Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (2024)

Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (1)

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I am at peace, my soul's at rest, there is no need for tears. For with your love I was so blessed, for all those many years.

  • 49 years old
  • Born on December 2, 1970 in Fremont, California, United States
  • Passed away on April 7, 2020 in San Jose, California, United States

Gary van den Heuvel, born on December 2, 1970, passed away suddenly on April 7, 2020 at the age of 49.Gary will be forever remembered by hismother Patricia, his sisters Karenand Lauren, his brothers in lawSunny and Chris, his niece Lilliana, and his nephews Aidan, Evan, Owen, and Raymond.Gary was predeceased by his father, John. Gary will also be forever remembered by hisextended family and dear friends.

A native of Fremont, California, Gary attendedCal State Hayward (East Bay) and graduated with a degree in Communications. After many years ofbartending and writing sports columns for local papers, he became a high school english teacher.

As we are not able to have a public memorial service at this time due to the current social distancing,we would appreciate any condolences, memories, or stories you may have about Gary to be shared on this site. God bless.


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Karen Vandenheuvel-Galleg...

March 29

March 29

Thinking of you today, Gary. xx

Jeanne Crabb

April 7, 2021

April 7, 2021

I've been thinking about all of you this week, and I'm wishing you peace,perfect peace.

Valerie ARNOLD

April 7, 2021

April 7, 2021

Gary, look down on your Mum today and bring her comfort, everyone misses you, but particularly today be with your Mum, sit on her shoulder and whisper things you used to share and be with her.She misses you so much.

Robert Cofran

July 16, 2020

July 16, 2020

Hi Pat, Lauren and Karen with Families. We are sending our best wishes and prayers in memory of Gary. He definitely left this world too early and know he has met John and other past relative. We miss him and send our best regards to you and your family to keep safe and enjoy each other with thoughts of Gary.
Aloha Nui Loa,
The Cofran Families

Brant Smith

July 15, 2020

July 15, 2020

In shock. Gary was one of the most intelligent guys I knew growing up (first grade through high school) -- always with a clever sense of humor and friendly. I recruited him for our high school "Brain Bowl" trivia team and he did so well he ended up on the school-wide all-star team. I am terribly sad that we lost touch after high school but thanks to Facebook were able to have some connection in the last year or two. He was a real one-of-a-kind guy and I will miss him. My condolences to his family and friends. Taken far far too soon.

Tara Holcomb

April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020

I worked with Gary at Yerba Buena High School. He was incredibly kind in welcoming me during my first week there. I will always remember his lively personality and his witty sensor of humor.

Keith Rowe

April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

Hi Pat, Karen, & Lauren,

I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. Gary was a good guy (despite his love for the Raiders), a good teacher, and a good son. While we grew apart as we got older, I still remember playing Batman & Robin with the homemade "capes" you made Pat! I remember frequently going to Lake Elizabeth you as a family during the summers - thank you again! I remember playing tennis with Gary w/ him playing his hero Jimmy Connors & me playing my Bjorn Borg role, although I don't recall much joy as he always kicked my ass. My heart goes out to you and your extended family. Please take care give each other a hug from me & my family when possible.

Keith, Stephanie, Miles, & Addie

Gary and Beth Rowe

April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

Dear Pat and family, Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. As neighbors for over 40 years, we have watched our children grow together as family.We witnessed Gary growing from a very young age into a really great guy who always had a great welcoming smile and kind words. We will miss him BUT, we do have so many great memories of him that will always remain with us.
Gary, senior, always enjoyed engaging in conversations with him; in recent years, more often in the middle of our street. Main topcs - sports!

Nicky O,Brien.

April 19, 2020

April 19, 2020

Mary & Nicky O Brien sympathies with Patrica and family with the loss of
Gary. He will always be in our prayers.

Jeanne Crabb

April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020

Dear Pat & Family;Ben and I are so sorry that you have to experience this tremendous loss.We are always here for you.......always.


