an elementary school building, as dismissal times are the same.All principals are aware of this concern, and no child will ever be left unattended.We know you may be going to more than one school with the same dismissal time. As Willow Grove is not a rolling car drop-off, we recommend starting at Willow, where if you arrive a little early to be towards the front of the line, you can quickly get your child and move on to the elementary school.We appreciate your best effort in picking your children up in a timely manner, and we appreciate you adhering to ourdismissal times.If when you arrive at an elementarybuilding your child is not waiting outside with an adult, please park and come to the front office. At Willow Grove, you will always come to the main entrance to retrieve your child. If no adults are at the door, just buzz the office and we'll let you in. If you will be after 3:15 to a specific location, please call and inform the office of your estimated time of arrival.

NEW *Parent Drop-Off Information & Tardies*

If you bring your child to school, we appreciate you making sure your child is on time. This creates a smoother transition for your child into their school day and helps keep our routines and procedures in order for morning check-in.Teachers need to do a lot to get kids checked in and when children are late it is a disruption to the regular classroom procedures. Please aim for our drop-off start times. It's extremely helpful to come at the time doors open, as opposed to when school officially begins. Everyone except Blended PM maybegin entering at 8:25 AM. Blended PM maybegin entering at 12:25 PM.

A parent/guardian must accompany students to the office and sign them in if they arrive after our official school start times at 8:40AM for kindergarten, structured, and Blended/ECSE AM or 12:35 PM for Blended PM.

NEW *General Communication Expectations for Teachers*

Kindergarten and early childhoodteachers will communicate with parents through a classroom newsletter update, at a minimum, every other week. Blended, ECSE and Structured classrooms also provide a brief daily report. You will learn more about the teacher's communication from them at curriculum night.

NEW *Parking and Pick-up/Drop-Off Information*

We have very limited parking at Willow Grove. If you are planning on dropping off or picking up your child, please be prepared to park on Checker Drive and walk a bit to the main entrance. Parents should not park in our lots at arrival/dismissal. This will result in your delay in exiting the lot, as you cannot pull in or out to exit while we are loading/unloading students or within our bus traffic.

The Buffalo Grove Police Department puts cones at Checker and Essington intersectionbecause when people are coming out onto Checker from Essignton, their view is obstructedby cars parking too close to the intersection. BGPD explained that cars should park at least a car's length away from the intersection so those pulling out can have a clear view.

Please be sure if you are dropping off or picking up your child during arrival/dismissal times, to notwalk through the bus traffic to drop off/pick up your child. Please cross our front circle drive where buses are located either by going behind the buses near the entrance, or at the crosswalk near the exit of the circle drive. This will ensure the safety of all.

Please note that all curbs along our drives and parking lots are for buses and emergency vehicles only. Owners parking their cars in non-designated parking spots have to be immediately located tomove their cars so it does not impede on our bus trafficor potentially interfere with emergency vehicles.

Lastly, police regularly monitor and give tickets when they see U-turns on Checker during high traffic. U-Turns are very dangerous during the traffic of arrival and dismissal. For the safety of all, please refrain from this.

Your patience and safe decision-making when dropping off and picking up yourchildis so important. We appreciate everyone's kindness towards us and one another as we start the year learning and abiding by these practices. Thank you, so much.

NEW *Tips for a Successful Start*

  • Kindergarten & Structured Lunch Tips ~When our students eat lunch, we build in additional time in our schedule to teach routines for the first few days. If you're packing a lunch for your child, please avoid large treats as young children like to eat the treats first, and may avoid the nourishing lunch you have packed. Please also cut up any larger items, such as fruit or veggies. Please work with your child on independently opening lunch bags and containers. We'll help them if they need it, too! It's just a good thing to start practicing so your child can be more independent.
  • All Student Snack Tips ~Snack items must be from ourDistrict Approved Snack List. If you are sending a lunch from home (kindergartenor structured),pack snacks and lunches separatelyand make sure your child knows where each is. It's encouraged that your child's lunch is in a lunch bag and the snack can be in the front pocket of their backpack. Sometimes, they get the two confused and won't have an approved snack list snack to eat in the classroom if lunch is first.If you place both together in the lunch bag, they will not have their snack because their lunch bag goes to the cafeteria first thing in the morning. Children eat their daily snacks in their classrooms. In addition, if you provide a water bottle for your child to have in the classroom and also want one to be with their lunch, you need a second water bottle with their lunch.
  • All StudentsLabel EVERYTHING ~ Tracking down lunch boxes, water bottles, snacks, etc. is very difficult.At this age, students love to explore their backpack items and put them where they don't necessarily belong.Keep those labels going as we get into colder months for coats, mittens, scarves, etc.
  • All Students Gym Shoes ~ Please be sure your child brings or wears gym shoes and socks every day to school for gym class. Their shoes must be fully covered on top for safety reasons. Sandals, sports sandals, crocs, and boots are not appropriate for gym class. If your child does not have gym shoes, they will sit out of PE activities that day and a reminder note will be sent home. It is encouraged that your child keeps a pair of gym shoes in their cubby at all times. This will also help out in the winter months when they may be wearing boots to school.

REPEAT *Your Office Team*

Jenny Smith (Mrs. Smith), Principal

Megan Payne (Ms. Payne), Assistant Principal

CristinaCastro (Ms. Castro), Administrative Assistant

Kathleen Brady (Mrs. Brady), Office Support

Megan Osinski-Ealey (Nurse Meg), Nurse

At our school, children address most adults as "Mrs."/"Miss"/"Ms."/"Mr."followed by our last names. We're aware that in many preschools and daycares, the convention is to use "Miss" with first names. We want you to know how children refer to us here.

REPEAT *Important August Dates & School Attendance Hours*

Please make sure you have noted the important dates indicated on our school calendar.You’ll find information on all student attendance days, such as our daily program hours, days off, early release days, and district half-days.

*If you have children at other schools you may see there is a new family tour at elementary buildings. Willow Grove doesn't do this, as almost all families are new. A self-guided tour is included as part of our Meet the Teacher Day explained below. You will also get to see the building on Curriculum Night.

Wednesday, August 14th- Meet the Teacher at Willow Grove from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. More informationis provided below.

Thursday, August 15th - First day of school.This is a half-day. Student hours are as follows:

  • Kindergarten (including Structured Kindergarten) and Early Childhood Structured: 8:40 AM - 11:45 AM. Parent drop-off begins at8:25 AM.
  • Blended Early Childhood/ECSE: Blended/ECSE AM and PM alternate days on half-day attendance days. Even if your child attends PM, if it is a district half-day, they will attend AM hours. AM attends on Thursday, August 15(no PM students). Hours are 8:40AM - 11:10 AM. Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.

Friday, August 16th - Full day of school. Student hours on this day and all full days are as follows:

  • Kindergarten (including Structured Kindergarten): 8:40 AM - 3:05 PM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.
  • Blended Early Childhood/ECSE AM: 8:40AM - 11:10 AM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.
  • Blended Early Childhood PM:12:35 PM - 3:05 PM.Parent drop-off begins at 12:25 PM.
  • Early Childhood Structured Learning Classroom: 8:40 AM - 2:40 PM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.

IMPORTANT: If you are dropping your child off, it is always encouraged for your child to be dropped off closest to the time doors open at 8:25 AM or 12:25 PM for PM Blended Early Childhood.

Monday, August 19th- Curriculum Night. Curriculum Night is for all student families and is a PARENT/GUARDIAN ONLY evening of attendance. The evening is from 6:30-7:30 PM. You will be able to hear from me and our Assistant Principal, Ms. Payne, and also meet and hear from the starof the evening, your child's teacher!

Tuesday, August 27th - District Early Release Day. Student hours are as follows:

  • Kindergarten (including Structured Kindergarten): 8:40 AM - 2:05 PM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.
  • Blended Early Childhood/ECSE AM: 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.
  • Blended Early Childhood PM:12:35 PM - 2:05 PM. Parent drop-off begins at 12:25 PM.
  • Early Childhood Structured Learning Classroom: 8:40 AM - 2:05PM.Parent drop-off begins at 8:25AM.

REPEAT*Food & Willow Grove*

Daily Snack for All Programs (Kindergarten, Blended, and Structured) - APPROVED SNACK LIST

The 2024-2025 school year approved snack list can be foundherein English andherein Spanish. It is also accessible on the Student Services page of the district website linkedherein both English and Spanish. All items on the approved snack list are free of the Top 9 Allergens (Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Fish, Shellfish, Soy, Sesame and Wheat) and Gluten.

All itemsMUSTbe pre-packaged and individually wrapped, excluding fruits and vegetables. This helps teachers easily identify the snacks and ensure they comply with our approved snack list, which is BRAND-SPECIFIC.