April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020

Gary was my big brother, 10 years my senior, and one of my best friends growing up. Some might assume that the 10-year age gap was too large to foster a close bond, but this was not at all the case. As a toddler and young child, I remember Gary having a patient and protective air over me. And when I turned the corner onto the bumpy road of adolescence and high school, our big brother/little sister dynamic shifted into a tight friendship. He treated me as an equal at all of 10 years old, and made me feel like what I thought and said mattered.

In school I was a rule-follower, too full of self-doubt to say much during class and often too timid and self-conscious to show my true colors to my peers. But when I came home, I could always be myself with Gary. After my ballet class we would sit on the couch and watch WWF pro-wrestling together, discussing story lines and plot twists long after the show ended. I remember one time I had to miss our weekly Monday Night Raw tradition because we were on a family trip to Disneyland (he didn't come). When I got home, I learned that he had resourcefully set up our cerca-1992 camcorder on the tripod, turned on our show, and videotaped the TV. And then we watched it together.

And on Saturday nights, I'd stay up way past my bedtime to watch Saturday Night Live with him, both of us hoping we'd see our favorite sketches, like Dana Carvey as Massive Head-Wound Harry, Rob Schneider as the Copy Guy, and Al Franken as Stuart Smalley. He'd always make a Boboli pizza for us to eat while watching.

He introduced me to Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino movies, taking me to see Pulp Fiction at the Super Saver at age 13, insisting I couldn't leave for my 6-week summer intensive at Boston Ballet before seeing it. He made sure I knew all about Classic Rock - Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones - and that genre of music is still my favorite. He was one of the smartest people I've ever known, and one of the best writers. When I write, I still hear his voice in my head telling me "Less is more, Lauren".

He taught me so much, and I felt comfortable to be completely and unabashedly myself around him. I think he felt the same around me. For so much of my life I have felt like a square peg. But when I was with him, we could be square pegs together.

Gary, you brought so much color to my life. I'm a better person for having known you, and am so thankful you were my brother. I hope your heart is at peace.

Rigo Chacon Jr

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Gary and I were colleagues for a short period of time, but I enjoyed talking to him, and he had a wonderful demeanor. Upbeat, friendly, and a pretty good sense of humor. He was the first teacher to step up to help me during my first year at Yerba Buena High School. As a matter of fact, he went out of his way to give me the material I needed. I'll never forget how helpful and friendly he was to me.

RIP Gary.

Kristen (Russo) Merghart

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

I went Holy Spirit with Gary. I probably haven't seen him since 8 th grade graduation. But looking back through those pictures, I remember how sweet and kind he was. He had the nicest smile and always had kind things to say to anyone. He was taken way too soon. Prayers for your family ❤️

Sarah Oshuntola

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Oh Lord our God! What was it that caused the sudden departure of Mr. Gary?
He didn’t appear sick but strong the last time I saw him. We shared the same hallway and exchanged greetings when we passed by each other. The last thing anyone would think of was a terrible news. May his gentle soul rest in the bosom of Jesus Christ.Our thoughts and prayers go to his family, students and EVHS as a whole. May the Lord God in His infinite mercies and through the blood of His dear Son Jesus Christ comfort and strengthen his mother and the rest of family he left behind. May God preserve the lives of every member of his family and EVHS members in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Rest in peace, Mr. Gary.
- SO.

Faniyi Sunday

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Gary I will really missed your genuine gesture. Rest on the blossom bottom of the Lord.

Kristine Sommers

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Gary was a classmate of mine from 5th grade all the way thru high school.I remember Gary as a very intelligent, kind,witty person with a warm smile.It was not a surprise to me to find out that he had written sports columns and later become an English teacher.It warmed my heart to read all of the manywonderful comments about Gary from his family, friends, colleagues and students.He left quite an impression on many people who were blessed to have you in their lives.Taken way to soon!My condolences to your family and may they find peace and comfort in knowing you are in Gods hands!❤️

Neil Turnbull

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Dear Pat and family
Gerry and I send our love and prayers to you all. What an appallingly sad loss. Heartbreaking.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Happy memories of Gary.
All our love
Turnbull family

Rosemary McCarthy

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Sending love and sympathy to all the family, special thoughts are with Patsy Karen and lauren at this very sad and lonely time.