Individual classrooms may have circ*mstances requiring specific classroom lists. Please follow the classroom list if your child's teacher provides one.

Lunches packed from home may contain any food items and do not need to be from the Approved Snack List. If your child is bringing in lunch, snacks must be packed separately from lunch. Please label lunch bags and snacks with your child’s name.

Kindergarten & Structured Program Lunch

Please refer to our District 96 eNews for lunch account setup, menus, and more.

Unlike snacks, where you must pack items from our Approved Snack List, students may bring anything in for lunch, as lunch is out of the classroom. We have safety measures in place during lunch for children with allergies. If you have questions, please contact our school nurse by calling our main office. Additional details about lunch are included in the video and Frequently Asked Questions in the Parent Resource section of this message, below.


We do not allow food to be passed out to children forbirthdays.It is not required to send anything for your child’s birthday to share with the class.If you choose to send something in, it must be a non-food item. Examples include a sticker or pencil.

REPEAT *Lost and Found*

Our lost and found accumulate items very quickly. To avoid the loss of costly coats, lunch boxes, water bottles, you name it,please label everything with your child’s name. We periodically review items in the lost and found that have not been retrieved and provide any labeled items back to our students.Thank you for your help!

REPEAT *Arrival & Dismissal*

Most little ones are SO EXCITED to jump on the bus. Some are scared, and that's OK.With practice, they quickly see it isn't such a scary thing.Showing love and a sense of confidence in your child and our school is helpful with this transition. Let them know that their Willow Grove teachers will meet them at the other end and that you will meet them back home at the end of the day.Having your child ride the bus will greatly help with our arrival and dismissal times of the day. We have limited parking, and ALL parents dropping off or picking up their children will need to park and walk their child to the main entrance of our school. There is no driving drop-off lane for parents. This includes families in our Blended and Structured Learning Program. Never park in the circle drive or any parking lot curbs, which arefor buses and emergency vehicles only. For parents who choose to drop off and/or pick up their children, we have assigned doors you will bring your child to or collect them from.

Blended Preschool and ECSE AM/PM - AM and PM drop-off are at the main entrance. AM and PM pick-up is at door 18, to the right of the main entrance when facing the building.

Kindergarten and Structured Program - Main entrance drop-off and pick-up.

Important Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information:

  • Parents may not enter the school when dropping off to walk children to their classrooms.It is our utmost priority to maintain a safe and secure environment.
  • If someone other than a parent or legal guardian is picking up your child, you must let the office know ahead of time (NOT a teacher email).
  • Parents may not pick up their child unannounced at dismissal time.If you need to pick your child up at dismissal, and this has not been communicated to us in your child's regular dismissal plans, you must notify us in advance (by 2:00 PM) by calling the office--NOT EMAIL. If you haven't notified us, we will send your child home on the bus and you'll need to get home to meet them. I also ask that if your child is a regular bus student, not to alter their dismissal plan if at all possible, especially as your children are getting used to our routines.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Changes to Dismissal Plans

Please contact the school office at least 1 hour prior to dismissal in the event that your dismissal plans change. Your child will be at the designated dismissal location unless the school is notified in accordance with the above. Please notify the office in writing in accordance with the district handbook (review handbook language). Please see Section 9.4 in the Parent/Student Handbook regarding permission for students to ride other buses, as in most cases, this is not allowed (review handbook language).

Busing Expectations

Please review bus expectations with your child. Here is our bus book you may read with your child. Strongly communicate to your child the importance of sitting in their seat and never standing until it is time to get off. Please review the following with your child so they know what to expect:

  • Stay seated in your seat until it is time to get off the bus. The seats are designed to keep you safe. If you are out of your seat, you are not safe.
  • Talking voice is acceptable. No screaming or yelling.
  • Hands and feet to self at all times
  • No eating or drinking
  • No toys, including trading cards
  • Follow the directions and reminders of the driver

Anticipate delays in transportation our first couple of weeks of school. As buses get used to new routes and traffic patterns settle at the start of the school year, pick-up/drop-off times will become more routine and efficient. We ask that you please are patient with us and the drivers. Thank you!

REPEAT*Student Picture Day*

Willow Grove’s picture day is Friday, September 6th.More information to come as we near the date. We have a retake day on Wednesday, October 16th, for any student who misses photos or whose parents choose a retake.

REPEAT *Class Placement Information & Bus Information*

Your child’s class placement and bus information (if applicable) will come to you electronically on Friday, August 9th after 3:00 PM. A team of staff members worked diligently to make sure each child was placed in the classroom in which he or she will find success. We know you appreciate the fact that, with such careful thought and consideration put into these decisions, including your input, no changes will be made and we thank you for your support.

If you do not receive a notification, please email our administrative assistant, Ms. Castro, at c[emailprotected], or give us a call in the office at 847.541.3660.

REPEAT *Alternate Dismissal Arrangements - Kindergarten Only*

Alternate Dismissal Arrangements: If you are planning on routinely picking up your child from Willow Grove or have alternate arrangements other than our bus, please complete our ALTERNATE DISMISSAL PLAN. If you do not complete this, we will assume your child will be taking the bus home every day. We need this information by this Sunday, August 4. Call the office right away if you miss the August 4th deadline and need to update us. Again, complete the Alternate Dismissal Plan ONLY IF your child will not be taking the bus home daily. Alternate arrangements must be consistent week-to-week, meaning you can have a different plan on different days of the week, but it needs to be consistent every week.

Questions or changes in the schedule? If the information you provide should change prior to or during the school year or you have any questions, contact the Willow Grove Office at 847.541.3660.

Blended Early Childhood: Busing is not an option for families of tuition-based students. All tuition-based students (non-IEP) must provide their own transportation.

REPEAT *Health Form Deadline*

To comply with Illinois State guidelines, a physical examination – including current immunization records is required for all children entering an Illinois school for the first time, for children enrolling in kindergarten (even if they previously were enrolled in a District 96 Early Childhood program), and for students entering Grade 6.

Health Forms: Provide requiredHEALTH FORMSas soon as possible. A physical and immunization record needs to be on file in the nurse's office by October 15th, or the student will be excluded from school.STATE OF ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE OF CHILD HEALTH EXAMINATION FORM.This form must be completed and signed by the pediatrician. Parents must also complete the fields for their child’s name and address, birth date, etc., at the top of the form on pages 1 and 2 in addition to the parent section on page 2, including a parent signature and date.

Other health forms required includeVISION, due before Oct. 15, 2024 (Kindergarten and new students) andDENTALdue before May 15, 2025(Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th graders).

You may email forms directly to our school nurse at[emailprotected].

REPEAT*Meet the Teacher - Wednesday, August 14th*

Meet the Teacher is for all students and caregivers to attend - Kindergarten, Blended AM/PM, and Structured. The event is on Wednesday, August 14th, from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM.

All children must be supervised by their caregiver for the duration of the event.

At the Meet the Teacher event, parents and kids will meet their teacher, see their classroom, andtourour building. The PTO will also be there and you can check out all the things they have to offer. Families should bring their child’s supplies to drop them at school this day. Click here for the school supply list. If you ordered from the PTO, those will be shipped to your home for you to bring in. We will also have parents confirm dismissal plans and once confirmed, you’ll receive an ID/Bus tag that your child will need to haveattached to their backpack prior to arriving for their first day of school. It’s used for us to ID your child right away and during arrival and dismissal procedures. If you’re unable to attend the Meet the Teacher event, your child will receive their bus tag on their first day of attendance. Please make sure your child’s backpack very clearly has their name somewhere so we can identify each child as they enter the building. Do not rely on your child being able to tell us.

REPEAT *Kindergarten Parent Resources*

Here are some resources to support you and your child as you begin the school year.

Willow Grove Kindergarten Welcome Video

Parent Frequently Asked Questions - This will give you plenty of information to get you off on the right foot!

Kindy 101 - Parent presentation from Kindy Kick-Off in May of 2024


Each week you'll find highlights and a link to the PTO Blog right here on the Principal's Message. This year we have a wonderful parent team ready to lead and provide amazing opportunities to volunteer, get involved, and enhance our environment by hosting exciting events to keep an eye out for. A huge thank you in advance from the Willow Grove admin and staff team!

From Your PTO...

We're excited to share news and happenings throughout the year via the Willow Grove PTO Blog. We’ll be kicking off the year with a Back-to-School Stock the Lounge event, there's the Boo-Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast planned for the first day of school, perfect for connecting with other parents and sharing those emotional moments, and that's not all—there's even more exciting info waiting for you! Stay connected and inspired by checking out our latest blog post. Don't miss out!

Willow Grove PTO Blog

Willow Grove Principal's Message ~ August 9, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.