When we love another heart
And allow it to to love us
We journey deep below time
Into that enternal weave
Where nothing unrvavels.

By John O'Donohue author of Anam Ćara
Michael Rosemary and clan.

Kyle Kleckner

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Gary was so kind to everyone he encountered at Evergreen Valley High School.He made a meaningful impact to students' lives and made a difference for our community.I am so happy to have known him and he will be greatly missed.

Students at EVHS were impacted tremendously by the connection he formed with them.They shared some of their thoughts here:

Anna Marie

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

In our thoughts and prayerslove to you all at this very sad and difficult time
RIP my lovely funny cousin.

Erin White

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Gary was a kind and generous man. He was a valued member of our English Department and was always willing to share resources, lesson ideas, and collaborate with others. His lessons were creative and considerate of the students and their interests and abilities. He was also supportive of new teachers. It was wonderful having Gary as part of our EV family and he will be greatly missed. Rest in peace, Gary.

Billy Butchko

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

I was so sad to hear that my former neighbor had passed. Gary always had a kind word and humor for everyone. The students really loved him and missed him when he left YB. It is horrible that he was taken so soon.

Ryan-Quang Nguyen

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Working with Gary has been a tremendous experience. He always struck me as kind, patient, open, caring, creative, and intelligent. His positivity and quiet intelligence had a lasting impact on the Evergreen Valley High School Community that will be carried outward by the students and staff whose lives he has touched. He will remain an inspiration to myself and others for years to come. He will be greatly missed, may he rest in peace.

Mary McKay

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Heartfelt smypathies to you Patricia and family at your very sad loss. Thinking of you all at this time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis.

From Ronnie and Mary Yore, Ireland.

Valerie ARNOLD

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

I know your hearts are heavy, but Gary will forever be in them, just looking at his smiling face you know that he will always be happy and take comfort from that, what a smiling soul.Our hearts and prayers go out to you to all, such a loss for everyone who knew him and of course especially all of you.

Maria Solis

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Memory is a lovely thing
It lasts the longest day
It can never be spent,
And never be lent,
Nor ever be taken away

I know students will miss you and will always remember your humor and your caring and courteous nature.May your soul rest in peace.

Brian Silva

April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear of his loss. I remember your family well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Evan Gallegos

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

My Uncle Gary was someone that I admired, respected, and loved to be around. He was someone that was honest and funny, which I looked up to. He even gave my brother and me nicknames, Bobbert and Willis. I enjoyed so many memories we had together, including, going to Great America, watching tv, and playing video games. He will be forever loved and in our hearts and memories.

Karen Vandenheuvel-Galleg...

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

Owen Gallegos

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

Gary's creativity and uniqueness have been an inspiration to me. His friendly personality never failed to make me smile. I will always remember the times that my brother and I spent with him and I wish there could have been more. I will truly and deeply miss my uncle.

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Recent Tributes

Karen Vandenheuvel-Galleg...

March 29

March 29

Thinking of you today, Gary. xx

Jeanne Crabb

April 7, 2021

April 7, 2021

I've been thinking about all of you this week, and I'm wishing you peace,perfect peace.

Valerie ARNOLD

April 7, 2021

April 7, 2021

Gary, look down on your Mum today and bring her comfort, everyone misses you, but particularly today be with your Mum, sit on her shoulder and whisper things you used to share and be with her.She misses you so much.

View all 30 tributes


Our social fraternity (Gary on the left). He was one of nicest guys I ever knew. God bless him.Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (2)

Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (3)

Gary with sisters at weddingGary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (4)

Gary in Ireland at Grandma's with mom and dadGary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (5)

Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (6)

Mom with GaryGary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (7)

Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (8)

Gary at parents' 25th wedding anniversaryGary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (9)

Gary and family with Ron, Marilyn, and our beloved Stephanie Le douxGary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (10)

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His Life

From Sunny Gallegos

April 15, 2020

by Karen Vandenheuvel-Galleg...

Gary was larger than life. People say that all the time but if you knew Gary like I did you know exactly what I am talking about. I will miss watching Raiders and A’s games with him. It will never be the same. I will miss the conversations about the Raiders of the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, you know, back when the Raiders were worth talking about. The great Stabler, Allen, Branch, Biletnikoff, Brown and so on… And conversations about the Oakland A’s we both grew up watching like Jackson, Henderson, Fingers, Eckersley, Lansford, Stewart and so on… That is the reason I bought those photos I have up on the wall today.

I will miss talking about movies, new and old, Stanley Kubrick, Christopher Nolan, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, on and on and on. Tv shows like Breaking Bad, Gary introduced me to that show. He was shocked when I told him I hadn’t seen it yet. He bought me season 1 for Christmas one year. I ended up watching the whole series. When I got caught up and we dragged more family members into the show, we all watched the finale here at the house together. That was a great show; thanks Gary!

Family holidays will never be the same… Sunny’s Poker Room will never be the same. If it wasn’t for Gary and our conversations, you could say there might not be a Sunny’s Poker Room. The people like Gary are why I do it, family… friends.

Gary was my friend, he was my brother in law. Right now it’s hard to imagine playing cards out in the garage without him.

Gary was my friend, my poker buddy, my brother and I will miss him.

Recent stories

Miss you Mr. Vdh

February 27, 2023

by Melanie Nguyen

Mr. Van Den Heuvel was my teacher inmy freshman year of high school at EVHS. I am now a freshman in college.Today Irandomly thought of him and decided to check on his online memorial. I’m so happy there is a place where he can be remembered.He was too kind for his own good and unbelievablyfunny. Even though he was a new teacher to the school, everyone quickly cametolove him. Hewelcomed everyone even if they weren’t his own students. Knowingly or unknowinglyhe provided such a safe space with hisclassroom.In my last year of high school, we could finally go back oncampus and I would sometimes pass the classroom he taught in. All the memories would come flooding back. I even conversed with other students on ourgraduationand the memory of you still lives on.We will alwaysrememberyou. Wish you could’ve been there and seen us walk the stage.Miss you Mr. Vdh. Hope you’re resting well.

Mr. Van

December 31, 2021

by Savannagh Martinez


I am just now finding out that Mr. Gary passed away.

I was just about to reach out and ask how he was.

In my freshman year of high school I hadthe absolute honor of meeting this man. I was in a Biology class when we went through several substitutes until Mr. Gary walked in our class.
He introduced himself as Mr. Van. He was the absolute best teacher ever. He was equal parts smart as he was funny. He was super down to earth and such a people’s person. You can tell that he really had a passion for teaching. He was super kind to me and would always ask how I was. I sat in the back of that class and he always would make it a point to come up to me and talk with me.I remember he loved the Beatles because during our reading time in the first fifteen minutes of class, he would play the Beatles documentary. I added him on Facebook after high school and we would talk here and there and he was still the kindest man even though we had a difference in beliefs and opinions.

I was 13 when I met him and I am 24 now.I speak of him often whenever high school gets brought up.Mr. Van made an immenseimpact on my life, I will always remember him. it’s been over a year since he passed but I know that kind pain never really leaves, for that,I am truly sorry for your loss. RIP MR. VAN. you were loved.


November 18, 2020

by Robert Cofran

Gary on John were both unique and were intelligent. John loved vintage cars, tennis and family get togethers. Gary was into football and the Raiders working at various jobs in search of a sportsannouncerat a ball games. We enjoyedthe brief time they spent with us and know the are visiting passed relative in theafterlife. We and all others where blessed withthe opportunity of knowing them. May you both rest in peace until we meet again.
Aloha, The Cofran Family

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Gary John VandenHeuvel, (1970 - 2020) - Online Memorials (2024)
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